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Help installing Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 2

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I've never been very good with modding my Thirdwire games but, I struggle through and sometimes I get lucky and something actually works. For instance, after many attempts, I finally got the NATO FIGHTERS 4 mod to work for my Strike Fighters 2 Europe game. However, this is my dilemma now. I just purchased the new Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 2 and I am having a very difficult time getting it to install. Can I not have the NATO 4 mod installed in order for this new expansion pack to work? I would hate to have to remove the NATO FIGHTERS 4 mod after so many hours spent trying to get it to work. However, if that is the case I will remove it in order to use the new Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 2 that I purchased. Or perhaps I also need Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 1 in order for Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 2 to work?


I even tried to create a second "vanilla" install of Strike Fighters 2 Europe and apply the new Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 2 to that "vanilla" install but, it did not work. When I launched the game it was still showing that I had the Nato Fighters 4 mod applied to the game. I don't know why that would be happening since I installed a fresh new copy of Strike Fighters 2 Europe and did NOT apply the Nato Fighters 4 to that new install of Strike Fighters 2 Europe. Can someone help me out with some advice or direction? As you can see, I'm very confused. Thanks!

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OK. Where to start...


Read through this forum: http://combatace.com/forum/268-thirdwire-sf2-series-knowledge-base/


Pay close attention to this thread: http://combatace.com/topic/40588-sf2sf2v-knowledge-base/


This specific post helps explain how to create multiple intalls: http://combatace.com/topic/40588-sf2sf2v-knowledge-base/page__view__findpost__p__306141


You may still have questions after reading through this, but at least reading these first will hopefully make things easier to help with.


In short: 1) yes you can have NF4+ with the exp pack (although it will be a little buggy until the NF4+ patch comes out), 2) You don't need Exp Pack 1, 3) You should be able to have multiple installs. It's very easy and is covered in the threads I linked to.


So read up and then let us know what you're still having problems with!

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Sounds like your SF2E.exe are pointed to the wrong folders. Ensure, by looking at the Properties of each one and see which install it's pointing to. It also helps to rename seperate installs to keep some of the confusion down. SF2E NATO4 versus stock SF2E, etc.

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Sounds like your SF2E.exe are pointed to the wrong folders. Ensure, by looking at the Properties of each one and see which install it's pointing to. It also helps to rename seperate installs to keep some of the confusion down. SF2E NATO4 versus stock SF2E, etc.



Thanks guys... much appreciated guidance! After investigating further I discovered to my amazement that the "Add On" is actually a stand alone product or game! It had never occurred to me to look inside the installation folder of Strike Fighters 2 Europe for the Strike Fighters 2 Europe Exp2! I was assuming that this "add on" would appear inside my Strike Fighters 2 Europe game. I was only clicking on the shortcut icon on my desktop for Strike Fighters 2 Europe and expecting to find the new aircraft and campaigns inside the Strike Fighters 2 Europe game!


I was extremely confused between the definition of an "Add-On" and a "Mod". I think I understand now that an "Add-On" is a separate .exe file that simply requires the larger Strike Fighters 2 Europe full game to operate. That is why it is located in that folder? Wow! This was really difficult for me to wrap my mind around. I think all is well now though. I also see that the Strike Fighters 2 Europe Exp2 has created a "mod" folder in my "saved games" folder under my user name so, I should be able to add all of the effects I love, such as clouds, terrain and explosions. Please correct me guys if I'm mistaken in my assumptions here. Thanks!

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Hi, i'm new on these forum but i' ve read the most part of it, and before now i was too shy to post ... but after half a day spended after Strike Fighters 2 without any succes, i've decided to try to ask for help.


I've just puchased Strike fighters 2 Europe, Expansion Pack 2 and downloaded Nato fighters IV+ ( NF4+), but i can't install the latter one.

I've tried with Strike fighters 2 alone plus NF4+, Strike fighters 2 with different patch plus NF4+, Strike fighters 2 with Expansion pack 2 plus NF4+, but NF4+ seems never work. I think i may have jumped some critical step, but i can't understand which one... Simply i don't have the folders mentioned in the readme file ( the mods folder ).


I have some experience with Wings Over Europe, but Strike fighters 2 seems totally different.


Thanks in advance for all the help you can give me :D

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Read section 1 The Basics in here - mods go in a totally different place now.




I also assume you created a new Mod folder by making a copy of the games .exe and renaming it to something like "NF4"?

Edited by MigBuster

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ok, i'm stupid.

No excuses.



I've read all the forums and, when i've reach the topic named "Converting older planes to work in SF2 – a basic guide (by MigBuster)" i tought : Well, i didn't have to convert anything, i just need to put some new planes in the new game ".



And when i've read about the folder somewere on the C: drive, i tought that it's should be in the hard disk where i choose to insall the game, and not necessary in the C: hard disk .


Really, i'm sorry, i didn't think it can be so different from Wings over europe and i didn't know that the planes in the game are "old" planes converted.


Thank you for your help, i'm gonig to try the right procedure :D




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