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has it in belgium service by 1992?



The F-104G were retired in September 1983 and the Mirage 5BA retired in 1991 as they come back from Turkey, were they flown their last mission as CAP/Intercept over the Iraqi border during the '91 Gulf War (Operation "Ace Guard").


So, in 1992, the Belgian Squadrons were all on F-16, Block 15 OCU being the most advanced version in service.

Their weapons would be the ubiquitous AIM-9 (N or L) and Mk-82/84 plus Snakeye.

Their primary mission would be Intercept, CAP maybe Escort, and would have Strike as secondary mission.

Good luck with your project



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Thanks Frank right the campaing his set to 1991 and US and UK forces are over on Irak.

your intel his very helpfull thanks again

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news flash update this just got in to bigger and ambious mod whit several campaing and terrians my plans are to make modfied version off old campaings like burning sands 1983, blood for oil and Harrier Campaing make campaings for outer desert terrains.


old campaings wil have so aircraft change to go whit the new times and aircraft now available on CA and on CA only no DAT stuff alowed here.


if any off the modder who made the original campaings dont want me porte and mod his campaings just say and live it alone np.


campaing will made or update and upload one that the time and feature skins and or new aircraft. maybe new ground objects was well.


that his all for now more soon

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