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these are examples of when one would say oooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkk if you say so....


Magician Says Tiger Bite Was Bid to Help Him


BERLIN (Reuters) - A Las Vegas-based magician who was mauled and dragged from the stage by his white tiger during a show last October said in an interview to be aired Thursday that the animal was actually trying to help him.


Speaking to German broadcaster RTL, German-born Roy Horn said the tiger, called "Montecore," was trying to stop him from falling over on stage after he suffered a dizzy spell.


"It was an accident. Montecore understood the signals and wanted to save me," the illusionist-animal trainer said, adding: "It was unfortunate that his teeth hit my carotid artery."......



Man Tries to Sue Wife for 5-Day Sex Denial


MADRID (Reuters) - A Spanish man tried to have his wife charged with domestic abuse because she refused to have sex with him on five consecutive days, Spanish newspaper El Sur reported on Friday.


The middle-aged man from Seville -- the city of Don Juan and Carmen -- said her refusals amounted to "degrading treatment" and domestic abuse, a term used more often to describe wife-battering.


The judge shelved the case, Andalusia-based El Sur reported......

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opps! forgot this one.....


Schwarzenegger outlaws sex with corpses


SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Having sex with corpses is now officially illegal in California after Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (news - web sites) signed a bill barring necrophilia, a spokeswoman says.


The new legislation marks the culmination of a two-year drive to outlaw necrophilia in the state and will help prosecutors who have been stymied by the lack of an official ban on the practice, according to experts.


"Nobody knows the full extent of the problem. ... But a handful of instances over the past decade is frequent enough to have a bill concerning it," said Tyler Ochoa, a professor at Santa Clara University School of Law who has studied California cases involving allegations of necrophilia.


"Prosecutors didn't have anything to charge these people with other than breaking and entering. But if they worked in a mortuary in the first place, prosecutors couldn't even charge them with that," Ochoa said on Friday.


The state's first attempt to outlaw necrophilia, in response to a case of a man charged with having sex with the corpse of a 4-year-old girl in Southern California, stalled last year in a legislative committee.


Lawmakers revived the bill this year after an unsuccessful prosecution of a man found in a San Francisco funeral home drunk and passed out on top of an elderly woman's corpse.


The new law makes sex with a corpse a felony punishable by up to eight years in prison.

wonder if it applies to my ex..or to anyones live 'better' half lol

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Hmmm, "It was unfortunate that his teeth hit my carotid artery."...... Well, that is damn unfortunate. That's why I don't play with big kitties.

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