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Squadron Insignia/Logos

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Ok, didn't get much of a response to my last request so I have dummied down my attempt at adding to much to the file and am keeping them simplier. Yet I am still not satisfied and will continue to mess with it. Would like to ask you historians of WWI aviation where I may find squadron insignias. I have found a few here and there but not any location that contains a large quantity or all of them.










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Good examples of the logos and insignia tend to be where you find them. You can do a google image search for the specific unit and that will often find you something to work with. However, the biggest and best source at your disposal for doing the OFF planes are the skins that are already in your sim folder. 90% of the historic logos and emblems, (if not more), are there already and you only need cut and paste as needed. :smile:


Good luck nbryant, and keep up the fine effort Sir. Your Spad is looking pretty darned good, but I would dial down the vibrancy of that yellow a bit. Just my opinon, but it looks much too intense for a Great War period paint.







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Stock up on Osprey books. They have some very good renditions of the squadron insignias. I have used them for many skins in the past from WWI to WWII planes that I like to fly. If the rendition is a little crude looking, I will clean it up using the b&w photos in the book, and then use the colors the artist used, unless a color pic can be had, which I try to match.

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