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Missing Lewis gun ...

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on the recently uploaded Neiuports. Looks kinda funny with a muzzle flash and no weapon!


Where can one find the missing lod?



kevin stein


edit: never mind! I found them ... damn things for some reason wound up in the /Guns folder! (most likely by me mis-copying them!)

Edited by Wrench

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Try to download the new "Nieuport 17/23 update" or read my topic about the "N17 Megapack".



Ice Man

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Copy the "lewis01" into the weapons folder and save the,inside the "lewis01" folder you will find the data.ini about this machine gun copy it into the weapons data.ini and save all with the weapons editor.I found the weapons and guns editor for FE2 on ThirdWire site.



Ice Man

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All fixed ... like I said above, some dummy (who will remain nameless :rolleyes: ) put them in wrong folder when installed the new pak christian59 uploaded. He has been suitable punished :blackeye:


all is well



kevin stein

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