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From Hero to Zero

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Money is the key to corruption. So many "heros" have gone down over it.


Vietnam Ace Randy Cunningham went from a respected Congressman to a felon who is still in prison serving out an eight year sentence for briabary, tax evasion, and fraud.


So sad...

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Spot on Storm.

There's seems to be no limits on mankinds greed

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My fave is Spartan general Gylippus who defeated the Athenians at Syracuse in the Peloponnesian War, and after Lysander defeated Athens and entrusted Gylippus with tribute silver, Gylippus stole it, but eventually got caught and had to run.

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Manuel J. Fernandez, third highest-ranking American ace of the Korean War and unquestionable hero, also died infamously in crash while carrying a full load of Colombian marijuana. But in his case, he highly seems to have operated as a DEA covert operative.

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Manuel J. Fernandez, third highest-ranking American ace of the Korean War and unquestionable hero, also died infamously in crash while carrying a full load of Colombian marijuana. But in his case, he highly seems to have operated as a DEA covert operative.


Either that, or he was off his face! :lol:

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