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Altering Litening Pod Model?

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Last one from me for a bit, Promise!


The Litening Pod I'm using sits about 6-8in below the pylon, I don't think it's a pylon issue as other stuff sits fine, just the Liening doesn't. How would I mod this to bring it closer to the pylon - LOD edit maybe?




Many Thanks.....................................................IanH

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change the height of the attacment position in the aircraft's data ini (last number in the sequence xxx,yyy,zzz)




doing so will ALSO change the attachment position for any other store for that pylon.



kevin stein

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Change the diameter of the Lightning pod in the weapondata.ini file and use the weapon editor.



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Change the diameter of the Lightning pod in the weapondata.ini file and use the weapon editor.




Cheers FC, I'd originally altered the dimensions in the weapon editor to the actual length/diameter/weight etc but didn't realise it could affect the model scale too (thought it was just for the pylon data). Shrunk it back to 0.2m and it fits spot on again.

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It doesn't affect the model scale.


Weapon models should be built with the center of the model at the 0,0,0 axis. However, the sim does not know this, so you input the dimensional data which tells the sim how big the model is...specifically for mounting purposes, it takes the diameter, divides it by two, and mounts the model exactly that distance from the pylon.



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