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Campaign Setting Question: Intelligence

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I've got a question about the "Intelligence" setting in campaigns. Here's a typical example from one of the SF2E campaigns:


Intelligence=50 <<<<<<< 


Two questions:


1. Why do only Force 2 (Enemy) units have Intelligence settings?


2. What does this setting represent? That unit's general intelligence/knowledge about Force 1 (Friendly) units? Or does it represent Force 1's specific intelligence/knowledge of that particular Force 2 (Enemy) unit?


Apologies if this question has been answered elsewhere. I couldn't find it through a search.




Eric Howes

Edited by eburger68

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It *may* represent Force 1's specific intelligence/knowledge of that particular Force 2 (Enemy) unit, revealing more or less information about enemy's units on the campaign planning map.


At a level of 100, the player may know the nature and the volume of the unit.


I'm not sure that it's dynamic, in other words that Recon missions improve the level of intelligence the player side have about a given unit.


About the reason for which only Force 2 (OPFOR)'s units have a level of intelligence set, I would guess that it's because the campaign is supposed to be played on Force 1 side.



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Some info is written here:




1. Because there is no stock red campaign.


2. It represents how much info on that enemy unit will show on the campaign map. Maybe it does more, but I would not know.

Edited by gerwin

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