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SF2X2 editor, any way for campaign?

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I'm a late-comer to the 2nd expansion pack, and am digging it pretty well.


The mission editor, for single missions, is a very cool thing, but where it would be REALLY useful, IMHO, would be in

campaign missions.


I know you can save a mission, and then edit it as a single, but it won't help in a campaign.


Is there a setting, somewhere, that anyone has discovered to allow some editing of campaign missions?


I find it exceptionally unlikely, but felt it worth a shot to ask.


Anyone of you more cranially inclined folks discover a way?

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Nope. Felt like replying with a smart comment but as far as I know no.

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Yeah, well, I knew I was reachin', smart-ass would have beenacceptable, with a positive answer, of course...



Edited by Spectre_USA

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Yeah unfortunately I was inspired to but it just didn't come out totally, sorry.

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Damn straight :smile: Gotta have balance in life...


But fine here we go:


"Yes there is! You go to the Campaign folder, open it with something like notepad, edit how you want it and save it as a new campaign!"


That work?

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Sadly, that will probably be as close as it gets.


Ah, well.


I am just glad the save feature came along, and now the single mission capability for the mission editor.


Better'n better...

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Well give it a few more years and we'll probably get to that point...

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