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Hi everyone, my PC is not powerfull and i need to remove the smoke effect that appears when you destroy a tank, or AAA, or stuff like this... i would like to keep the smoke when you hit a building, but not for small ground objects, wich emmiter on wich effect should i remove to avoid that specific smokes to appear?, thx!

Edited by PvtDK2

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Guest flavius_opium_maccus
  On 6/11/2010 at 2:30 PM, PvtDK2 said:

Hi everyone, my PC is not powerfull and i need to remove the smoke effect that appears when you destroy a tank, or AAA, or stuff like this... i would like to keep the smoke when you hit a building, but not for small ground objects, wich emmiter on wich effect should i remove to avoid that specific smokes to appear?, thx!


Maybe if you reduce shadow to minimum you'll gain extra frames for your smoke effect.

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All is set to minimum except "Effects"... and i know if i remove that effect it will be ok...

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1) extract ALL data inis for ALL ground objects from the Objects.cat, place in EACH of their respecive GroundObject folder;


2) removed whatever effect is called for in the DestroyedEffect= line (ie: after the = sign, leave it blank)

example: from Zil-157 truck...





DestroyedEffect= <--note removed effect callout





3) extract all _Types.inis from ALL terrains, leave in EACH terrain folder; for add on Terrains, they'll be in the terrain folder already


4) find all callouts for ground vehicles in _Types inis, erase the DestroyedEffect= called for, and ALL effects called for in SecondaryEffect=; conversley, you can can change SecondaryEffect= to 0 (zero)


Example: the generic AAA callout in all _Types.ini:














DestroyedEffect=SmallRocketGroundExplosion <--remove or change

SecondaryEffect=VehicleFireEffect <--remove

SecondaryChance=100 <-- set to 0


that should make for a nice, clean, higher-frame rate mission, albeit a bit boring without all the nice burning Bad Guy ™ targets.



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Really lot of thanks for your explanation Wrench!!! it worked perfectly xD thx thx thx thx thx thx!!!!!!!!

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A more advanced method is clean up the effects, make them more framerate friendly.


Extract the ParticleSystem.ini in the FlightData cat file in Flight folder.


Track down the effects used, then the emitter used by that effect. Increase the emission rate ... yea emission rate is really a time period. Increasing this means lower rate of particle emission. :yes:


If you pork the Particle file, delete it and the game goes back to using the original encrypted version in the cat file.

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is it just my perverted old mind, or did Lexx's explaniation sound just a little dirty???? "reduce your emission rate".


note self ... cut down on p0rn!! :rofl:



kevin stein

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