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Argentine Pucara

Sidewinders and Pucaras

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Does anybody know if the British Sidewinders ability to follow heat works with Pucaras? As far as I know the only Pucara to be shot down in air to air combat was shot down by cannon fire(2 by surface to air missiles, 1 due to ground fire, another one was shot down by a Sea Harrier, 11 were captured and 9 were destroyed due to accidents and bombs). I'm not sure weather they work or not cz the Pucaras don't seem to produce heat since they're propellers. :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:


Edited by Argentine Pucara

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Does anybody know if the British Sidewinders ability to follow heat works with Pucaras? As far as I know the only Pucara to be shot down in air to air combat was shot down by cannon fire(2 by surface to air missiles, 1 due to ground fire, another one was shot down by a Sea Harrier, 11 were captured and 9 were destroyed due to accidents and bombs). I'm not sure weather they work or not cz the Pucaras don't seem to produce heat since they're propellers.


An interesting chapter in Cmd Ward's book "Sea Harrier Over the Falklands", he described the air combat against the Pucara as very dramatic - he indeed didn't achieved lock with AIM-9L, then he switched to guns, he also said he almost hit the ground in the pursuit that followed. I'm not sure exactly why the AIM-9L didn't worked and if it was really unable to track the puc's engines, or it was due to the conditions in the scene (too hazy, humid, too low or at high G maneuvering), I have to check this closely to avoid misunderstandings.

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i thought i read somewhere that the aim9l all aspect as it is - can only really hit something head on if it conveniently flies basically straight.

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