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I cannot identify the F-84F meshname on the screenshot (to place correctly a decal).




Any help will be appreciated :dntknw:


Thanks by advance.



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it's not fuselage_p??? (like the nose ID tag?) or nose?


I looked into the lod, and there's only nose and fuselage_p

(nice looking skin, btw!)



kevin stein

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Dose that recesed area Move? Like open for a oil cooler Or bypassair? Try serching the Data.ini for animation ID's,might give you a mesh name? Just a thought.


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I believe that is a type of spring loaded intake (like the T-33 has on its back) for the centrifugal compressor. I think its called an intake plenum..........??? Anyone?? Bueler??

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maybe? (bypass air vent doors or whatever?) those are all I could find that might be related to (something) not associated with the landing gears. They don't seem listed in the data ini at all (as anything contoled, let alone automatic_aerodynamic_load or whatvever)


on a side note, the r/l spoilers are called out in the data in (as roll_control devices w the ailerons), but there's no meshes for them.



kevin stein


(with thanks to Champ for lighting bulb over my head -those hints pointed the way, me hopes)

Edited by Wrench

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Thanks a lot for your help :clapping:


The winners are........ intake_door_R and intake_door_L


I can restart to skin French F-84F... 6 done, 6 to do...



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HOOOOT!!! :drinks:


Glad to be help! (and thanks to Raven and Champ for pointing me the right way)



kevin stein

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