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windows 7 64 bit

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Thanks Hellshade,


I actually have the same set-up as you, including Mobo, so that GTX580 might be in my future. What did you use to cool the CPU when you overclocked it?


I'll be happy to take those instructions from you. :)




I used a Zalman fan, like the one in this link. This one says it needs a special bracket to work with i7 style cpus but mine came with all of the right stuff so you may need to look around. Works beautifully though.



Here is the review on the EVGA Superclocked GTX 580. It's the exact card I purchased.



Here is the stock GTX 580 review vs previous Nvidia products



Overclocking is easy on the P6T board. Once you are in BIOS, select the "Ai Tweaker" tab.

Change BCLK Frequency to 190

Change DRAM Frequeny to 1523

I didn't find any need to change voltage settings at this rate and everything works flawlessly. I can bump it up to 4.2 Ghz but that requires a jump in voltage and really, I just don't see the point. Every cpu is different of course so fiddle with those numbers and you'll find the sweet spot for your rig.


Save and exit. The system will shut down completely and after a few moments restart. Should post at 3.8Ghz.



Edited by Hellshade

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Well, now that we've just hi-jacked this thread... how does it handle FSX? I'm still running FSX on XP, and I get those annoying memory crashes about 1 hour into flight around anywhere congested like NYC, Boston... etc.


Just Dandy!..I have high graphics, and 30-40fps no problem at all..with Traffic too

Though, as you know...very big, busy airports do tend to slow things quite a bit in FSX...this goes for really good cards too.

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Well, now that we've just hi-jacked this thread... how does it handle FSX? I'm still running FSX on XP, and I get those annoying memory crashes about 1 hour into flight around anywhere congested like NYC, Boston... etc.

Take a look at this forum and go to section on virtual address space x86 (32 bit)





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Uncleal does direct x come with win 7 64 bit..if so what version ? I cant remember if you are a nvidea guy...if you are what version driver runs the best with win 7 64? Does win 7 have a lot of drivers such as joystick without having to dig out disks or go on line

W7 comes Dx11 compatible. The v.c. that your pc ships with will determine the dx version loaded: dx10/.1 or 11, presuming it's built with a later model v.c. CfS3/OFF needs dx8.1 or later to properly load and and run so before you do anything, check to see what dx version is loaded. Running dxdiag won't help here unless you "peel back" some of the code. To find out what version is loaded go to C:Windows > System32 and look for "d3dxxx.dll". More than likely, you'll only find "d3d10 or 11.dll", which means you're running dx10/11.


Now some games will run ok even if dx10/11 is only loaded: the kernal contains SOME code to run older games, but for the most part, it's broken. the same goes for Dx10/.1. The best thing to do is download and install the Dx9.0c redistributable from MS. That's why MS, "in its wisdom", finally decided to release it: it fills and fixes the holes that Dx10/11 created. This will enable support back to dx8. You can verify that by going back into System32. The first dx version listed will be "d3d8thk.dll" and will stop at "d3d11.dll". Running dxdiag will only show the Dx11 version listed since it defaults to the latest version loaded.


It's been a long time since I've installed CFS3 and I don't remember if the CD set offers the the option to load dx8 or later and I don't have the DVD, so maybe another flyer can chime in add...



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I'll be happy to take those instructions from you. :)


Did you try overlocking it yet?



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How about AVG and ZoneAlarm. I use those and seem to have good success with them, but other than a few websites, I don't surf too much. Also, they both do the annoying nag screens to get you to upgrade. I know it's all free, but it's annoying as hell when software does that.


On a site note... above me uncleal mentions his 'antiquated' GTX260... well... I ...er .. have the same card. ;) What is a good replacement for my system. I am greatfully enjoying that i7 Quad core still, and would love to over clock it now as I still have it running at default. I've enjoyed my rig since the day you offered the advice on it, and have never looked back. But 2 years is a life-time and I'd like to upgrade to Win7 64, with some more memory, and a better vid card for Flight Sim X and OFF... and whatever else I toss at it, which has not been much lately. Love the BIA series games, but they're old now... and the COD games are getting annoying with the same thoughtless, renegade killing with no attention to tactitcs whatsoever.


All the best,






Sorry OVS......didn't see this until just now. Must be my 52 yr old eyesight....or my 72 yr old brain.




AVG and ZoneAlarm are both very good proggies, considering they're free. Prior to experimenting with Mickeysoft Security Essentials, AVG was always my recommendation to those who were looking for "free" protection from viruses and/or spyware. It gets the job done (usually) and the price is right. ZoneAlarm has always been a good free product for those who aren't behind a hardware-based firewall and are looking for something more substantial than the firewall protection their MS OS has built into it. ZA is not without "issues" though, and it can cause some real grief if you're not at least somewhat "saavy" when it comes to some of the more advanced configurations. The same can be said about AVG, or just about any protection-based software, regardless of whether it's free or subscription based.


As far as your question about video card upgrades and increasing RAM is concerned, top-dollar budget for the card and RAM would be an asset in terms of being able to suggest something. As I recall, we decided on the P6T for you with future upgradability in mind. It was a good thought. That motherboard will certainly provide support for whatever it is you'd like to accomplish here, even though it's two years old (which can be a lifetime when it comes to this technology if you don't shop real carefully...)



An upgrade to Win7 64 would be a big step forward to begin with. You could go through the hassle of trying to find additional memory identical to the modules you already have, but I'd recommend looking at some G-Skill16000. Absolutely brilliant RAM at very affordable prices. I used to be a Mushkin, Corsair and OCZ fan.......but not any more. G-Skill is the way to go......but that's just my preference of course. Drop at least 6 Gig of any decent, reliable, and fast RAM on that board and Windows 7 will run like a top for you, and with one of the newer cards, so will your games. Fire me off a PM if you like and give me an idea of what you're looking to spend.


I can't remember if we decided to go with stock cooling on your i7 (I'm pretty sure we did) but regardless, I'd hold off on any attempt at overclocking at all until we get you set up with some accurate temperature and voltage monitoring utilities. The P6T is a very "overclock-friendly" mainboard as Hellshade has pointed out, but merley adjusting multipliers, base clocks and RAM frequencies more or less "blindly", can be a recipe for unexpected expenses and sorrow. I certainly wouldn't proceed without closely monitoring a number of resulting and potentially dangerous conditions. Chances of an unrecoverable "whoopsie" would be remote, but please....proceed with caution!!!!



Cheers Mate,



Edited by Parky

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