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Not another war!!

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The threat of anonther war in the mid-east will always be there. That Iran will be next is as good as the flip of a coin. If they are open about using the atom for peaceful purposes that's well and fine, but they had better have there program like glass, transparent and nothing hidden. That the EU is voicing concern means that they realise the threat that Iran could pose. If the Iranian Gov't is shown that a weapons program wont be tolorated by the EU and other Blocs, preferably ones that the US have limited involvment in, they might get the message.

Tehran wants to end it's isolation and they are doing it with baby steps. Now is the time for them to be adult and accept the norms and morals of the rest of the world. One of wich is, you dont build a Nuke program until you can be trusted. Lets hope the EU keeps the pressure up on Tehran.

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don't worry... be happy :P

Israel have missions ready just in case...

the new F-16I and the young F-15I are ready and able to reach Iran

we did it once we surely do it again if needed



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Israel and missions. That is good, Nesher.

Remember the "Mission over Iraq nuclear plant!!" That was in the eighties.

One crewmember died years later in a spaceshuttle crash.




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That Iran will be next is as good as the flip of a coin

either them or the syrians.......more than likely after the elections...but either way if we dont hit those nuke sites Im sure the IAF will reach and touch,like they did in ozirak..of course our awacs ought pick up the strike package,the question is do we let them go on their way or?...

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Israel and missions. That is good, Nesher.

Remember the "Mission over Iraq nuclear plant!!" That was in the eighties.

One crewmember died years later in a spaceshuttle crash.




yep, Ilan Ramon was one of the Culombia Spaceshuttle crashed almost 2 years ago


he was actually afraid during "Opera" operation (the Iraqi nuclear plant bombing operation)

he was the last aircraft in the second formation, and if anyone should had got hit

it most likely would have been him



u have a point scout, but if we need to something

we will think about everything to make it work

don't worry, our men will find solution to everything ;)

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he was actually afraid during "Opera" operation (the Iraqi nuclear plant bombing operation)

he was the last aircraft in the second formation, and if anyone should had got hit

it most likely would have been him

Nesher, it's when you dont expect it that God calls you home.


It wouldnt surprise my if our AWACS had a major systems failure during an IDF strike. You know that our equipment is supplied by the lowest bidder.

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You know that our equipment is supplied by the lowest bidder.

LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how 'true' lol

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