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Need Some Help, but really feel stupid

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SO I recently purchased Wings Over Europe after having WOV and liking the ability to take a flight sim onto my laptop for when Im traveling and such. I was surprised when I found how extensive the mod community for WOV was,l and when I heard about the NATO fighters and ODS mods for WoE, I had to have them! But now I have a huge problem and its keeping me from enjoying WoE.


To get ODS to work right, I had to copy and paste the folders myself, but it seems when I put the "WEAPONS" Folder into the game, it goes ape-nuts and crashes. I know I wont be able to loadout my planes unless I get the weapons folder in, but I cant figure out where or how to put it into WOE


Also, I didnt know where to put this question...sorry, but someone please help. I also can't use the installer for ODS or Nato without it bugging up on me.

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Weapons folder goes here:




If it crashes on you you are probably using the wrong weapons editor version to save the weapondata.ini.



Okay - with campaigns - have you created a separate install for each campaign? if not it will never work.


what I mean is - install the game once

Install patch


make copy of entire game folder for each campaign.

rename it to WOE_ODS for example - that's your new install - you must then install the new files into that install only.


there should be loads about this in the SF1 knowledgebase

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Moved to the correct Forum




Information on creating seperate, stand alone installs are in the Knowledge Base above.



kevin stein

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When You say move it to the weapons folder, thats my only problem. THERE IS NO WEAPON FOLDER after a clean install (ugh, again, noob)


Another problem is that Im lost as to what you mean on the campaigns

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if you don't HAVE a /Weapons folder, you just create one! And drop all the goodies in there! Now, if the weaponspak is PRE 08 level --and I can tell you for certainty that the ODS mod IS at the 08 level, and REQUIRES no other weapons than what comes with it-- , you can cheat-update by using the 08 level weapons editor to re-initialize to that level.


If you are, as you say, COMPETLY new to the 3rd Wire game serie --and I cannot emphasize this enough, or repeat it often enough -- DON'T MOD THE GAME TO START WITH!!! Spend a few weeks getting familiar with game system; where stuff goes, how it works, etc and so forth.


As always, I give the link direct to our ever handy Knowledge Base:




and the advice to start at the beginning, and read EVERY thread, regardless if it applies now or not. It'll help later, trust me!



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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