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Help getting the new Falklands terrain to work past 1983

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I have created two separate installs on the new SF2 Falklands campaign. One I use as normal the other I have added other add on British aircraft from 1983 onwards. My problem is when creating a single mission in more modern time (eg 2005 to simulate a fictional second attack on the Falkland’s) the game crashes. I have changed every date I can think of to 2020+ such as aircraft, ships and ground objects for both sides. As well as extending all the dates in the option.ini etc. What am I missing to get this to work?







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Dan, I don't know if you've tried this, but go into the Malvinas.ini file in the Malvinas terrain folder where you'll find this entry:






Change it, maybe this will do the trick?



Edited by P40Hawk

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Falklands mod folder, OPTIONS.ini

SingleMission section

EndYear=0 <----- change this


Originally the 0 should have set it to unlimited, but thats not working anymore since the December update.

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Cheers but I have already changed both those figures with the problem still happening.

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