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The news that some feared has just comed in Paran has fired up his frist nuclear reator in al Markesh near P12 airfield.

this comes only 9 monhts after closing a deal whit Dohar to buy this country´s uranium resources in exchange for oil and weapons.

Sharnak and Dhimar has show there discontent in this troubling news and the US has aks Paran to open his door to UN inpection to make sure that the new nuclear plant his of peafull nature.

Paran has decline to do so say that they wont open there soberan country to US or UN medlying tension his esclating fast NATO has renforded the peace keeping forces in the region Italy, Spain, France, and Germany has sent more fighters squadrons to dhimar and UK and US close a deal to use sharnaki air space and airfields for new t come units ground forces mostly form UK and US are been bluid up has we speak and the KittyHawk and Nimitz are in route whit USN and USMC forces aboard.

The Desert prepares for war

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Cool idea. Maybe some terrain editing, such as nuclear facilities, could be interesting. Btw, could we get carriers for Italy, Spain and France?

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Very good idea!!! I'd like to fly for my country (Spain). Are you going to use Piecemeal's map? And what planeset?

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ok some more info guys

i im going to use Baffmeister desert plus 2.3 terrain in some ini edit to add carrier staions and nuclear plant whit i going to make the 3d model.

i will glad carries for France Italy and spain but there his no models made for this countrys i think cloud find any in the donwload seccion.


Plane set early wip if you guys cloud give tips and sugestions like watt italian brids for navy ops? and so on



subject to change


PS if any one want to join in you very welcomed

Edited by cocas

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edit deleted img of wip Aloutte III

more tomorow after mapping some more parts off YF-12.

Edited by cocas

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What's the campaign year? Depending of this you can add the FA-18A to the Spanish forces (since 1985). Spanish Navy had some Harriers (AV-8A/S Matador 1976-1997, or AV-8B Harrier II since 1987 and upgraded to Plus level recently). Mirage III retired since 1997.

And how about some Chinese planes for the bad guys?

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What's the campaign year? Depending of this you can add the FA-18A to the Spanish forces (since 1985). Spanish Navy had some Harriers (AV-8A/S Matador 1976-1997, or AV-8B Harrier II since 1987 and upgraded to Plus level recently). Mirage III retired since 1997.

And how about some Chinese planes for the bad guys?


Mirage III retired since 1991; 1997 in France. AV-8B 1987-2003, AV-8B+ 1995-present, RF-4C 1978-2002. Italian AV-8B+ since 1995, i don´t know about F-104S,Tornado ADV or F-16 ADF. Check AMX too, if possible.


I thought we were going to a present day campaign, but 1991 or 1995 would be OK too. Btw, we could add Greece and Portugal (F-16 or A-7?), along with Italy and Spain in some NATO reponse force, I´ll have to check.


Another point is, i think there are too many planes involved, and some too old. We should cut a few out.


I´m all in for the chinese aircraft, but this should be in a more modern date. Late 2000s. (I mean 2005-2010, not 2094)

Edited by macelena

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Well, if the capaign goes older than that, some Chinese Q-5 or J-6 (Pakistan style, with Sidewinders) wouldn't hurt...

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For FM, adapt the FM from Marcelos MI-8.

That FM is the best for Helos around....

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thanks for the Update Soulfreak i will move on and shelve he Aloutte III i aks Aleks if his an armed verion also.

now to start to work another new flash :lol:


"german Leopard 1 tanks arrive in dhimar add to grouing german forces in the region.

URSS make a formal complaint to UN againt the deploymente off more NATO forces to Dhimar."

be back in a fewe moments for real planing

Edited by cocas

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lets scrap the list i posted earlyer part off it any and go by parts

ODS has many aircrafts also and there two ways to go one add only one squadron per aircraft unless to countrys use it and i can also hack the airfield inis to add more allow squadrons.

this his to be old school need hunt for donwloads stile mod for 3dr party mods its only to include models,skins,inis done by me or ofered for this mod by outhers (pls do so) and that are not in the donwload section.

im aim for 1989 but that can change to make this better no fix date we go for this campaing from mid 80´s to early 90´s say until 1992/3 we can also make moe then one campaing and we go modern and older may milege here and been ficion helps a lot.


for italyan spainsh navys we go for 89 the Dédalo whit AV-8S and helos a AB 212 whould be nice :grin: or the Príncipe de Astúrias whit Av-8B and helos again in later secenario may

Italian we got the Garibaldi by Bobrock whit the Sea harrier. the spanish carriers are not made yet we can use a stand in

more a bit

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for aircraft may be we discuss like this by role and they are


Air superiority aircraft CAP, Interception, fighter sweppe, escort.


Strike aircraft


EW SeaD for suicidals :rofl:


Cas my favorite mission along whit Strike


ASW scripted missions whit markfighter´s subs :idea:


anti-ship like this lot also


so watt to you guys sugest for aircraft


ps im going net surfer for intel pls


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ps im going net surfer for intel pls


Im going to need some net Surfers to gather informations for me pls


for the terrain im going to get Piecemeal´s titles optimezed by SFP1ace since i have a lowend rig and im runing XP and also his desert mod to see watts in there that i can use :grin: .

now whit aircraft seletion

Dohar and Sharnak are more like 3 world countrys so there air may many aircraft variants but low numbers and mostly cheap aircraft light attack trainers and Helos MAP aircraft from US help.

and may one tipe of high end low cost Intercepter like the Mirage 5 :lol:

Dhimar and Paran are Backed by major powers so they have better material all the way seem more realist like right?

need fedeback pls

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ok let try this again :rofl: Bump


i decide after a good hint to make to campaings one american forces only and whit european forces only so we can have to planes and two diferent dates since they will be stand alone and not linked by any way

now can more planes and european countrys so here gos a list

Spain air force and navy need to now more about spanish so put your sugestions heres pls

also dohar sharnak paran dhimar can have diferent planes set in the two campains and 1992 or 1995 just might allow much more opcions now

so fellow swimers e mean simers :lmao: (sorry clound not resist.)are you whit for moral suport at least :tumbleweed:

Edited by cocas

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BO-105, good choose! :good:

BTW Daniel i hope yoiu don´t forget our little project! :grin:

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BTW Daniel i hope yoiu don´t forget our little project! :grin:

No you will have something in your PM this weekend

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Daniel, i have too many things going on. And college just started again.

So my time is very limeted. But for some quick things i would

join of course!

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great will see watt we need in a PM

any one else want to join the more the better.

Edited by cocas

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its come to my atencion that the another Bo-105P tank killer in WIP nearly done so i have to aks this watt Helos are in the works pls i dont want to waste more time to doing stuff tha his already made if the modder that his workin on one these helos does want to go public just pm and say im doing this.

just to save my time pls

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let go over this again :grin:




Tornado IDS


C-160D Transall





F-104S-ASA Starfighter

Fiat G.91Y

Tornado IDS

AV-8B Harrier II

Aircraft Carrier Giuseppe Garibaldi




A-7P Corsair

Fiat G.91R3

C-130H Hercules

Aérospatiale Alouette III





Mirage 2000C

Mirage F-1C200

Super Etendard

F-8 Crusader




EF-18A Hornet

EAV-8B Matador II




F-104G Starfighter


for Euro forces in 1991 the US and UK to busy pounding Saddam over in Irak :rofl:


now for local Forces im taking tips hints watt ever i want comunity mod over here.


for land forces

Germany can deploy leopard MBTs need 2a4

Portugal M60A3 stock SF2 has a stand in for TTS

Was the AMX 30 still in use by spain and France?

Dhimar M48 stock SF2

Sharnak AMX-13

Dohar T-55/T-62 this last very fewe on loan from Paran

Paran T-62/T-72A all stock SF2 i think


for the terrain my plan his push Baffmeister Desertplus to Piecemeal Desert3 Standarts.


later i put us uk campaing list and year need think a bit on that

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