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Worth Sharing Again...

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I was cleaning up my old bookmarks today and stumbled upon this little gem from a few years back:




It's an interview Wings of Honour did with the OFF team and includes comments from Winder, OvS, Pol, Shred, and Sandbagger. I re-read it again for the umpteenth time and it always gives me an appreciation and respect for all that this team accomplished and continues to accomplish. Considering that most of the team live on different continents from each other and have full time jobs / lives of their own - the work done by OBD is remarkable.


So enjoy the write up again - as a little snack until P4 comes along. :grin:

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It is incredible how they built such a great sim with so few men, after their working hours - with so much love and dedication.

Thanks for bringing this up again; it's a great read.

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Glad you liked it Olham. Imagine what the team could accomplish if someone invested in OBD and paid them handsomely for their hours of toil at the computer!

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I often though, they could perhaps make a deal with Mickeysoft - throw the software of CFS3

onto the OFF disc, have the world wide advertising and distribution of Mr. Gates and so on.

Even if they'd only get a smaller amount per sold copy - they should sell far more.

But then, maybe it's uncomfortable to work with such giants?

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I think you're right, my friend. That's the trade off. Right now they might not sell millions of copies, but there is also no publisher saying "we want DLC in six months, there should be more multi-player maps, we don't need 5,000 skins, just paint all of the Dr1's red and ship the damn thing!"


They can do as they please, add as much detail as their imagination and the hardware allows, and create something we all love.

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Worth sharing again:

"Over the Front" (Australian War Memorial)

BW original footage, showing Bristol Fighters, balloon shot down,

while observer jumps, R.E.8 at start, Fokker D VII and Dr.1, S.E.5a,

Sopwith Camel performing a trick to pretend it's going down, a fighter

crashing, the attachment of bombs, a Gotha starting, Flak & Archie,

British and German pilots, etc.


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I think you're right, my friend. That's the trade off. Right now they might not sell millions of copies, but there is also no publisher saying "we want DLC in six months, there should be more multi-player maps, we don't need 5,000 skins, just paint all of the Dr1's red and ship the damn thing!"


They can do as they please, add as much detail as their imagination and the hardware allows, and create something we all love.



Cappy, your thoughts above hit the nail on the head. If we're bound by a contract, then we have dates, limits and expectations to adhere to. When you're dealing with the general public that have no clue that only MvR's last Dr.1 was painted all red, then you know for sure that it's not going to matter to them what the rest of the skies over Flanders looks like.


We're not bound, so our game is not either. Yes, we know, it's based on CFS3 graphical technology, which for whatever stupid reason is always brought to surface, but when you look at what else encompasses this game, in data, history, action, atmosphere, design, scenery, etc...etc... it's proof that no game atempting to re-create history, should ever be bound by a production date, and a contract.


Hence the single demise of RB3D, it was a great leap in sim technology, nothing could touch it's campaign manager and flight/damage models ... but that's where the line was drawn. It was largely false in historical data, rushed to production and a mess even by the standards which were in place at the time of it's release. The code was never finished, and tons of holes were left in it, so open that you could practically re-write the entire game other than the .exe file. What does that tell you.



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It thought those were your reasons to do it this way. Now I know why it is so exceptional.

Edited by Olham

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Never seen this before but its nice to get a History how it started all those years ago... okay 5... and here we are eagerly awaiting P4... P4tience.... must have P4tience....

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