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EAW Notes

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To bring a little bit into the knowledge base: here comes the edit manual that Charles Gunst wrote in 2000.







Charles Gunst

Revision: 4 April 2000




Page Topic

1 Index

2 Aircraft, Weapons

3 Structure of EAW, Hex numbers, EAW numbers

4 Other Characters, Creating New Aircraft, 2DCockpits

5 The FLT files , Artwork and Virtual Cockpits

6 3DZ files and converting PAW files

7 The hangar pictures(*.MPC)

8 Text String (*.STR) files

9 FLT.CDF, the FLT files

10-12 Format of the FLT files

13-14 FLT files (max. speed & guns)

15-17 3 pages of FLT Flight model analysis

18-19 FLT: guns' muzzle vel. & rate of fire

20 FLT: guns' dispersion


22-24 PLANES.DAT 1st 4 bytes

25 PLANES.DAT Speeds, fuel, weight

26-27 PLANES.DAT Damage

28-29 PLANES.DAT Guns etc

29 Ammunition counts

30-32 LOADOUT.DAT 1st Grp of Records

33 LOADOUT.DAT 2nd Grp of Records

34 Mission (MISNxx.DAT) files

35-36 }WEAPONS.DAT 1st Grp of Records

37 WEAPONS.DAT 2nd Grp of Records

39-40 }Squadrons in Campaigns

41 SQxx4x.DAT e.g. SQGR40.DAT

42-45 Air Base Codes

46-47 CAMPxx4X.DAT

48-49 CAREER0x.SVE

50-51 Saved Mission (*.MSN) files

52 EAW Sounds

53 Conclusions






There are 30 aircraft, 20 flyable and 10 non-flyable. The Aircraft Codes are as follows:

00 P-38H

01 P-38J

02 P-47C

03 P-47D

04 P-51B

05 P-51D

06 B-17F

07 B-24D

08 B-26B

09 Hurricane

0A Spit Ia

0B Spit IX

0C Spit 14

0D Typhoon

0E Tempest

0F Mosquito

10 Bf 109E

11 Bf 109G

12 Bf 109K

13 Bf 110C

14 Bf 110G

15 Me-410

16 Fw 190A

17 Fw 190D

18 Me 262

19 Ju-88A

1A Ju-88C

1B Ju-87

1C He-111




There are 21 (15h) original types of weapons. The Weapons Codes are as follows:00=No weapon

01=100lb bomb








09=45 gal droptank

0A=75 gal

0B=108 gal

0C=150 gal

0D=165 gal


0F=300 litre

10=M10 4.5" rocket

11=60lb rocket

12=HVAR 5" rocket

13=WGr21 mortar

14=R4M rocket

(15=Hs-293 rocket bomb)

(16=Fritz-X missile)

(17=Panzerschreck rocket)

(18=SD-10 frag. cannister)

(19=50 gal Napalm)

(1A=SD-2 bomblet)

(1B=20 lb Incendiary)

(1C=10 kg Incendiary)


(= new weapons added my me in “Enemy Coast Ahead”)




EAW has its data in files in a series of library Compact Data Files (*.cdf). The constituent files can be extracted with Paulo Morais' CDF Extractor from EAW Online. An individual file in the EAW directory will be used by EAW in preference to the original in a CDF file. The CDF files are:


CDF File Size Contents

3d.cdf 4.66 Mb 3D cockpit and other views (*.3DZ)

cockpits.cdf 19.9 Mb Cockpit views of flyable aircraft (20x *.CPT)

data.cdf 1.36 Mb Aircraft and weapons data

flt.cdf 38.6 Kb Flight models (30 x *.FLT files)

fonts.cdf 1.01 Mb

grbrief.cdf 9 Mb

menu_eng.cdf 36.9 Mb

movies.cdf 284 Mb Movie files

music.cdf 1.38 Mb

pic.cdf 25.1 Mb Pictures, incl hangar pictures (*.MPC)

sound.cdf 1.14 Mb

sound16.cdf 2.38 Mb

speech1.cdf 9.94 Mb US speech *.SND files

speech2.cdf 11.3 Mb UK speech *.SND files

speech3.cdf 11.8 Mb German speech *.SND files

sprites.cdf 244 Kb

terrrain.cdf 7.57 Mb

text_eng .cdf 164 Kb Text string files (93x *.STR) for text within the sim

ukbrief.cdf 9.63 Mb

usbrief.cdf 11.4 Mb

wsound.cdf 8.87 Mb

wsprites.cdf 23.9 Mb


Hex to Decimal numbers are:

1 - 9 A B C D E F

1 - 9 10 11 12 13 14 15



Most EAW files use the Intel low-byte/high-byte format for numbers i.e. 3E8 is stored as E803.

Some (e.g. the *.FLT files) use a combination of short, long and float format (byte = 1-byte integer, short= 2-byte integer, long=4-byte, float=4-byte).


Hexworks has a Hex-Decimal calculator, a Data Viewer, and a Base Converter (Intel Hex-Decimal). The Windows calculator (Scientific mode) converts Hexadecimal-Binary etc



When hex editing text strings, the ASCII characters for German vowels with an umlaut are:

a 84 e 89 o 94 u 81

A 8e E O 99 U 9a



A basic new flyable aircraft requires 3 things:

1. Hangar picture (*.MPC)

2. Out-of-cockpit view file (*.CPT) and 6x Virtual Cockpit view files (5x*.3DZ & 1x VCG_xxxx.DAT)

3. Assigning the aircraft to a squadron, e.g. the Ju-87 Stuka to, say, EGr210 (in SQGR40.DAT)



This file contains 20 *.CPT files, of variable length but each approximately 1 Mb. These are the out-of-cockpit views for each flyable aircraft. When creating a new flyable aircraft, take a suitable existing *.CPT file and re-name it (e.g. P191VIEW.CPT [bf-110] is re-named P261VIEW.CPT for the Ju-88C).











P091VIEW.CPT Hurricane

P101VIEW.CPT Spitfire I

P111VIEW.CPT Spitfire IX

P121VIEW.CPT Spitfire 14

P131VIEW.CPT Typhoon

P141VIEW.CPT Tempest

*P151VIEW.CPT Mosquito

P161VIEW.CPT Bf-109E

P171VIEW.CPT Bf-109G

P181VIEW.CPT Bf-109K

P191VIEW.CPT Bf-110C

P201VIEW.CPT Bf-110G

*P211VIEW.CPT Me-410

P221VIEW.CPT Fw-190A

P231VIEW.CPT Fw-190D

P241VIEW.CPT Me-262

*P251VIEW.CPT Ju-88A

*P261VIEW.CPT Ju-88C

*P271VIEW.CPT Ju-87

*P281VIEW.CPT He-111


* Not present, but needed if new flyable aircraft introduced.





The full names of the *.FLT files, which also relate to the *.3DZ files, are as follows:109E.FLT
































The *.3DZ files contain the definition of the geometry data for the planes and are linked to a texture file. They refer to files with PCX as the file extension, which do not exist. There is, however, a file of the same name (e.g. P109EV.TPC) with TPC as the file extension. Microprose’ utility PICPAC.EXE creates TPC files from PCX files, enabling new aircraft skins to be created. The TEX files are a container for different kind of textures and that the 3DZ files are the geometry.



3D.CDF has the various 3D files, including the Virtual Cockpit files. Five are needed, as follows:


Single engined aircraft

PxxxxU.3DZ Geometry and textures for the wings (single engine)

PxxxxV.3DZ Geometry and textures for the inner left part of the cockpit

PxxxxW.3DZ Geometry and textures for the inner right part of the cockpit

PxxxxX.3DZ Geometry and textures for the instrument panel

PxxxxZ.3DZ Geometry and textures for the gunsight

Twin engined aircraft

PxxxxV.3DZ Geometry and textures for the inner left part of the cockpit

PxxxxW.3DZ Geometry and textures for the inner right part of the cockpit

PxxxxX.3DZ Geometry and textures for the instrument panel

PxxxxY.3DZ Geometry and textures for the wings (twin engines)

PxxxxZ.3DZ Geometry and textures for the gunsight


xxxx is the code of the aircraft as per the *.FLT files.

The files VCG_xxxx.DAT (from DATA.CDF) are also needed. They contain the definition of the Virtual Cockpit gauges. Rename the files using the relevant code of the non-flyable aircraft.



The full list of 3DZ files is as follows:

File (e.g P109Ex.3DZ) References picture (*.TPC) file

PxxxxF.3DZ External picture PxxxxTEX.PCX

PxxxxH.3DZ Propellor and cowling PxxxxTEX.PCX

PxxxxL.3DZ PxxxxTEX.PCX

PxxxxM.3DZ Medium distance picture PxxxxTEX.PCX

PxxxxN.3DZ Bomber nose art

PxxxxP.3DZ Propellor spinner PxxxxTEX.PCX

PxxxxR.3DZ PxxxxTEX.PCX

PxxxxS.3DZ Long distance picture? PxxxxTEX.PCX

PxxxxT.3DZ PxxxxTEX.PCX

PxxxxU.3DZ Wings (single engine) PxxxxV.PCX

PxxxxV.3DZ Inner left part of the cockpit PxxxxV.PCX

PxxxxW.3DZ Inner right part of the cockpit PxxxxV.PCX

PxxxxX.3DZ Instrument panel PxxxxV.PCX

PxxxxY.3DZ Wings (twin engines) PxxxxY.PCX

PxxxxZ.3DZ Gunsight PxxxxV.PCX




PxxxxTEX.TPC This is the only file different in the German version of EAW. The differences obliterate the swastika on the rudder.


Converting 1942 Pacific Air War (PAW) files to EAW

The format in PAW is similar. In EAW the 3DZ files are the 3D shapes, and the TPC files are the aircraft skins. The reference in the EAW *.3DZ files is to a PCX file, which does not exist in EAW - it is the TPC file of the same name. (This is a coding hangover from PAW, which does use *.PCX files)


In PAW the skin file is *.PCX, but this is not a regular PCX file, but obviously a Microprose file, with the same format as the EAW *.TPC files. The EAW *.TPC files are 256x256 size, but the PAW *.PCX files are only 256x128 size Using the corresponding PAW skin file, and re-naming it, gives an error message about "File the wrong size". For EAW, the *.TPC files have to be drawn from scratch over the PAW 3D shapes. The PAW 3DZ files are easier to convert. Change the internal reference to PxxxxTEX.PCX and change the file name itself as follows:


PAW file name EAW file name

xxx.3DZ PxxxxF.3DZ Main external picture

xxx_HALF.3DZ PxxxxG.3DZ (Right side, 2 or 4-engined planes only)


3xxx.3DZ PxxxxM.3DZ Medium distance picture

3xxx.3DZ (again) PxxxxN.3DZ (Right side, 2 or 4-engined planes only)


23xxx.3Dz PxxxxS.3DZ Long distance picture

123xxx.3DZ PxxxxT.3DZ Function not known




This file contains 20 *.MPC files, of variable length but each approximately 200 Kb. These are the hangar views for each flyable aircraft. When creating a new flyable aircraft, take an existing *.MPC file and re-name it (e.g. HNGR20.MPC [bf-110G] is re-named HNGR26.MPC for the Ju-88C).











HNGR09.MPC Hurricane

HNGR10.MPC Spitfire I

HNGR11.MPC Spitfire IX

HNGR12.MPC Spitfire 14

HNGR13.MPC Typhoon

HNGR14.MPC Tempest

*HNGR15.MPC Mosquito

HNGR16.MPC Bf-109E

HNGR17.MPC Bf-109G

HNGR18.MPC Bf-109K

HNGR19.MPC Bf-110C

HNGR20.MPC Bf-110G

*HNGR21.MPC Me-410

HNGR22.MPC Fw-190A

HNGR23.MPC Fw-190D

HNGR24.MPC Me-262

*HNGR25.MPC Ju-88A

*HNGR26.MPC Ju-88C

*HNGR27.MPC Ju-87

*HNGR28.MPC He-111



* Not present, but needed if new flyable aircraft introduced.




Text strings are found in the *.STR files, in TEXT_ENG.CDF. They are the simplest files to edit.

STR files include pilot names (AMRLNAME.STR etc), squadron names (SQNAMEGR.STR etc) and so on. STR files have a common format, as follows:


pppp Pointer to end of file (EOF = Pointer + 8)

nn00 Number of text strings

Then the pointers to each string:

p100 Pointer to 1st text string (add 8 to find string)

p200 Pointer to 2nd text string (add 8 to find string)...etc...

Then the text strings themselves, each separated by 00.


To change a text string, type the new string over an existing one, replacing any unrequired letters with 00. Alternatively, if a longer word is needed, add bytes to the file, and then adjust the pointers (including the EOF pointer). Paulo's utilities DUMPSTR.EXE and BUILDSTR.EXE now automate this task.


Text string files which I have amended include:


GERLNAME.STR } Last names for squadron pilots (the first names are in BRTFNAME.STR etc)


PNAMES.STR Plane names displayed in flight


SQDESCUK.STR } Narrative history of squadrons displayed when choosing squadron



SQNAMEUK.STR } Names of squadrons displayed when choosing squadron


RADIOTXT.STR Text of in-flight messages (incl gun desc. eg "20mm Cannon")

TARNAMES.STR List of names of places. At byte 0a43 after ZWICKAU is a list of airbases

TARTYPES.STR Generic target type names e.g. "Barracks", "Airfield" etc





This file contains 30 *.FLT files, each 1284 bytes long.


Extracting the *.FLT files from FLT.CDF gives 30 *.FLT files, each 1284 bytes long. An extracted file can be simply re-named (e.g. the 190A.FLT file, after extraction, can be re-named 109G.FLT, and the Bf109G will then fly like the Fw190A). A better solution is to edit the files with Jeroen van Soest's EAW AircraftEdit program. The full names of the *.FLT files are as follows:



































Jeff D provided this information (short=2 byte integer, long=4 byte, float=4 byte, all C style). These figures are still very provisional:


Byte # (h)

//Engine data //Example

00 short number_of_engines //i.e. 1st two bytes

02 short engine_type //00=prop, 01=jet

04 float engine_altitude // Engine best at this altitude (e.g. P38H=22k feet, P38J=25k feet)

08 float unknown Horsepower at sea level (jets in lbs of thrust). This seems to be a sort of power loading factor, ranging from 0.00 (worst case, P38H) to -0.09 (best case, Tempest). Reduces time to lift-off

0c float unknown Horsepower at cruise altitude or max ceiling

10 float number_of_blades? 3 blades=0.006, 4= 0.007, 5=0.009, Jets=0

14 float min_throttle Engine torque multiplier (64 for all except jets, which are 25.6)


//Flight control data

18 (3 floats: max, min, rate) Throttle (P38H= 256, 0, 128)

24 (3 floats: max, min, rate) elevator (P38H= 128, -108, 256)

30 (3 floats: max, min, rate) flaps (P38H= 3, 0, 0.7)

3c (3 floats: max, min, rate) ailerons (P38H= 128, -128, 426)

48 (3 floats: max, min, rate) rudder (P38H= 128, -128, 275)


54 float max_altitude (P38H= 40,000 feet) Above this power goes to zero

58 float max_velocity Approx 1.5 x real max speed, see full notes below

5c float max_AOA

60 float critical_mach

64 float max_g Usually 9

68 float min_g All=3.0, except Hurr and Spit 1=0; max neg. g. for engine

6c float unknown


70 float mass_empty Multiply by 32.2 factor for combat weight in lbs

74 float mass_fuel

78 float unknown

7c float unknown

80 float unknown

84 float torque1?

88 float torque2

8c float torque3


//Bunch of coefficients for the flight equations : see detailed analysis below

90 (5 floats) drag stability

a4 (8 floats) sideforce stability

c4 (6 floats) lift stability

dc (9 floats) roll stability derivatives

100 (6 floats) pitch stablility derivatives

118 (9 floats) yaw stability derivatives


//The following section TIMES FIVE--lookup table data

13c long size Always 0a00=10 (5 Data curves. Each block is 0a00 0000, then 13 floats)

float delta_x 10=number of data points, at end of block. First 3 values may be data spacing and range of values

float inv_delta_x

float zero_x

float Table[10]


//The following section TIMES SIX--weapon data : see below (p. 15) for more detail

254 (3 floats) position x,y,z Gun flash position x, y & z co-ords

float secondary_position_x

float secondary_position_y

float muzzle_velocity 80% of real values

float rate_of_fire 1 second burst of fire for this weapon

float dispersion Important: reduces or increases effect for guns

float eject_position_1 //

float eject_position_2 //

short yaw

short duration of tracer or range


//Landing gear data

35c float height

360 float pitch (P38=0.063, B17=0.118, 110G=0.18, P51=0.19, 109E=0.24)

364 (3 floats: max, min, rate) gear_control


//This part times THREE (one for each gear)

float n

(3 floats) position x, y, z


//This part times SEVEN

(3 floats) damage position x, y, z


//This part times TWO

(3 floats) wing position x, y, z


//This part times FOUR

(3 floats) engine position x, y, z 4 Smoke positions


43c //Hit boxes/spheres

//This part times EIGHT Coordinates (x, y, z) and radius of hit boxes

(3 floats) hit locations x, y, z , plus float Radius


The known offsets here are:


1) 43c Single engined planes: engine (including oil & fuel lines). Multi engined planes: no effect


2) 44c Pilot


3) 45c Collision area: gun fire doesn't damage it. When disabled one can ram other planes without any damage. When enabled: collision can cause any damage independently of other hit boxes (e.g. even with pilot hit box disabled ramming a plane can kill the pilot)


4) 46c Tail section (incl. rudder and elevators)


5) 47c Right wing incl. hydraulics (four engined planes: inner right engine and wing)


6) 48c Right wing incl. aileron (four engined planes: outer right engine and wing)


7) 49c Left wing incl. hydraulics (four engined planes: inner left engine and wing)


8) 4ac Left wing incl. aileron (four engined planes: outer left engine and wing)


4bc long unknown

long radius_z

float engine_hit_points


These are quite similar to the damage table in PLANES.DAT. N.B. Byte 4a0 is the Microprose right wing error (inability to damage the left wing - the Y-coordinate is wrongly made the same as the right wing)


//This part times FIVE

4c8 (3 floats) position_of_weapons launch x, y and z coordinates of Weapons launch stations





The figure at byte # 58 regulates maximum speed The number is not the exact speed in MPH or in KPH, but the correlation is nearly linear. The equation is approximately:

EAW number = Real airspeed x 1.5

Real Airspeed = EAW number x 0.67


The figures are as follows (Dec=decimal value of Float variable, MPH=Maximum speed in m.p.h.(according to Microprose figures in EAW "View Objects"):


Plane Float Dec. MPH

109E 0c42 ff43 510.5 348

109G c590 0d44 566.3 387

109K 60c5 2544 663.1 452

110C d3fd ff43 512.0 349

110G 2b97 fb43 503.2 343

190A fa63 1344 589.7 408

190D b85e 2144 645.5 426

262 4cc7 4644 795.1 542

B24 e7fb de43 446.0 303

B26 d5d8 ce43 413.7 317

B17 79d9 d943 435.7 287

H111 d93e c843 400.5 252

Hurr 37c9 e743 463.6 316

J88A 4861 cd43 410.7 280

J88C 561e e443 456.2 311

Plane Float Dec. MPH

J87B e9d6 ad43 347.7 238

M410 e132 0d44 564.8 388

Mosq 715d 0b44 557.5 380

P38H a2d5 1744 607.3 414

P38J 4a3c 1c44 624.9 414

P47C 81cd 1e44 635.2 419

P47D 2be7 1f44 639.6 436

P51B d500 2144 644.0 439

P51D 0e45 2044 641.1 437

Spit 1 3d32 0244 520.8 355

Spit 9 4ea2 1544 598.5 408

Spit 14 d34d 2444 657.2 448

Temp 7f1a 2244 648.4 435

Typh 8cc4 1a44 619.1 412

V1 33b3 1244 586.8 420



Paulo Morais decoded the FLT data related to aircraft guns. The file format for guns starts at byte #254 h (596 d), and is follows:

6 groups of 2c (44 d) bytes (one for each possible gun group) made up of the following 12 blocks:


1. 4 bytes (FLOAT) Gun flash x coordinate for first pair of guns in group

2. 4 bytes (FLOAT) Gun flash y coordinate for first pair of guns in group

3. 4 bytes (FLOAT) Gun flash z coordinate all the guns in group

4. 4 bytes (FLOAT) Gun flash x coordinate for second pair of guns in group

5. 4 bytes (FLOAT) Gun flash y coordinate for second pair of guns in group

6. 4 bytes (FLOAT) Muzzle Velocity (MV) }

7. 4 bytes (FLOAT) Rate of Fire (ROF) } (see detailed analysis below)

8. 4 bytes (FLOAT) Dispersion }

9. 4 bytes (FLOAT) x offset from flash for empty shells for first pair (0 = no shells)

10. 4 bytes (FLOAT) x offset from flash for empty shells for second pair (0 = no shells)

11. 2 bytes (WORD) Yaw

12. 2 bytes (WORD) Tracer duration or range


Note: x is the longitudinal axis of aircraft, y is the wing axis and z the vertical. The positive sense of the axis is not the same for all aircraft. Paulo Morais' file ALL_FLT.TXT contains a full dump for version 1.1 of EAW.



Use Jeroen's EAW AircraftEdit to change the FLT files.

Paulo has noted the following:

Byte 9c Drag Positive drag. Nearly linear to rated power. Increasing this increases acceleration.

Byte c8 Lift Wing area? Increasing the absolute value (e.g. -600 to -700) increases lift.

Bytes f0&f4 Roll related to engines (1, 2 or 4 engines)

Bytes 12c&130 Yaw related to engines (2 or 4 engines the same)




*.FLT Byte # P38H P38J P47C P47D P51B P51D B17F B24D B26B HURR


Drag 90 -4.209 -4.159 -2.970 -3.032 -1.888 -1.888 -12.26 -8.23 -9.37 -2.146

stability 94 -.0003 -.0003 -.0004 -.0004 -.0005 -.0005 -.0000 -.0001 -.0000 -.0004

98 -0.115 -0.115 -0.167 -0.167 -0.148 -0.148 -0.875 -0.649 -0.348 -0.153

9c 3592.1 3592.1 5073.1 5363.0 3529.1 3599 2268.7 2268 3781 1947

a0 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12


Sideforce a4 -193.6 -203.2 -216.2 -220.9 -169.1 -179.3 -709.5 -772.7 -444.1 -92.2

stability a8 2.240 2.240 2.188 2.188 1.182 1.300 22.22 15.882 5.39 1.63

ac 1.255 1.317 -1.401 -1.432 -1.096 -1.162 0 0 -2.87 -0.597

b0 -1.255 -1.317 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.87 0

b4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

bc -0.132 -0.138 -0.147 -0.150 -0.115 -0.122 -0.483 -0.526 -0.302 -0.062

c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Lift c4 -37.34 -42.03 -33.70 -35.7 -21.91 -23.05 -256.3 -258.0 -125.0 -21.3

stability c8 -988.9 -988.9 -811.1 -811.1 -612.6 -612.6 -4125 -3293 -1857 -683.8

cc 2.558 2.558 -2.084 2.084 0.139 0.139 18.14 39.24 -3.23 1.22

d0 -20.29 -20.29 -16.06 -16.06 -8.46 -8.46 -159.3 -74.72 -52.3 -8.78

d4 0.1662 0.1662 0.0961 0.0961 0.0599 0.0599 0.272 0.1277 0.229 0.033

d8 -19.94 -19.94 -15.82 -15.82 -18.14 -18.14 -122.9 -150.8 -54.3 -18.1


Roll dc -75.17 -75.17 -112.4 -112.4 -62.12 -63.11 -707.9 -271.2 -97.4 -65.2

stability e0 -328.1 -328.1 -160.6 -160.6 -97.29 -97.29 -5605 -5923 -981.0 -153.6

derivatives e4 281.57 281.57 113.5 113.5 57.489 57.88 4748.4 5651 741 125.1

e8 3.0055 3.339 1.78 1.78 0.968 0.968 23.02 25.51 6.60 1.64

ec -0.045 -0.045 -0.038 -0.038 -0.026 0.028 -0.332 -0.250 -0.072 -0.03

f0 7.825 7.825 -9.29 -9.56 -7.756 -7.756 0 0 -8.02 -5.76

f4 -7.825 -7.825 0 0 0 0 0 0 -8.02 0

f8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

fc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Pitch 100 15.019 7.410 2.616 0.890 2.182 1.494 -257.1 -150.4 -45.21 3.37

stability 104 -1513 -1513 -859.0 -859.0 -372.0 -372.0 -11873 -3402 -2975 -292.1

derivatives 108 -117.9 -117.9 -109.3 -109.3 -37.02 -37.02 -2003 -468.0 -436 -38.9

10c -368.3 -368.3 -298.4 -298.4 -111.7 -111.7 -5327 -2068 -1314 -119.4

110 3.949 3.949 2.14 2.14 1.004 1.004 24.93 7.145 6.69 0.744

114 -1.647 -1.647 1.906 1.906 2.018 -2.018 -53.73 -22.10 -8.24 0.874


Yaw 118 275.3 282.94 249.86 252.86 103.28 110.06 4443.7 3651 826 159.2

stability 11c -10.78 -10.78 -7.108 -7.108 -3.37 -3.37 -205.9 -107.9 -40.0 -6.95

derivatives 120 -164.4 -168.9 -149.2 -151.0 -61.68 -65.73 -2653 -2180 -493.7 -95.2

124 -0.014 -0.016 -0.008 -0.008 -0.002 -0.02 -0.109 -0.127 -0.03 -0.009

128 0.313 0.313 0.192 0.192 0.124 0.137 3.02 2.489 0.563 0.153

12c 28606 28606 0 0 0 0 44281 54833 37228 0

130 -28606 -28606 0 0 0 0 20563 24853 -37228 0

134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

138 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0




*.FLT Byte # SPIT1 SPIT9 SPIT14 TYPH TEMP MOSQ 109E 109G 109K 110C


Drag 90 -1.569 -2.352 -2.529 -1.714 -2.034 -3.282 -1.513 -1.675 -1.404 -3.085

stability 94 -.0004 -.0004 -.0004 -.0004 -.0004 -.0002 -.0007 -.0007 -.0007 -.0003

98 -0.116 -0.116 -0.116 -0.179 -0.204 -0.209 -0.118 -0.102 -0.102 -0.264

9c 1947 3319 4521.7 4100.2 4373.6 2990.3 2048 2775 3686 2048

a0 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12


Sideforce a4 -90.34 -105.7 -117.4 -99.44 -135.8 -219.2 -66.00 -70.36 -71.89 -120.3

stability a8 0.8017 0.8017 0.957 1.5604 2.0397 2.561 0.2955 0.2893 0.2893 1.3848

ac -0.585 -0.685 0.761 -0.644 -0.880 -1.42 -0.427 -0.456 -0.466 -0.779

b0 0 0 0 0 0 -1.42 0 0 0 -0.779

b4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

bc -0.061 -0.072 -0.080 -0.067 -0.092 -0.149 -0.045 -0.049 -0.049 -0.082

c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Lift c4 -14.82 -19.64 -19.12 -17.93 -21.95 -41.13 -12.19 -11.83 -11.83 -37.45

stability c8 -573.5 -573.5 -574.0 -756.1 -774.3 -1211 -472.6 -468.8 -468.8 -1112

cc 1.2734 1.2734 1.2396 1.0827 0.6662 2.908 0.2557 0.5193 0.5193 5.5641

d0 -7.143 -7.143 -7.392 -10.05 -11.37 -29.39 -5.999 -5.856 -5.856 -18.78

d4 0.0357 0.0357 0.0268 0.0387 0.0426 0.137 0.0445 0.0414 0.038 0.0411

d8 -18.03 -18.03 -18.03 -18.70 -20.00 -28.46 -11.01 -13.17 -13.17 -38.61


Roll dc -55.74 -55.74 -56.01 -76.74 -75.52 -50.27 -44.16 -33.24 -33.24 -99.59

stability e0 -92.42 -92.42 -92.42 -168.9 -162.8 -439.0 -57.80 -58.59 -58.59 -411.1

derivatives e4 58.432 58.43 58.786 127.19 107.58 303.32 36.411 35.832 35.832 321.79

e8 1.216 1.2163 1.2163 1.5613 1.584 3.1067 0.5845 0.5819 0.5819 3.1875

ec -0.015 -0.015 -0.023 -0.030 -0.036 0.0163 -0.008 -0.007 -0.008 -0.03

f0 -5.761 -7.522 8.7792 -8.36 -8.634 -7.139 -5.908 -6.877 -7.927 -5.908

f4 0 0 0 0 0 -7.139 0 0 0 -5.908

f8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

fc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Pitch 100 7.1987 7.8169 9.7707 4.432 4.4328 11.533 4.563 3.8988 4.925 8.222

stability 104 -383.5 -383.5 -419.9 -357.1 -420.8 -2323 -302.5 -300.0 -300.0 -1280

derivatives 108 -30.48 -30.48 -34.08 -45.58 -55.55 -216.9 -25.4 -23.54 -23.54 -104.3

10c -98.77 -98.77 -111.2 -142.6 -169.7 -659.8 -86.11 -82.95 -82.95 -347.2

110 1.0356 1.0356 1.0078 0.857 1.0732 4.8787 0.8125 0.765 0.720 2.976

114 0.4407 0.4407 0.4407 1.3118 4.0424 -2.226 0.9264 1.4945 1.4945 -2.589


Yaw 118 81.234 88.734 104.93 178.85 210.59 341.87 42.482 42.906 43.429 284.56

stability 11c -3.642 -3.642 -3.646 -7.221 -7.438 -19.37 -2.240 -2.249 -2.249 -16.88

derivatives 120 -48.51 -52.99 -62.66 -106.8 -125.7 -204.1 -25.37 -25.62 -25.93 -169.9

124 -0.004 -0.004 -0.004 -0.007 -0.007 -0.014 -0.002 -0.002 -0.002 -0.015

128 0.111 0.111 0.1883 0.1829 0.219 0.233 0.0671 0.0657 0.657 0.2736

12c 0 0 0 0 0 22454 0 0 0 14076

130 0 0 0 0 0 -22454 0 0 0 -14076

134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

138 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0





*.FLT Byte # 110G 410 190A 190D 262 J88A J88C JU87 H111 V1V1


Drag 90 -6.309 -3.166 -1.965 -1.854 -4.73 -5.555 -4.65 -5.098 -6.913 -0.794

stability 94 -.0003 -.0003 -.0006 -.0006 -.0005 -.0001 -.0001 -.0003 -.0001 -.002

98 -0.264 -0.249 -0.078 -0.079 -0.160 -0.441 -0.441 -0.217 -0.478 -.0006

9c 2988.7 2867.4 3403.1 4033.3 9.453 2079 2249.8 2252.9 2252.9 3.15

a0 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12


Sideforce a4 -132.9 -278.7 -117.0 -108.3 -209.3 -275.9 -288.1 -190.9 -248.2 -27.44

stability a8 1.384 4.808 1.464 1.133 1.496 6.72 6.72 2.04 7.351 0.269

ac -0.861 -1.806 -0.758 -0.702 0 -1.78 -1.867 -1.23 -1.608 0

b0 -0.861 -1.806 0 0 0 -1.78 -1.867 0 -1.608 0

b4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

bc -0.090 -0.19 -0.798 -0.739 -0.142 -0.188 -0.196 -0.130 -0.169 -0.018

c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Lift c4 -53.6 -46.55 -22.12 -17.95 -17.42 -106.0 -96.6 -45.04 -106.8 -6.4

stability c8 -1112 -1144 -551.1 -538.5 -674.1 -1820 -1820 -880.8 -2413 -183.5

cc 5.56 2.602 -0.870 0.277 0.807 1.17 1.17 2.54 -1.244 -0.818

d0 -18.78 -24.6 -8.92 -7.805 -9.75 -46.3 -46.3 -14.4 -66.15 -1.893

d4 0.041 0.087 0.0498 0.0606 0.0379 0.135 0.135 0.06 0.15 0.003

d8 -38.6 -36.3 -9.258 -9.69 -21.78 -50.14 -50.14 -22.4 -55.4 -0.131


Roll dc -99.59 -157.6 -64.81 -58.03 -77.17 -284.8 -284.8 -117.9 -545.6 -2.69

stability e0 -411.1 -413.8 -78.32 -75.18 -142.9 -1006 -1006 -214.7 -1658 -7.29

derivatives e4 321.79 352.73 60.077 53.27 116.9 789 789 139.9 1261 4.199

e8 3.187 2.913 0.899 0.965 1.283 5.182 5.182 1.27 9.254 0.558

ec -0.030 -0.061 -0.027 -0.030 -0.027 -0.149 -0.149 -0.04 -0.131 -0.006

f0 -7.137 -6.991 -7.61 -8.29 0 -5.95 -6.19 -6.19 -6.19 0

f4 -7.137 -6.991 0 0 0 -5.95 -6.19 0 -6.19 0

f8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

fc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Pitch 100 11.709 -2.408 1.516 4.738 2.145 -56.08 -50.54 -5.501 -15.06 3.24

stability 104 -1280 -1711 -374.5 -453.3 -587.6 -3323 -3323 -806.0 -3694 -253.6

derivatives 108 -104.3 -186.0 -51.95 -41.53 -51.4 -418.7 -418.7 -59.06 -669 -3.79

10c -347.2 -544.0 -155.4 -121.7 -140.2 -1070 -1070 -222.0 -1680 -15.12

110 2.976 3.85 0.988 1.19 1.41 6.97 6.97 1.69 7.757 0.608

114 -2.589 -3.64 0.173 0.314 -14.56 -14.7 -14.7 -0.14 -26.06 0.07


Yaw 118 300.83 531.82 129.95 110.21 140.58 1005.1 1029.3 181.08 1318 14.15

stability 11c -16.88 -16.27 -3.62 -2.96 -5.67 -43.07 -43.07 -10.86 -75.83 -0.18

derivatives 120 -179.6 -317.6 -77.6 -65.8 -83.9 -600.3 -614.7 -108.1 -787.5 -8.45

124 -0.015 -0.013 -0.004 -0.003 -0.005 -0.02 -0.02 -0.005 -0.04 -0.001

128 0.273 0.362 0.177 0.201 0.1247 0.881 0.881 0.224 0.899 0.051

12c 20540 21245 0 0 65.82 17979 19450 0 18146 0

130 -20540 -22245 0 0 -65.82 -17979 -19450 0 -18146 0

134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

138 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0





EAW only provides for 4 types of guns (light MG, heavy MG, 20mm cannon and 30mm heavy cannon), but allows for different types to be carried by different aircraft. EAW also has a number of significant errors in weapons characteristics. The weapons figures are generally too low, both as to muzzle velocity and rate of fire. All muzzle velocities are too low -this makes for exaggerated trajectories (i.e. rounds falling away too early) . The rates of fire of the 0.50 cal MG and 20mm MG151 and Hispano MkII cannon are high (this exhausts ammunition loads too soon), while the ROFs of the MG81 7.92mm, MK108 30mm and Hispano MkV 20mm are low (this makes for low hitting power - not enough rounds per second hitting the target). The data is as follows:


German weapons Muzzle velocity Rate of Fire (per second)

Calibre Real MV EAW MV Real EAW ROF

Weapon m/s f/s f/s

MG17 7.92 mm 755 2477 1981.6 20 20

MG81 7.92 mm 730 2395 1981.6 25 10

MG81Z 7.92 mm 730 2395 1981.6 25 10

MG131 13 mm 730 2395 1896 15 15

MG/FF 20 mm 570 1870 1520 6.667 8.67

MGFF/M 20mm 690 2263 1520 8.667 8.67

MG151 20 mm 740 2427 1840 12.5 13.3

MK108 30 mm 505 1656 1320 10 8.33

MK103 30 mm 860 2820 N/A 7 N/A

37 mm A/T 760 2500 (est) 2.333 N/A


Japanese weapons Muzzle velocity Rate of Fire

Calibre Real MV EAW MV Real EAW ROF

Weapon m/s f/s f/s

Type 89 7.7 mm flex 750 2460 15

Type 92 7.7 mm 750 2460 10

Type 97 7.7 mm 750 2460 16.667

Type 98 7.92 mm 730 2460 25

Ho-103 Type 1 12.7mm 796 2610 15

Ho-103 Type 3 13.2mm 790 2590 13.333

Type 99/1 20 mm 555 1820 8.166

Type 99/2 20 mm 750 2460 12.5

Ho-3 20 mm 820 2690 6.667

Ho-5 20 mm 750 2460 14.166

Ho-105 30mm 750 2460 7.5

Ho-203 37 mm 575 1886 2.166


Allied weapons Muzzle velocity Rate of Fire

Calibre Real MV EAW MV Real EAW ROF

Weapon m/s f/s f/s

Browning .303 cal 792 2600 1920 20 19.167

French 7.5mm MG 2590 28

ShKAS 7.62mm 825 2700 - 30 (22.5 synch)

UBK 12.7 mm 850 2788 - 17.5 (13.3 synch)

Browning .50 cal 868 2850 2200 12.5 13.3

French 20mm cannon 2500 8

MkII(*) 20 mm 880 2887.1 2256 10 13.3

MkV (*) 20 mm 840 2755 2256 12.5 11.667

ShVAK or B20 20mm 800 2624 - 13.3 -

NS 23mm 690 2263 - 9.2 -

M4 37 mm 610 2000 - 2.333 -

Oerlikon 40mm 853 2800 (est) 3 -


For conversion: 1 metre=3.28 feet


Bomber guns (e.g. B17) are HALF the usual ROF.



The positions of the Muzzle velocity (MV) and Rate of Fire (ROF) figures in the FLT files are:


1st Gun Group Byte # 268

2nd Gun Group Byte # 294

3rd Gun Group Byte # 2c0

4th Gun Group Byte # 2ec

5th Gun Group Byte # 318

6th Gun Group Byte # 344


Changing the figures as set out above makes most fighter gun fire more lethal, because more rounds are fired per second. In dogfights, the "on target" ability of all guns is enhanced (because of the increased muzzle velocity), so less deflection is necessary. As of "Enemy Coast Ahead" Version 1.2 the muzzle velocities and rates of fire of all fighter aircraft now correspond with the actual data. Different weapons of the same calibre (e.g. the 20mm MG FF and MG 151) now have quite different firing abilities. Daniel Haeni did most of the research for this.


Gun Ranges

The ranges (byte #12 in each gun group) of the guns is as follows:

Hex Decimal

Flex MG17 7.9mm 54 84

Flex .303 cal MG 54 84 *derived

Flex .50 cal MG 5b 91

Flex MG131 13mm 6a 106

Flex MG81 7.9mm 87 135

7.9mm MG17 7.9mm 87 135 also ShKAS 7.62mm, and Japanese 7.7mm

.303 cal Browning MG 8c 140

.50 cal Browning MG 98 152 also UBK 12.7mm, and Japanese 12.7mm

20mm HispII or MGFF b0 176 also ShVAK and B-20 20mm, and Japanese 20mm

13mm MG 131 b1 177

20mm Hispano V b2 178 also NS-23 23mm

30mm Mk108 cb 203 also Japanese 30mm

20mm MG151 db 219

37mm and 40mm db 219





This is an important figure. Dispersion is the maximum radius of bullet dispersion at some distant point, presumably linked to a random number. There are larger values for wing mounted guns, smaller ones for nose mounted (there are some real anomolies here, like the large figures for the nose mounted guns for the Bf109E, and the Spit IX MGs). To check this Paulo reduced this values to near zero in the 4x20mm equipped Hurricane IIc. The result was a systematic 12+ He111 or 10+ Ju88 bombers downed from distances higher than 600ft firing very sort bursts. Applying the reverse treatment, big values, result in having to close to 100ft to be able to down a single bomber.


The positions of the Dispersion figures in the FLT files are:


1st Gun Group Byte # 270

2nd Gun Group Byte # 29c

3rd Gun Group Byte # 2c8

4th Gun Group Byte # 2f4

5th Gun Group Byte # 320

6th Gun Group Byte # 34c



Gun Group Byte # P38H P38J P47C P47D P51B P51D B17F B24D B26B HURR


1st 270 0.5 0.5 3.3 3.3 3.36 3.31 1.5 1.5 1.5 4.65

2nd 29c 1.575 1.575 3.825 3.825 3.525 3.48 1.625 1.625 1.625 4.9

3rd 2c8 1.7 1.7 ---- ---- ---- ---- 1.625 1.625 1.625 ----

2.599.. 3.84... 2.325... ----


1st 270 4.11 2.33 3.22 2.3499 2.805 2.5 2.65 1.627 1.627 0.545

2nd 29c 4.93 5.18 2.3625 ---- ---- 0.5 2.425 0.5 0.5 2.63

3rd 2c8 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 2.60 2.60 2.775


110G 410 190A 190D 262 J88A J88C JU87 H111 V1

1st 270 0.545 0.611 1.599 1.599 0.60 2.675 0.625 4.15 2.5 ----

2nd 29c 2.63 0.569 1.31 1.486 0.75 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.5 ----

3rd 2c8 2.77 ---- 2.60 ---- ---- 2.5... 2.625... ---- 3.47.. ----


Note the generally pro-U.S. figures here (U.S. guns are generally much more concentrated than German and British ones). For ECA Version 1.3 I have made a number of changes to dispersion, as follows.

All bomber flex guns(B17, B24) are now 2.5

Bf109E nose MGs: 2.65 -> 1.627 (as per the Bf109 G & K)

added nose cannon 0.5 (as Bf109G&K)

Bf110C and G's :2nd group: 2.63 -> 1.5 (as P38)

3rd group: 2.77 -> 1.7 (as P38)

Ju88C 2nd&3rd groups: 2.7 and 2.625 -> 1.7

P51B Same as P51D

Mosq 1st grp: (MGs) 2.5 -> 1.575 (as P38)

Hurr 1st grp 4.65 -> 3.3 (as P47C)

2nd grp 4.9 -> 3.825 (as P47C)

Spit I 1st grp 4.11 -> 3.3 (as P47C)

2nd grp 4.93 -> 3.825 (as P47C)

Spit IX 2nd grp (MGs) 5.18 -> 2.3625 (as Spit XIV)





This file has a collection of data *.DAT files, including:





SQGR40.DAT (and SQGR43.DAT and SQGR44.DAT)

SQUK40.DAT (and SQUK43.DAT and SQUK44.DAT)







These are dealt with on the following pages.





This file is 6484 h bytes long. It controls the guns, ammo and other things on an aircraft. File format is:

1e00 0000 1e (30 d) aircraft


Then 30 x sub-files, each d8 bytes in length. The sub-file format is:

0x00 0000 Aircraft code e.g. 0100=P38J, 1400=Bf-110G etc


then 50 h bytes... See below


The 1st 4 Bytes


The first 4 bytes of the 50 h block after the aircraft code are bit-coded bytes, as follows:

Byte #1 #2 #3 #4

P38H 15 96 61 04

P38J "" "" "" ""

P47C 05 22 a0 10

P47D "" "" "" ""

P51B "" 26 80 04

P51D "" "" "" ""

B17F 22 02 20 23

B24D "" "" "" ""

B26B 12 02 20 23 flyable B26B (1696 2023) now (1602 2023)

Hurri 05 25 44 00

Spit I "" 45 " ""

Spit IX "" 45 " ""

Spit 14 "" 45 42 ""

Typh "" 25 60 10

Temp "" "" 20 ""

Mosq 12 01 "" "" flyable Mosq change to (1595 2000)

109E 85 44 40 00

109G "" "" 80 ""

109K "" "" "" ""

110C 95 14 a0 01

110G "" "" "" ""

410 93 "" "" "" flyable Me410 change to (9514 a001)

190A 85 20 "" 00

190D "" 24 80 ""

262 9d a0 "" ""

Ju88A 92 04 20 13 flyable Ju88A (9614 2013) now (9604 2013)

Ju88C 93 "" "" "" flyable Ju88C change to (9504 2013)

Ju87 82 04 30 01 flyable Ju87B (8644 3001) now (8604 3001)

He111 92 04 00 13 flyable He111 (9610 0013) now (9604 2013)

V1 c0 00 " 00


Thes bytes control plane type, nationality, engine-sound, damage and other things, as follows. It is actually quite complicated. The bytes are bit coded. Take all four bytes and reverse the order (this is the normal procedure for storing integer data in IBM comaptible computers, ie: based on INTEL processors). For example, the P38H is 15 96 61 04. Reverse this to 04 61 96 15. This is comprised of the hexadecimal bits set out below.


NOTE “Attack Plane”. This must be set for planes that can fly bombing missions in campaigns and be escorted.




FIGHTER 00 00 00 01

BOMBER 00 00 00 02

FLYABLE 00 00 00 04

JET 00 00 00 08


TWIN_ENG 00 00 00 10

QUAD_ENG 00 00 00 20

V1 00 00 00 40

GERMAN 00 00 00 80


BRITISH 00 00 01 00

AMERICAN 00 00 02 00

INLINE ENG. 00 00 04 00 All but P47, B17,24&26, Mosq, 190, 262, V1


GEAR_BACK 00 00 10 00 P38, 110

PI_GEAR_IN 00 00 20 00 P47, P51, Hurri, Typh, Temp, 190, 262,

GEAR_OUT 00 00 40 00 109

GEAR_CENTER (Nose) 00 00 80 00 P38


CR_PROPS 00 01 00 00 Only P38

CCW_PROPS 00 02 00 00 Only Spitfire 14

GRAV_FED_CARB 00 04 00 00 Spitfire 1, Spitfire IX and Hurricane


DIVE_BOMBER 00 10 00 00 Only Ju87

ATTACK_PLANE 00 20 00 00 P38&47, B17,24&26, Ju87&88, add H111, Temp, Typh, 110, 410, 190A

ANGLE_FIGHTER 00 40 00 00 P38, Spits, Hurri, Typh, 109E,

ENERGY_FIGHTER 00 80 00 00 P47, P51, 109G&K, 110, 410, 190D, 262,


DEFENSIVE_GUN 01 00 00 00 1 or more defensive guns

MULTI_CREWED 02 00 00 00 3 or more crew

COMBAT_FLAPS 04 00 00 00 P38H and J, and P51B and D

AUTOMATIC_SLATS 08 00 00 00 Nil. But now the Bf109E, G &K, Bf110C & G and Me262


ARMOR 10 00 00 00 P47 C and D, Typh, Temp, Mosq, Ju88 A and C, He111

HEAVY_ARMOR 20 00 00 00 B17, B24 and B26


Thus, e.g. the P38H is 04 61 96 15 -> 15 96 61 04


Bytes # 5-6 Year of entry in service

Bytes # 7-8 0n 00 (Crew No.) where 01=Ftr and V1 02=Mosq, Bf-110 C&G, Me-410, Ju-87

04=Ju-88 A&C 05=He-111 07=B26 08=B-24 0A=B-17


Then a series of 15 x 4 byte blocks (long integer):

1. Stall speed

2. Cruise Speed

3. Corner Speed

4. Max Speed

5. Empty weight in lbs (loadout screen)

6. Fuel burn rate (16.16 x number)

7. Weight of internal fuel (loadout screen)

8. Maximum range

9. High Dist (21 = 1 foot)

10. Med Dist

11. Low Dist

12. Dot Dist

13. Max Vis Dist

14. View Dist (default distance to view object)

15. Radius





This data for each aircraft in the first 8 of these 15 x 4 byte (long integer) is as follows:


A/C Stall spd Cruise sp Corner sp Max spd Wt empty Burn Wt fuel Max range

P38H10780 19030 32450 36410 14500 67 1800 36,044,800

P38J11110 19690 33440 36300 15040 75 2460 45,875,200

P47C10780 20020 32450 36190 11670 145 1830 32,768,000

P47D11220 20240 33550 37840 12280 145 2220 41,287,680

P51B10340 19800 31130 39050 8070 75 1620 62,259,200

P51D10560 20240 31680 40260 8480 75 1620 62,259,200

B17F9460 18150 28380 28660 35000 50 8430 157,286,400

B24D10670 21010 32120 29870 35000 50 9850 183,500,800

B26B10450 17050 31460 29650 24000 70 4005 75,366,400

HURR8360 14760 25080 29590 5940 65 660 18,350,080

SPIT18360 15400 25080 33110 5170 65 612 19,660,800

SPIT99460 15950 28270 35310 6888 70 612 19,005,440

SPIT1410010 16830 30140 37510 7670 97 830 19,660,800

TYPH10780 20240 32230 41030 10220 98 924 26,214,400

TEMP10450 19360 31240 39600 10528 98 972 32,112,640

MOSQ11440 28710 34210 36300 12000 70 4200 133,693,440

109E9240 17270 27720 35860 4886 83 634 17,694,200

109G11000 18590 32890 37290 6316 89 634 17,694,720

109K11440 20020 34320 43670 6800 98 634 17,039360

110C10120 18590 30250 34210 12870 83 2010 28,180,480

110G10120 16520 30250 30360 13450 89 2010 26,214,400

M41011880 22110 35640 39160 16000 111 3000 62,145,560

190A11770 20460 35420 39820 6393 106 830 21,626,080

190D11220 20350 33660 39930 8650 100 830 22,937,600

262A12760 33000 38390 55000 11460 280 2640 19,660,400

J88A9680 18150 29150 28880 20000 50 2120 68,157,440

J88C10120 19470 30250 29320 21500 55 2120 79,953,920

JU878250 14650 24750 27450 7360 50 700 32,112,640

H1118580 15290 25630 27780 20000 44 2244 83,886,080

V120900 33000 40700 49500 4000 200 800 15,728,640




Starting at byte #48 h in each aircraft data block is a group of 12 single byte integers (short integer). In Paulo's opinion, supported by testing, is that these bytes are the number of "hit points" that some areas of the aircraft can sustain before failing.

1 - Fuselage mechanicals, fuel & hydraulic lines, Elevators & Rudder Not a critical failure.

2 - Pilot . Catastrophic failure.

3 - Fuselage structure. Catastrophic failure.

4 - Tail section. Catastrophic failure.

5 - Right wing structure. Catastrophic failure.

6 - Right wing mechanical parts. Aileron damage. Not a critical failure.

7 - Same as 5 for left wing. Catastrophic failure.

8 - Same as 6 for left wing Ailerons. Not a critical failure.

9 - Engine or leftmost engine.

10 - Right engine (bimotor) or inner left engine (quad)

11 - Inner right engine.

12 - Right outer engine.


The following is a complete decimal dump of the damage area of PLANES.DAT

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



20 15 26 18 36 16 36 16 12 12 0 0


20 20 26 18 36 16 36 16 15 15 0 0


23 20 43 33 38 26 38 26 27 0 0 0


23 20 43 33 38 26 38 26 27 0 0 0


15 20 26 24 28 17 28 17 15 0 0 0


15 20 26 24 30 18 30 18 15 0 0 0


48 60 99 99 99 42 99 42 24 24 24 24


34 40 85 63 64 40 64 40 24 24 24 24


28 30 75 42 50 32 50 32 24 24 0 0



12 10 24 22 26 17 26 17 10 0 0 0


11 8 16 17 21 13 21 13 10 0 0 0


12 15 18 17 21 13 21 13 15 0 0 0


12 20 18 20 24 13 24 13 19 0 0 0


20 20 38 16 36 25 36 25 20 0 0 0


21 20 40 27 38 23 38 23 22 0 0 0


21 20 80 54 41 40 41 40 24 24 0 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



11 10 20 13 22 13 22 13 11 0 0 0


12 15 24 13 24 13 24 13 14 0 0 0


12 20 24 13 24 13 24 13 16 0 0 0


16 10 25 26 32 18 32 18 17 17 0 0


17 20 25 26 32 18 32 18 21 21 0 0


24 20 27 36 40 23 40 23 20 20 0 0


17 20 34 22 25 14 25 14 24 0 0 0


17 20 34 22 25 17 25 17 26 0 0 0


15 20 30 25 30 13 30 13 10 10 0 0


26 15 36 34 34 30 34 30 17 17 0 0


28 20 38 36 34 30 34 30 20 20 0 0


13 15 18 17 18 12 18 12 10 0 0 0


23 15 40 34 32 28 32 28 16 16 0 0


10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 0



I have now changes the Bf110C wings (5 and 7) from 32 (20 h) to 26 (1a h) and the engines (9 and 10) from 17 (11 h) to 12 (0c h).

The Fw190A3 has the following positions reduced:1 (17 to 16 d), 3 (34 to 28 d), 5 (25 to 24 d), 7 (25 to 24 d) and 9 (24 to 21 d). For EAW v1.2 (ECA v1.4 et seq) I have increased all armour levels by 50%.




After the damage byte is:

0x00 0000 Number of gun positions e.g. 0300 for P38H and J (Maximum is 8 positions)

Commences a4 bytes from start of block

then a series of 6 byte chunks, one for each gun

0n00 0p00 0t00 aaaa 0s00 0x00 where 0n=Number of guns


0p=Position Fixed: 0000=None

0100=wing 0200=nose

Defensive: 0300=tail 04=Top turret 0500=Rear cabin

0600=Top 0700=V Rear

0800=v Front 0900=belly turret 0a00=left waist 0b00=right waist oc=nose flexible od=Front turret


ot=Type of guns 00=None

02=.30 cal MG, 7.9mm MG

04=.50 cal/13mm MG

0c= 20mm cannon

18= 30mm cannon


aa=Ammo in reverse order e.g. f401=500 d


0s= Sound 00=.30 cal MG

01=.50 cal/13mm MG

02= 20mm cannon

03= 30mm cannon


0x=Smoke 00 or 01 (smoke or no smoke)


Only the first 3 groups are cyclable in the flyable aircraft, and each group is limited to 4 guns. Paulo Morais' file PLN_DAT.TXT contains a full dump of all 30 aircraft gun groups. Use Paulo's utilities DUMP_PLN.EXE and PTCH_PLN.EXE to change gun groups. The code 'ot' for the gun type also sets the gun destructive power. Higher values to simulate other guns can give spectacular effects. You can try to use 30h(equal to 2x the 30mm cannon value) for the 50mm cannon that equipped some Me410 versions. The downside is you can't get a meaningful text string (the in-flight text is in RADIOTXT.STR, and there are only 4 types per nationality), and the sound is limited to one of the 4 available sounds.


Then after all 6 x 6 byte gun chunks (including, usually, 1 or more 0000... ones):


UBYTE Max hit locations ? }Most fighters c611 fa5f and bombers 380e fa5f

UBYTE Max engines per plane? }All German planes 380e de58 or 380e fa5f

UBYTE Pitch limit?

UBYTE Yaw Limit


4 bytes nnnn nnnn Aircraft name e.g.110c, m410, mosq etc. Commences a4 bytes from start.

30h bytes 0000 All zeros.


To change guns, for example to fix the Bf-110G so that it has 2x20mm cannon and 2x30mm cannon:

1138 0400 0000 4 gun positions, no change

113c 0400 0200 0200 e803 0000 0000 (4x7.9mm MG in nose, 1000 rounds each)

1148 0200 0200 0c00 4501 0200 0000 (2x20mm cannon in nose, 325 rounds each)

1154 0200 0200 1800 8700 0300 0000 (2x30mm cannon in nose, 135 rounds each)

1160 0200 0500 0200 2003 0000 0000 (2x rear flex 7.9mm MG, 800 rounds each)




When changing ammunition loads, some common loads are as follows:


1000 E8 03

900 84 03

750 EE 02

500 F4 01

475 DB 01

450 C2 01

400 90 01

350 5E 01

334 4E 01

313 39 01

300 2C 01

250 FA 00

220 DC 00

200 C8 00

150 96 00

140 8C 00

120 78 00

100 64 00

80 50 00

60 3C 00

50 32 00





This file is 9728 d bytes (2600 h) long. It controls the bomb and rocket loads on all 30 aircraft. The format of LOADOUT.DAT is:

b400 0000 b4 h = 180 d records, each is 2c bytes (44 d) long

1st group of records

152 actual records for the various aircraft follow, then 28 blank (all zero) records. Presumably there can be expansion here. Then:


2nd group of records

9600 0000 96 h = 150 d records, each 0c bytes (12 d) long, 5 for each aircraft. These controll which loadouts are available for which missions in Campaigns.


The 1st group of records (2c bytes long) have the format:

ac00 Aircraft code e.g. 0000=P38H, 0f00=Mosquito. Then 21 d 2-byte blocks as follows:

0n00 Number of blocks

0w0x 0n0x 0d00 4600 0w=weapon type (e.g. 03=500 lb bomb)

0x=Image displayed (p.31 WEAPONS.DAT 2nd rec's)

e.g 09=4x60lb rocket, 0c=R4M rack


0x = Position of Image (controlled by PxxxxF.3DZ) 0d00=initial firing delay (usually 00, 10 or 20)

4600= firing delay between weapons (0300 for R4M, 23 and 46 for Mosq)


P38 H and J (Aircraft Codes 0000 and 0100)

1. 0000 0000 x 21 No load

2. 0200 0d01 0103 1000 0000 2x165 gal tanks, between fuselage and engines

0d01 0104 2000 0000

0000 x 12

3. 0200 0301 0103 1000 0000 2x500 lb bombs, between fuselage and engines

0301 0104 2000 0000

0000 x 12

4. 0200 0401 0103 1000 0000 2x1000 lb bombs, between fuselage and engines

0401 0104 2000 0000

0000 x 12

4. (Now)0400 0301 0103 1000 0000 This is the new P38J 4th option

0301 0104 2000 0000 2x500 lb bombs, between fuselage and engines

1004 0301 1000 1400 2x M10 triple rocket tubes

1004 0302 2000 1400

0000 x 4


P51B (Aircraft Code 0400)

1. 0000 0000 x 21 No load

2. 0200 0a01 0101 1000 0000 2x75 gal tanks, outer wing position

0a01 0102 2000 0000

0000 x 12

3. 0200 0b01 0101 1000 0000 2x150 gal tanks, outer wing position

0b01 0102 2000 0000

0000 x 12

4. 0200 0301 0101 1000 0000 2x500 lb bombs, outer wing position

0301 0102 2000 0000

0000 x 12



Ju-87B (Aircraft Code 1b00)

1. 0000 0000 x 21 No load

2. 0500 0802 0103 0000 0000 1x500 kg bomb

0000 x 4

0000 x 12


Mosquito (Aircraft Code 0f00)

1. 0000 0000 x 21 No load

2. 0200 0203 0200 0000 4600 4x250 lb bombs, in bomb bay, time delay in dropping

0203 0200 0023 4600

0000 x 12

Change this to:

2. 0400 0203 0200 0000 4600 4x250 lb bombs, in bomb bay, time delay in dropping

0203 0200 0023 4600

1107 0401 1000 0000 8x60 lb rockets on inner wings

1107 0402 2000 0000

0000 x 4


Tempest (Aircraft Code 0e00)

1. 0000 0000 x 21 No load

2. 0200 0901 0101 1000 0000 2x45 gal tank

0901 0102 2000 0000

0000 x 12

3. 0200 0201 0101 1000 0000 2x250 lb bomb

0201 0102 2000 0000

0000 x 12

4. 0200 0301 0101 1000 0000 2x500 lb bomb

0301 0102 2000 0000

0000 x 12

5. 0200 0401 0101 1000 0000 2x1000 lb bomb

0401 0102 2000 0000

0000 x 12

6. 0200 1109 0401 1000 0000 8x60 lb rockets

1109 0402 2000 0000

0000 x 12


Me-410 (Aircraft Code 1500)

1. 0000 0000 x 21 No load

2. 0400 0603 0200 0000 4600 2x100 kg bombs

0603 0200 0023 4600

0000 x 12

3. 0400 0000 0000 0000 0000 4x WGr21 rockets

0000 0000 0000 0000

130b 0205 1000 0000

130b 0206 2000 0000

0000 x 4

4. 0100 1603 0103 0000 0000 1x Fritz-X rocket

0000 x 16


Ju-88C (Aircraft Code 1a00)

1. 0000 0000 x 21 No load

2. 0200 0603 0200 0000 4600 4x100 kg bombs

0603 0200 0023 4600

0000 x 12

3. 0400 0000 x 4 6xWGr21 rockets

0000 x 4

130b 0305 1000 0000

130b 0306 2000 0000

0000 x 4

4. 0100 1503 0103 0000 0000 1x Henschel Hs-293 rocket bomb

0000 x 16

5. 0100 1603 0103 0000 0000 1x Fritz-X rocket

0000 x 16



P47D (Aircraft Code 0300) The P47 has the most loadout options (22)

1. 0000 0000 x 21 No load


2. 0100 0e02 0103 0000 0000 1x200 gal centre tank

0000 x 16


3. 0500 0000 x 4 2x75 gal tank, outer wing

0000 x 4

0000 x 4

0a01 0104 1000 0000

0a01 0105 2000 0000


4. 0500 0000 x 4 2x108 gal tank, outer wing

0000 x 4

0000 x 4

0b01 0104 1000 0000

0b01 0105 2000 0000


8. 0500 0302 0103 0000 0000 3x500 lb bomb

0000 x 4

0000 x 4

0301 0104 1000 0000

0301 0105 2000 0000


10. 0500 0e02 0103 0000 0000 200 gal centre tank plus 2x500 lb bombs

0000 x 4

0000 x 4

0301 0104 1000 0000

0301 0105 2000 0000


17. 0500 0302 0103 0000 0000 3x500 lb bomb plus 6xM10 rockets

1004 0301 1000 1400

1004 0302 2000 1400

0301 0104 1000 0000

0301 0105 2000 0000


22. 0500 0302 0103 0000 0000 1x500 lb bomb plus 10xHVAR 5" rockets

1206 0501 1000 0000

1206 0502 2000 0000

0000 x 8




There are 150 records at the end of LOADOUT.DAT, 5 for each aircraft. Each is 0c bytes long.

They control ordnance availability in Campaign missions. The format is :

0x00 0m0n 0102 0304 0506 0000 om =Mission type 00=Escort 01=Ftr Sweep

(0x00=Aircraft code) 02=Bomb 03=Intercept


(NB 1940 aircraft only have 01, 03 and 05)

on= Number of Loadout options for that Mission type

ff=All option available

0102 0304 etc....= Loadout options 1, 2, 3, 4 etc....


0x00 0002 0001 0000 0000 0000 Most fighters: P38H, P38J, Spitfire IX, Spitfire 14,

0102 0001 0000 0000 0000 Typhoon, Tempest, Bf109G&K, Fw190D.

02ff 0000 0000 0000 0000 Bf110G

0302 0001 0000 0000 0000 Bf110G same except 0303 0001 0200 0000 0000

04ff 0000 0000 0000 0000 Bf109G same except 0304 0001 0203 0000 0000


0x00 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 Early fighters: Hurricane, Spitfire Ia, Bf-109E, Bf-110C

0101 0000 0000 0000 0000

02ff 0000 0000 0000 0000

0301 0000 0000 0000 0000 Me262 same except 0302 0001 0000 0000 0000

04ff 0000 0000 0000 0000


0x00 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 Light bombers: Mosquito, Ju87, Ju88A, Ju88C, He111

0101 0000 0000 0000 0000 Me410, V1

0201 0100 0000 0000 0000 V1 same except 0201 0000 0000 0000 0000

0301 0000 0000 0000 0000 Me410 same except 0301 0200 0000 0000 0000

0401 0100 0000 0000 0000 V1 same except 0401 0000 0000 0000 0000


0x00 0007 0000 0000 0000 0000 Heavy bombers: B17F, B24D, B26B

0101 0000 0000 0000 0000

0201 0100 0000 0000 0000

0301 0000 0000 0000 0000

0401 0100 0000 0000 0000


0x00 0007 0001 0203 0405 0600 U.S. fightersP47C&P47D 0005 0001 0203 0400 0000

0107 0001 0203 0405 0600 0105 0001 0203 0400 0000

02ff 0000 0000 0000 0000 02ff 0000 0000 0000 0000 0307 0001 0203 0405 0600 0305 0001 0203 0400 0000

04ff 0000 0000 0000 0000 04ff 0000 0000 0000 0000


0x00 0003 0001 0200 0000 0000 U.S. fightersP51B&P51D 0004 0001 0203 0000 0000

0103 0001 0200 0000 0000 0104 0001 0203 0000 0000

02ff 0000 0000 0000 0000 02ff 0000 0000 0000 0000 0303 0001 0200 0000 0000 0304 0001 0203 0000 0000

04ff 0000 0000 0000 0000 04ff 0000 0000 0000 0000


The solution to the ordnance loadout/lockup problem is simply to change the new machines to be like (say) the Spit IX. The Ju-88 has 2 loadout options only (Guns i.e. No Load, and Bombs). The Mosquito likewise has only 2 options (although this can be changed by increasing the number of loadout options), and the Me-410: 3 options.




There are Mission files: MISN40.DAT MISN43.DAT MISN44.DAT MISN45.DAT

Presumably these affect the aircraft available in missions in the various years.

Each file is 60 d bytes long, divided into 3 equal chunks of 20 d bytes.



0400 0000 [090a 1013 0000 0000] ff80 ff40 0000 0000 04=4 flyable aircraft.

Types=Hurri(09),Spit 1(0a), 109E(10), 110C(13)

ff etc= probability (?) of appearance

0500 0000 [091c 1319 1b00 0000] ffff 2080 4000 0000 05= 5 aircraft

Types=Hurri, He111, 110C, Ju88A, Ju87

ff etc=probability as bomber(?)

0200 0000 [1c19 0000 0000 0000] ff80 0000 0000 0000 02=2 aircraft

Types=He111, Ju88A

ff=probability as bomber (?)



0800 0000 [0200 obod 1116 141a] c440 ff40 ffc4 4020 08=8 flyable aircraft.

Types = P47C, P38H, Spit9, Typh, 109G, 190A, Ju88C

ff etc= probability (?) of appearance

0800 0000 [0206 080d 0f16 141a] ff80 ff40 ff80 8040 08= 8 aircraft

Types= P47C, B17, B26, Typh, Mosq, 190A, 110G, Ju88C

ff etc=probability as bomber(?)

0600 0000 [0607 080f 1a15 0000] ff20 8080 ff40 0000 06=6 aircraft

Types= B17, B24, B26, Mosq, Ju88C, Me410

ff=probability as bomber (?)



0800 0000 [0204 o10b 0d16 1115] ff80 40ff 80ff ff20 0 08=8 flyable aircraft.

Types = P47C, P51B, P38J, Spit9, Typh 190A, 109G, Me410

ff etc= probability (?) of appearance

0800 0000 [0204 0608 0d0f 1615] ff80 80ff ff80 ff40 08= 8 aircraft

Types= P47C, P51B, B17, B26, Typh, Mosq, 190A, Me410

ff etc=probability as bomber(?)

0600 0000 [0607 080f 1a15 0000] ff80 8080 ff40 0000 06=6 aircraft

Types= B17, B24, B26, Mosq, Ju88C, Me410

ff=probability as bomber (?)



0800 0000 [0503 0c0d 0e17 1218] ffff ff80 80ff ff20 08=8 flyable aircraft.

Types = P51D, P47D, Spit14, Typh Temp, 190D, 109K, Me262

ff etc= probability (?) of appearance

0800 0000 [0305 0608 0d0f 1615] ff80 80ff ff80 ff40 08= 8 aircraft

Types= P47D, P51D, B17, B26, Typh, Mosq, 190A, Me410

ff etc=probability as bomber(?)

0600 0000 [0607 080f 1a15 0000] ffff 8080 ff40 0000 06=6 aircraft

Types= B17, B24, B26, Mosq, Ju88C, Me410 ff=probability as bomber (?)



Controls the weapons characteristics. The names are in WEAPONS.STR. The format is:

2000 0000 20 h = 32 d records, each is 18 h (24 d) bytes long. Then 2 groups of records:


1st group of records

21 actual records for the various weapons follow, then 11 blank (all zero) records. There can be expansion here (see below). Then:


2nd group of records

1000 0000 10 h = 16 d records, each 08 bytes long. These determine the weapon displayed.


The 1st group of records (18 h bytes long) have the format:


1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23

0000 (ffff) 0000 0000 0000 [ffff] 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 No weapon


0101 0000 0400 0008 0000 [ffff] 8214 0000 1405 6400 0000 0000 100 lb bomb


0201 0100 0800 000c 0000 [ffff]d020 0000 320f fa00 0000 0000 250 lb bomb


0301 0200 0c00 0010 0000 [ffff] 1e2d 0000 6419 f401 0000 0000 500 lb bomb


0401 0400 1400 0014 0000 [ffff] a041 0000 c832 e803 0000 0000 1000 lb bomb


0501 1900 0400 0008 0000 [ffff] 8214 0000 1605 6e00 0000 0000 50 kg bomb


0601 0500 0800 000c 0000 [ffff] d020 0000 2c0f dc00 0000 0000 100 kg bomb


0701 0600 0c00 0010 0000 [ffff] 1e2d 0000 6e19 2602 0000 0000 250 kg bomb


0801 0700 1400 0014 0000 [ffff] a041 0000 dc32 4c04 0000 0000 500 kg bomb


0904 1a00 0a00 0000 0000 [ffff] 0000 0000 0000 5000 3601 0000 45 gal tank


0a04 0e00 0c00 0000 0000 [ffff] 0000 0000 0000 5000 fe01 0000 75 gal tank


0b04 0f00 0e00 0000 0000 [ffff] 0000 0000 0000 5000 df02 0000 108 gal tank


0c04 0f00 0e00 0000 0000 [ffff] 0000 0000 0000 5000 df02 0000 150 gal tank


0d04 1000 1200 0000 0000 [ffff] 0000 0000 0000 5000 fc03 0000 165 gal tank


0e04 1100 1400 0000 0000 [ffff] 0000 0000 0000 5000 6004 0000 200 gal tank


0f04 1200 1800 0000 0000 [ffff] 0000 0000 0000 5000 5005 0000 300 litre tank


1002 1500 0102 1e03 d200 [ffff] 2706 0000 0a14 2800 0000 0000 M10 4.5" rocket


1102 1600 0102 1e04 d200 [ffff] 3408 0000 0c1e 5500 0000 0000 60 lb rocket


1202 1f00 0103 2d06 d200 [ffff] d809 0000 1028 8c00 0000 0000 HVAR 5" rocket


1302 1700 0102 140a d200 [7805] 6810 0000 0c0a b400 0000 0000 WGr 21 rocket


1402 1800 0003 2d02 d200 [bc02] 0d02 0000 0418 0a00 0000 0000 R4M rocket


1502 1200 0102 0014 bc02 [bc02] 0a041 0000 6419 4c04 0000 0000 * Hs-293 rocket


1602 0700 0103 0010 bc02 [bc02] 0040 0000 6419 9402 0000 0000 * Fritz-X rocket


1702 1600 0103 1e04 d200 [ffff] 3408 0000 0a14 2800 0000 0000 * Panzerschreckrocket


1801 0e00 0100 2002 0000 [ffff] 0852 0000 6e19 2602 0000 0000 *SD-10 cannister


1901 0f00 0100 000c 0000 [ffff] 495c 0000 64e19 f401 0000 0000 *500 lb Napalm bomb


1a01 ffff 0100 f401 d200 [ffff] f401 0000 8102 0500 0000 0000 *SD-2 bomblet


1b01 1800 0100 f401 0000 [ffff] f401 0000 8102 1400 0000 0000 *20 lb Incendiary


1c01 1800 0100 f401 0000 [ffff] f401 0000 8102 1600 0000 0000 *10 kg Incendiary



This data in WEAPONS.DAT is interpreted, mostly by Paulo, as:


1-2 1=Weapons code 2=Type (00=none, 01=bomb, 02=rocket, 04=fuel tank)

3-4 Code to image of weapon after firing/dropping (e.g. 06=250 kg bomb)

5-6 5=Negative quantity multiplier (e.g. 0c for 500 lb bomb,change to o2 to increase sqn stockpile)

6=Initial relative forward speed (You can make bombs or tanks behave as rockets)

7-8 2 bytes (int) is Impact Damage.

9-10 2 bytes (int) (only for rockets) time length of rocket motor exhaust

11-12 2 bytes (int) (only for German rockets), self destruct time/distance

13-14 2 bytes (int) is Blast Damage.

15-16 Null

17-18 2 bytes (int) Flight performance penalty

19-20 2 bytes (int) Empty weight (lbs)

21-22 2 bytes (int) Full Fuel weight (lbs), only for drop tanks.

23-24 Null


In the original, the WGr21 rockets seemed to fly forever without exploding. Replace the 6th value (7805) (=1400 d) with the R4M value (bco2) (=700 d) and they explode sooner. I now use 9001 (=400 d), which makes them explode at a range of about 2,000 - 3,000 feet, which seems about right.


The Henschel Hs-293 rocket bomb (500 kg warhead) and Fritz-X rockets can be carried by the Ju-88C, and the Fritz-X by the Me-410. They are useful for anti-ship missions. To find ships, fly to Southampton or Portsmouth (for Allied ships) or Emden (for German ships). There should always be a convoy of 1-3 DD's and 2-8 merchant/troop ships. In June 1944 there are also Allied ships off the coast of Normandy. The Fw-190A and Me-410 can carry the Panzerschreck rocket (6 under each wing). The Panzerschreck is a light 54mm anti-armour (not air-to-air) rocket.






2nd group of records (Weapons pylon data)

There are 16 blocks, each 8 h bytes long, which have the following format:

Description Image Weight, drag Type

0000 ff00 0000 0000 00 Nothing (No image) Nil

0101 ff00 0000 0000 01 Simple Mount(No Image) Nil

0201 ff00 0000 0000 02 Simple Mount(No Image) Nil

0300 ff00 0000 0000 03 Internal (No Image) Nil

0402 0906 8200 0000 04 Rocket Tube (Image 09) 06 82 M10 x3

0508 2000 0000 0000 05 Rocket rail (Image 20) Nil HVAR x3

0608 2100 0000 0000 06 Rocket rail (Image 21) Nil HVAR x5

0708 1d01 2800 0000 07 Rocket rail (Image 1d) 01 28 60 lb x1

0808 1e02 5000 0000 08 Rocket rail (Image 1e) 02 50 60 lb x2

0908 0a04 a000 0000 09 Rocket rail (Image 0a) 04 0a 60 lb x 4

0a02 1c04 3c00 0000 0a Rocket tube (Image 1c) 04 3c WGr21 x1

0b02 0b08 7800 0000 0b Rocket tube (Image 0b) 08 78 WGr21 x2

0c04 0c04 9600 0000 0c Rockets (Image 0c) 04 96 R4M rack

0000 0000 0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000


Thus 0n ot mm dd dd 00 0000 where:

0n =Number (0 to c) in 1st block in LOADOUT.DAT

0t= Type 00=Nothing (internal)

01=Simple mount (bomb/tank)

02=Rocket tubes (M10, WGr21)

04=Rocket rack (R4M)

08=Rocket rails (60 lb, HVAR)

mm=Image ff=No Image

dddd = Weight and Drag penalty


Paulo says that inside 3D.DAT there is a group of files ORD00-33.3DZ that contain the geometry definition, and pointers to bombs.tpc (the texture file), for the 34 different images for ordnance (weapons and mounts).

The coordinates for ordnance location are inside the main geometry definition file for each plane (PxxxF.3DZ)). Where? I don't know but it is a starting point. The five groups of coordinates at the end of the FLT file only define the launching point.


In decimal the above figures are:

No. Type Image Weight Drag Type

0 0 255 0 0 0

1 1 255 0 0 0

2 1 255 0 0 0

3 0 255 0 0 0

4 2 9 6 130 0 M10 x3

5 8 32 0 0 0 HVAR x3

6 8 33 0 0 0 HVAR x5

7 8 29 1 40 0 60 lb x1

8 8 30 2 80 0 60 lb x2

9 8 10 4 160 0 60 lb x3

10 2 28 4 60 0 WGr21 single

11 2 11 8 120 0 WGr21 double

12 4 12 4 150 0 R4M rack

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0


The squadrons available in campaigns are as follows:


German 1940

Squadron Aircraft Base Start

II/JG 2 Bf-109E Beaumont le Roger Aug 40

III/JG 2 Bf-109E Le Havre Aug 40

II/JG 26 Bf-109E Marquise July 40

III/JG 26 Bf-109E Caffiers July 40...now I/KG 51 (Ju-88A)

II/JG 51 Bf-109E Wissant July 40

III/JG 51 Bf-109E St Omer July 40...now III/StG 2 (Ju-87)

II/ZG 2 Bf-110C Guyancourt Aug 40...now II/KG 53 (He-111)

II/ZG 26 Bf-110C St Omer July 40

EGr 210 Bf-110C Abbeville July 40


German 1943

Squadron Aircraft Base Start

II/JG 1 Fw-190A Woensdrecht Apr 43

III/JG 1 Bf-109G Deelen Apr 43...now III/ZG 1 (Me-410)

II/JG 2 Bf-109G Creil Apr 43

III/JG 2 Fw-190A Cormeilles Apr 43

II/JG 3 Bf-109G Schipol Aug 43...now I/NJG 1 (Ju-88C)

I/JG 11 Fw-190A Rheine Apr 43

II/JG 26 Fw-190A Vitry Apr 43

III/JG 26 Bf-109G Wevelghem Apr 43...now I/KG 51 (Me-410)

III/ZG 76 Bf-110G Plantlunne Aug 43


German 1944

Squadron Aircraft Base Start

II/JG 1 Fw-190A Le Mans June 44

III/JG 1 Bf-109G Beauvais June 44...now III/ZG 1 (Me-410)

II/JG 2 Bf-109G Creil June 44

III/JG 2 Fw-190A Creil June 44

II/JG 3 Bf-109G Lechfeld June 44...now I/NJG 1 (Ju-88C)

III/JG 7 Me-262 Lechfeld Nov 44

I/JG 11 Fw-190A Rheine June 44

II/JG 26 Fw-190A Guyancourt June 44

III/JG 26 Bf-109G Villacoublay June 44...now I/KG 51 (Me-410)

II/JG 300 Fw-190A Frankfurt July 44


British 1940

Squadron Aircraft Base Start

1 Sqn Hurricane Northolt July 40

41 Sqn SpitfireI Hornchurch Aug 40

43 Sqn Hurricane Tangmere July 40

74 Sqn Spitfire I Hornchurch July 40

85 Sqn Hurricane Martlesham July 40

111 Sqn Hurricane Croydon July 40

303 Sqn Hurricane Northolt Aug 40

501 Sqn Hurricane Croydon July 40

610 Sqn Spitfire I Gravesend July 40

1 (Can) Sqn Hurricane Northolt Aug 40



British 1943

Squadron Aircraft Base Start

1 Sqn Typhoon Biggin Hill May 43

56 Sqn Typhoon Manston May 43

64 Sqn Spitfire IX Hornchurch May 43

181 Sqn Typhoon Gravesend May 43...now 141 Sqn (MosqVI)

303 Sqn Spitfire IX Newchurch May 43

401 Sqn Spitfire IX Kenley May 43

611 Sqn Spitfire IX Biggin Hill May 43


British 1944

Squadron Aircraft Base Start

121 Wing Typhoon Holmsley South May 44

122 Wing Spitfire IX Detling May 44

124 Wing Typhoon Hurn May 44

132 Wing Spitfire IX Funtington May 44

143 Wing Typhoon Hurn May 44.now 140 AnzacWing(MosqVI)

144 Wing Spitfire IX Ford May 44

150 Wing Tempest Newchurch May 44


U.S. 1943

Squadron Aircraft Base Start

4th FG P-47C Debden Apr 43

20th FG P-38H Kings Cliffe Nov 43

55th FG P-38H Nuthampstead Oct 43

56th FG P-47C Horsham St Faith Apr 43

78th FG P-47C Duxford Apr 43

352nd FG P-47C Bodney Sept 43

353rd FG P-47C Metfield Aug 43...now 323rd Bomb Grp (B26)

354th FG P-51B Boxted Dec 43


U.S. 1944

Squadron Aircraft Base Start

4th FG P-51B Debden May 44

20th FG P-38J Kings Cliffe May 44

55th FG P-38J Wormingford May 44

56th FG P-47D Boxted May 44

78th FG P-47D Duxford May 44

352nd FG P-51B Bodney May 44

353rd FG P-47D Raydon May 44 ... now 323rd Bomb Grp (B26)

354th FG P-51B Boxted May 44

357th FG P-51B Leiston May 44






There are 8 SQXXXX.DAT files which allocate squadrons:

SQGR40.DAT (and SQGR43.DAT and SQGR44.DAT)

SQUK40.DAT (and SQUK43.DAT and SQUK44.DAT)

SQUS43.DAT (and SQUS44.DAT).


The format is the same. Each file is comprised of a number of blocks, one for each squadron (e.g. 9 German squadrons in 1940), each 7c (124 d) bytes long. The format of each block is:


00-01 9x07 Year. 9407h=1940, 9797h=1943, 9807h=1944

02-03 om0d Start date Month/Day (00=Jan, 04=May, 06=July, 07=Aug, 0a=Nov, 0b=Dec)

04-05 bb00 Air Base e.g. 08=St Omer, 3c=Le Havre

06 aa Aircraft code see page 1, e.g. 00=P38H, 10=Bf-109E, 1b=Ju-87

07 0n Establishment of Pilots

08 0p Establishment of Planes

09-0b ffc800 3 bytes - (maybe pilot experience and morale?)

0c-0d 03 00 Number of possible squadrons/staffels that one can be assigned to

0e-12 pp pp pp pp pp 5 bytes - Probability (out of 100 h) of mission types:


e.g. 80 80 00 00 00= 50% escort, 50% sweep

10 40 b0 00 00= 6% escort, 25% sweep, 68% attack

00 40 40 20 60=25% sweep, 25% bomb, 12% int'cept, 37% interdict

13-15 uu uu uu Unit sign/Unit designation/Unit long description

16-19 0d 17 18 19 Squadron/Staffel designations

1a-1b 02 02 Number of airfield moves/number of aircraft updates (4+4 max)

1c-2b (4x 4 blocks) Airfield changes. Probability/Mission number in 25/Airfield number

(the ffff [65535] value is a mystery. It only happens in UK43-44, and may mean move to continental provisional airfields??)

2c-3b (4x 4 blocks) Aircraft upgrades. Probability/Mission number in 25/New Aircraft

e.g (Spit9->Typhoon->Tempest)


3c-5b 20 h (32 d) bytes of unknown flags.


5c (8x 4 blocks) Weapons stockpiles. Weapon code/First mission available/Amount


The alternative staffels you could be in in a particular Gruppe (see the number just before the mission probability types for quantity of choices). e.g. in SQGR40.DAT, III/JG 51 has 3 choices (byte 278=03).

Then starting at byte # 16 h are the name references: od 17 18 19.

These are references to the squadron names 0d, 17, 18 and 19 in SQNAMEGR.STR, namely III/Jagdgeschwader 51, Staffel 7, Staffel 8 and Staffel 9 respectively.


The first plane update is at byte # 2c.

e.g. 8017 1200 = upgrade to Bf-109K,

0000 0000 = no upgrade (e.g. all German squadrons in 1940).


Remember that the stockpiles are affected by the "negative multiplier" in WEAPONS.DAT.


The airbase code are set out on the following page. The names are in TARNAMES.STR. This list is in two parts, the second starting at 0a43 after ZWICKAU, which appears to be a list (not properly ordered, however) of airbase names.


AIR BASE CODES are as follows:


00 Horsham St Faith

01 Halesworth

02 Boxted

03 Debden

04 Raydon

05 Leiston

06 Vitry

07 Wevelghem

08 St Omer

09 Poix

0a Beaumont le Roger

0b Grimbergen

0c Schiphol

0d Deelen

0e Woensdrecht

0f Florennes

10 Cambrai

11 Beauvais

12 Chievres

13 Eindhoven

14 Evreux

15 Cormeilles

16 Guyancourt

17 Villacoublay

18 Rosieres

19 Jever

1a Juvincourt

1b Laval

1c Le Culot

1d Luneburg

1e Oldenburg

1f Plantlunne

20 Paderborn

21 Nordhorn

22 Drope

23 Bissel

24 Stade

25 Parchim

26 Merzhausen

27 Nidda

28 Vannes

29 Altenstadt

2a Brandis

2b Quakenbruck

2c Achmer

2d Rotenburg

2e Salzwedel

2f St. Dizier

30 St. Trond

31 Pommsen

32 Borkheide

33 Juterbog

34 Lobnitz

35 Twente

36 Wissant

37 Wunstorf

38 Kaltenkirchen

39 Briest

3a Le Bourget

3b Rhein-Main

3c Le Havre

3d Giebelstadt

3e Kirrlach

3f Malmsheim

40 Echterdingen

41 Martlesham

42 North Weald

43 Rochford

44 Northolt

45 Hornchurch

46 Gravesend

47 Manston

48 Biggin Hill

49 Kenley

4a Tangmere

4b Eastchurch

4c Detling

4d Croydon

4e Middle Wallop

4f Hawkinge

50 West Malling

51 Duxford

52 Lympne

53 Westhampnett

54 Hurn

55 Ford

56 Holmsley South

57 Thorney Island

58 Chailey

59 Bodney

5a Funtington

5b Selsey

5c Merston

5d Newchurch

5e Needs Ore Point

5f Leipheim

60 Lechfeld

61 Neuberg

62 Leipheim

63 Munich

64 Oranienburg

65 Chaumont

66 Le Mans

67 Audembert

68 Marquise

69 Caffiers

6a Abbeville

6b Bremen

6c Brunswick

6d Chartres

6e Dortmund

6f Amiens

70 Amsterdam

71 Dusseldorf

72 Frankfurt

73 Berlin

74 Wiesbaden

75 Hamburg

76 Tours

77 Hannover

78 Bonn

79 Brussells

7a Kiel

7b Caen

7c Konigsburg

7d Leipzig

7e Lille

7f Cherbourg

80 Magdeburg

81 Mannheim

82 Morlaix

83 Nuremburg

84 Creil

85 Paris

86 Pilsen

87 Rennes

88 Reims

89 Rheine

8a Rostock

8b Darmstadt

8c Diepholz

8d Metz

8e Cuxhaven

8f Munster

90 Stuttgart

91 Lubeck

92 Laon

93 Freiburg

94 Alconburg

95 Rattlesden

96 Framlingham

97 Knettishall

98 Nuthampstead

99 Chelveston

9a Kings Cliffe

9b Metfield

9c Bassingbourn

9d Wormingford

9e Shipdham

9f Hethel

a0 Great Dunmow

a1 Andrews Field





There is one of these files for each campaign. They are each 3708 d bytes long. The file format is:

Byte # (h) (all discovered so far are shorts)


00-01 Year } Campaign commencement date 9407=1940, 9707=1943, 9807=1944

02 Month } 00=Jan, 04=may, 06=July, 07=Aug, ob=Dec

03 Day }


04 Briefing language and art (8000 h =German, 0001= British, 0002=American)

06-07 Always 0000

08-09 Not known, but 1940 campaigns are 8000, all others are 0002 :German/US offensive ? Or controls fighter sweeps? (8000 eliminates fighter sweeps?)

0a-0b Always 0000

0c Not known, but 1940 campaigns have 0200, 1943 - 0300, and 1944 - 0400

0e-13 3 shorts , unknown

14-15 Number of available squadrons number in the corresponding SQxx4x.DAT file (e.g. in CAMPGR40.DAT this is 09, and in SQGR40.DAT there are 9 German squadrons in 1940)

16-17 Not known

18 Number of campaign's phases (see below)

19 Not known, but 1940 campaigns are 07, all others are 1e.

1a A mission every ... days (normal campaign setting doubles this value). This is sometimes affected by some other byte, because in the BOB (British side) between middle August - middle-September missions happen every two days, not three as at the beginning or end.

1b Number of types of available planes defined at offset 33c


1c Here begins part of the file that describes campaign phases. The entire part consist of 25 chunks, each 32(d) bytes long. 1940 campaigns use only 10 (d) of them. The entire part is 320 h (800 d) bytes long.


Interpretation of a chunk is :




01-02 Not known

03 Always 01

04 Length of a phase (days)

05-10 Always 0000 0000 0000

11 Not known, but is somehow connected with the area of operations

13-14 Not known (6400 or 08ff in 1940, all others are fa00)

15-20 Always 0000 0000 0000

21-22 Not known (values are 8000, c400, 4000 and ff00)

23-24 Not known

25 Target type (15h radar station, EE convoy, 05 airbase etc)

26 Not sure, but seems to influence target area

27-28 }

29-30 }as 25-26. A single phase can have up to four target types

31-32 }


Eg. in BOB the first four phases are each 7 days long and the only target type is convoy. The 5th phase is only 4 days long, but targets radar stations and airbases in SE England. Next phases concentrate on airfields in London area.




Then at Byte # 33C are the descriptions of aircraft availability. I am not completely sure what these files do, but they do control enemy aircraft appearing in missions. For example, in CAMPGR40.DAT at byte #37c the Ju-87 is as follows:


1B 00 04 FF 2C 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


1-2 Plane id (1B = Ju87) (located at byte #33c in CAMPGR40.DAT)


3 Withdrawal date, by phase (see above) (04 =4th phase)


4 Replacement plane (FF =none)


5-6 Probability of plane appearing in a mission AT THE START OF CAMPAIGN (2C 01 =300)


7-8 Always 0000


9-10 Prob of plane appearing after MID-CAMPAIGN date byte#3 (00 00 =none, as its withdrawn)


11-12 Always 0000


13-14 Prob of plane appearing after mid-campaign date IF the plane wasn't available at the beginning of campaign. (00 00 =none).


To make this a little clearer compare the above example to the Ju88A in 1940:

Type 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

109E=1000 19ff c800 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000


110C=1300 19ff 6400 0000 0800 0000 0000 0000


Ju88 =1900 19ff 0000 0000 0c00 0000 0000 0000


Ju87= 1B00 04ff 2c01 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000


H111=1c00 19ff 9001 0000 0c00 0000 0000 0000


In this case the Ju88A is available at the start but has no chance of appearing as bytes 5&6 are blank. But when it does appear in mid-campaign '0c' the probability is 600. It serves to the end of the campaign (phase 19 h =25 d) and therefore has no replacement = 'FF'.


The bytes after FF seem to refer to probability of appearance in missions. If you look at the numbers, you'll notice the bigger ones tend to appear more frequently. For example:


He-111s (9001=400 d) are more than Ju-87s (2c01=300 d). Hurricanes (2c01 =300 d) are more than Spitfires (6400 =100 d) . The 1940 campaign has no plane replacements but 1943 and 1944 campaigns do. The P-47C has the P-47D's ID in the fourth position. The P-38H has the J model. The P-51B has the D model. The FW-190A has the D model, etc....Curiously the Bf-110G has the ME-262 as its replacement.



At offset 580h are possibly the bytes that probably control escort type for bombers, but I haven't yet worked on them much.





This information was worked out by Nick Bell. The files CAREER0x.SVE contains the data concerning each career pilot. It is found in the SAVEDATA subdirectory. (The 00 is the 1st pilot you created, 01 the 2nd and so on. This will change as you delete career pilots so just look at the top of the file where your pilot's name occurs.)


Changing Planes in a Career

It is possible to change one plane for another during a career. This works with planes on the same side only. If you change for an enemy plane your ground staff will shoot you up before you take off! Go to byte 00022fb6 h. If your present plane is a P51 it will be 04 (for example), and if a Bf-109E, 10. Change the aircraft code to the plane you want to fly.


Changing Pilot Names

In the same CAREER00.SVE file a little further down, at byte 235a5 h, are the names of all the pilots in your squadron. Just change the names to your liking by re-typing them.


Changing Aircraft Replacement Rate

Offset 143297 d (22fc1 h) in CAREER00.SVE is the byte for aircraft replacement, which sometimes is set at zero (e.g the British 1940 and 1943 campaigns). It can be changed from zero to a large number.


Changing the current number of planes

Losses? The current number of planes is in CAREERxx.SVE near the end.

Search for your staffelname and in among the next 'set' of hexvalues after it should be 06 ( at offset 00022FC1 ? ). Change it to 0C.


Nick Bell (nbell@icdc.com)has created a small editor for CAREER0x.SVE. It is available from his web page (http://www.photohosting.com/users/HKL/hkl.htm). The following is part of the TXT file that goes with it.


Edit Squadron Data

Remember that changing your squadrons aircraft to enemy types will cause your airfield AAA defenses to fire at you while on the runway. I’ve found that moving my Allied squadrons to France or Belgium after the invasion in 1944 was a pleasant change of pace and shortened my flying time considerably. There is no problem with escorting 8th AF formations flying out of England if you move to the mainland. The program recalculates the rendezvous point with the bombers to a point over Europe. You don’t have to fly back to England to meet them.


Edit Pilot Data

Fatigue and Morale: Let me start by saying I presume these are the pilot fatigue and morale values. Fatigue increases every mission. It increases a lot if the pilot bails out, and drops between missions if the pilot doesn’t fly. Setting the fatigue level to 0 improves the AI pilots performance, and apparently makes them much more likely to survive bailouts.


Morale increases a variable amount based on the success of the mission. Mission failure causes the morale value to drop. The most visible thing I’ve noticed with setting the morale to maximum (255) is that the AI pilots are more willing to engage for longer periods. As an Allied player this is useful, as it keeps the escorts more in the fight. As the German, this might not be such a great solution, as the AI pilots hang around longer and have a tendency to get shot down more as they make ineffective passes with MG’s only. Setting the German pilots to low(er) morale makes them make a few passes at the bombers and then the head home. This lessens their casualties, but doesn’t help them down bombers, either. Experiment and let me know what you think is a good value.


Sorties and Kills: Apart from being able to credit yourself kills you “know” you got, I have read that some players feel that AI pilots with very high sortie and kill counts are better. (note that although I know where the data is in the career file, I do not consider worth the time/effort to hack and code and editor for the pilot log, so changing your kill count is only on the scoreboard).


Rank: Along with fatigue, rank determines who flys and what position they fly in. Note that promotion points are also tracked. They are stored in one of those Unknown data types. I just haven’t bothered to figure it out. When I have set all unknown values to the maximum, pilots get promoted very quickly, so it’s there somewhere.


Pilot Status: I’ve never seen Wounded or Rescued on the Squadron Status Board, but they’re in there. Not sure of the effects. Would be interesting to see if wounded pilots “heal” over time. Note that Allied and German Pilots use different values for the same status. It might be interesting to put an enemy pilot in your squadron and see what happens. In any case, you can easily rescue/recover or bring back to life your favorite pilots.


According to the Microprose, selecting an ‘easy’ campaign gives the player better squadron members. In comparision between AI pilots created in easy campaigns vs those created in hard campaign, the easy campaign pilots have higher values.





All *.MSN files are 400 bytes long

The options on the selection screen are:


Year (1940, 1943, 1944 or 1945)

Time (Dawn, Day,Dusk)

Weather (Random, Clear, Partly Cloudy, Heavy Cloud, Overcast)

Instant Action (Yes or No)

Mission (Ftr Sweep, Bomb, Intercept, Interdict, Escort Flight)


No. of Aircraft

Cruise Altitude (Random, Low, Medium, High)

Home Base

Friendly Secondary Aircraft

Formation Size (Random, Small, Medium, Large)

Pilot Skill (Random, Green, Seasoned, Expert)

Enemy Activity Level (Random, Light, Moderate, Heavy)

Enemy Primary Aircraft

Enemy Secondary Aircraft

Enemy Pilot Skill (Random, Green, Seasoned, Expert)

Enemy AAA Level (Random, Light, Moderate, Heavy)


The format of the *.MSN file is:


00-0b xxxx xxxx 6502 00aa Not known

09 Instant Action (80) or not (00)

0c-23 File Name e.g. "Spitfire Ia vs Bf-109 E-4"

24-10f All zeros 0000 0000.....

110 Year 00=1940 01=1943

02=1944 03=1945

114 Time of Day 00=Random 01=Dawn 02=Day

03=Dusk 04=Night (?)

118 Weather 00=Random 01=Clear 02=Partly Cloudy

03=Heavy Cloud 04=Overcast

11c Mission Type 00=Escort 01=Ftr Sweep 02=Bomb

03=Intercept 04=Interdiction

120 Target e.g. 17=Tangmere 36=Hornchurch

3e=Le Havre 4f=Beaumont le Roger

124 No. of Aircraft in Player's flight

128 Cruise Altitude 00=Random 01=Low

02=Medium 03=High

12c Home Base

130 Friendly Secondary Aircraft : Use Aircraft code or feff ffff= None

134 No. of Friendly Aircraft

138 Pilot Skill

13c Enemy Activity 00=Random 01=Light

02=Moderate 03=Heavy

140 Enemy Primary Aircraft (see above)

144 Enemy Secondary Aircraft (see above)

148 Enemy Skill Level 00=Random 01=Green

02=Seasoned 03=Expert

14c Enemy AAA Level 00=Random 01=Light

02=Moderate 03=Heavy

164 Player Aircraft Type (see above)

168 Friendly Secondary Aircraft (see above)

17c Enemy Primary Aircraft (see above)

180 Enemy Secondary Aircraft (see above)


The problem with MSN files editing is the first 4 bytes. Most probably are some sort of encoded checksum. If you take a look into EAW.EXE you will find references to a public key that could related with this problem or with the CD validity check.






Meatwater's Soundpacks (http://www.meatwater.de) have new sound files.

The sound files format is: snd00xx.snd

Paulo Morais has utilities for converting RAW format sound files to EAW format and vice-versa.


In Meatwater's Version 1.3 the files are:

snd0009.snd 35.1k Bomb whistle

snd0025.snd 906 bytes .30 cal MG

snd0026.snd 805 bytes .50 cal MG

snd0027.snd 1.03 k 20 mm cannon

snd0028.snd 1.49 k 30 mm cannon

snd0029.snd 34.8 k Rocket launch

snd0050.snd 183 k Gear up/down

snd0051.snd 74.5 k Parachute

snd0052.snd 32.9 k Touchdown


In Meatwater's Version 2.0 the files are:

snd0003.snd 67.8k Flak explosion

snd0004.snd 133k Bomb explosion

snd0009.snd 46k Bomb release whistle

snd0019.snd 45.2k Flak shot

snd0020.snd 37.6k Flak hit

snd0022.snd 128k Plane explosion

snd0023.snd 115k " "

snd0025.snd 3.34k .30 cal MG

snd0026.snd 4.36k .50 cal MG

snd0027.snd 5.19k 20 mm cannon

snd0028.snd 6.05k 30 mm cannon

snd0029.snd 77.4 k Rocket launch

snd0030.snd 233k Radial engine idle/startup

snd0031.snd 319k " " running

snd0034.snd 234k In-line engine idle/startup

snd0035.snd 114k " " running

snd0038.snd 80.2k Me-262 engine idle/startup

snd0039.snd 247k " " running

snd0042.snd 118k Other engines

snd0043.snd 69k Bomber engines

snd0044.snd 184k V-1 engine

snd0047.snd 292k Engine failure

snd0050.snd 183k Gear up/down

snd0052.snd 32.9 k Touchdown


grb_031.snd and gbrf.cdf 8963k German briefing

aradio1m.adp and aradio2m.adp } American Radio music

bradio1m.adp and bradio2m.adp }5691k British Radio music

gradio1m.adp and gradio2m.adp } German Radio music (incl Lilli Marlene)


I prefer the Version 1.3 .30 and .50 cal MG sounds, but otherwise the Version 2.0 sounds.


The SND file structure is made of a header part of 7 DWORD (28 bytes total length) followed by waveform data (RAW format in the sense of the program Wave Studio bundled with old SB cards. From the seven header parameters only 4 matter:

#3 - data size in bytes

#4 - sample rate (Hz)

#5 - resolution 8 or 16 for bits

#6 - 1 stereo, 0 mono

By using Paulo Morais' SND2RAW.EXE the header is striped and dumped to screen, and a RAW wave file generated to be edited by some compatible program. After that, using RAW2SND.EXE it is possible to obtain a file usable by EAW. These two DOS programs give some help if executed without parameters.




These notes are the result of a lot of detective work, trial and error and guesswork, by me and a number of others, most of whom are mentioned above. They have been collated over a period of time, and are a synthesis of everyone’s knowledge that has been shared to date.


If anyone else reading these notes wants to try their hand at editing EAW, give it a go and let me know. Cooperation is the key. But PLEASE back up anything before you do.


And, as the saying goes, if you cannot add and subtract in hexadecimal, you shouldn’t be hex-editing.


Charles Gunst

4 April 2000



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There is a Sept 2003 Update of these editing notes in the CombatACE EAW Downloads.

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