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Fun little deal over on GoG...

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Thought I'd give you guys a heads up that GoG's selling Red Baron and Red Baron 3D for only $2.50 today. OFF's spiritual successor, fun as hell game in its own right... I bought it even though I'm not entirely sure when I'll ever play it seeing as I'm knee deep in the middle of my OFF RFC campaign. Buuuuuut it's very nice to have and I gives me great memories

Edited by Javito1986

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Thought I'd give you guys a heads up that GoG's selling Red Baron and Red Baron 3D for only $2.50 today. OFF's spiritual successor, fun as hell game in its own right... I bought it even though I'm not entirely sure when I'll ever play it seeing as I'm knee deep in the middle of my OFF RFC campaign. Buuuuuut it's very nice to have and I gives me great memories


Nice find! The site says RB and RBII are compatible with XP and Vista - I wonder if they've done anything to make the games run properly or if it's still on the user to get them running. I have my original RBII disk but the game runs far too fast on my Windows 7 machine and applications like Turbo can't help me - as I have a quad core processor.


Still, nice to see the old gal kicking around!

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GOG.com sells games that are fixed to be fully compatible with modern PC's and operating systems. You don't need to do anything special to make them work, just install and play. They provide an excellent service, and have no nasty DRM in any of the games they sell, which is extremely rare these days. You buy it, you own it.


But at least for me RB2 is ancient history and only has nostalgic value. It can't be compared to modern flight sims. It's old, and it really shows in every department. The only impressive thing about it even by modern standards is the excellent campaign mode. But otherwise, it's nothing but nostalgia.

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The original Red Baron has such a nice manual though. The game itself is very simple, so its 300 page manual is devoted entirely to a history of the WW1 air war, detailed biographies of several aces, aircraft schematics, and a lesson on powered flight. Lots of neat screenshots and quotes from pilots I haven't read before. Like Lanoe Hawker saying he felt bad for the Germans he's shot down, but that this is war and "they've been a troublesome lot lately". I love me the black humor. Those were the days when games had big thick manuals. Anyway, it's included as a PDF in the download, I had fun skimming through it this morning.

Edited by Javito1986

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It was always great fun to Play. I've spended many sleepless Nights with this fantastic Games. The first Years playing it "normally" (with an Pentium 166 and a Voodoo 1 Card, ooohhh Woow :rofl: ), and later then the "Western Front"- Patches were absolutely fantastic with improved Graphics, Sounds and Effects and so on. 100 Planes, moving Front-Lines, dozen's of new Aces Skins and so much more. Ah, the good old Times...:ok:

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Aye, true enough. I wouldn't be here enjoying OFF today if I'd never played RB3D ten years ago.

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