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Alice Copper on politics..

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ALICE COOPER - "If you're listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you're a bigger moron than they are. Why are we rock stars? Because we're morons. We sleep all day, we play music at night and very rarely do we sit around reading the Washington Journal."

guess that says it all. :D

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Did you know that Alice Cooper "ran" for President once? Yep. Against Richard M. Nixon.


I drove limousine for Alice once, back in the late 70s (during my 4 1/2 yrs of broken service) in Indianapolis.


The man is no dummy. I think he actually has a Masters in Buisness degree.


I remember he had a Boa Constrictor named, "Angel". The limousine had to be a certain temperature before the snake was allowed to be in it. Angel traveled in a cage, and they would place it in the front seat with the driver.


Alice is a nice guy, for sure, though.


Navy Chief

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Did you know that Alice Cooper "ran" for President once? Yep.  Against Richard M. Nixon. 



The man is no dummy.  I think he actually has a Masters in Buisness degree. 


Alice is a nice guy, for sure, though. 


Navy Chief

Ever notice that the entertainers that have any kind of real education stay out of politics.Frank Zappa went against Tipper Gore in the eighties durring her "Spainish Inquesition" into rock music. He was very well spoken and surprised alot of people in his eloquent answers to her questions.


The quickest way to get me to stop buying an artists records are for them to preach their views from the stage. I dont mind a song or two, it's when they open their mouths and think they have something profound to say.


BTW, look at Ted Nugent and his adventures in bussiness. And he has conservitive views as well, but you never hear him expouse the at the wrong time and place.

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I USED to like Whoopi Goldberg, and Robin Williams; but not any more.


Both of them have used their celebrity status to shoot off their mouths about their political views.


I really don't care what their beliefs are. The only thing they accomplish when they spout off such garbage, is alienate themselves from fans, and make themselves appear totally ignorant.


Navy Chief

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