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Need another ruling.....

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So I need another ruling on a plane mod......


I made a few mods to Viggen's F-16B for WOI. I flew it as advertised and decided to make some fixes. Having done so I want to post the adjusted a/c. I asked this question a few weeks ago and didn't get a solid answer, so here it is again:


Having fixed some stuff on the F-14, like elevons on the A model since all F-14's had them, and changed the pitch and roll values on the F-16B to make them more believable, can I post these aircraft as fixed projects that someone else started assuming I give credit where it is due? I am fairly new to the SF community (a year or so) and have just gotten started on fixing some of the flight model type stuff for personal use BUT I do want to share the fixes with people who are interested. Being new I don't know what the rules are regarding this particular kind of stuff, although I have seen some fixes, like elevons on the F-14D that Aleckx fixed. Do you just make the changes to the values and post them as fixed, or do you contact the originators of the planes and ask them if you can post the fixes you have made?


I will be away from the computer for a week after tonight, so if someone can get back to me by tonight sometime (I'm west coast USA) then I can upload or begin the email chain!! Thanks for the help!



Edited by Stingray72

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if the originator are listed here:




no permisison is needed, just make sure you spell their names right! :rofl:


if it's a Mirage Factory product, permission has to come from them (contact Sony Tuckson)



kevin stein

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