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Guest rscsjsuso5

which cat file

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Guest rscsjsuso5

need an easy help. have sf2i and want to extract the f-16 lods , so my question which cat file in the objects folder their is number 1-13 . if their is knowledge base link just direct me . and same goes for the a-6a and a-7 for sf2v . i need a folder tree to give me visual understanding.


thanks , this should easy


another question - is the lods for a6a and a7 the same for series 1 as they are the same for series 2 of vietnam , meaning compatibility use or you can only go forward but not go back in terms of interchagable use . i heard that some lods can't be used from series 2 to series 1 due to some factors.

Edited by rscsjsuso5

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a full-4 merged install WILL access ALL ObjectData cats, via ALL game exes (just look at the SF2:e mods folder -- you'll find all the arab/isralie items listed in their various Objects folders, as well as the VPAF MiGs)


You cannot 'go backwards' .. meaning pull the SF2 objects and place them into any SF/Wo* 1stGen games. Period. No matter what some other 'people' may be claiming. It's hores**t.


full extraction of the cats would be needed ...don't forget you'll have to have ALL the cockpit bits as well -- lods, jpgs, tga, bmps, etc.


Hence, the 'ease of use and access' created by the merged install function.


short answer:

NO lods and skins are 100% the same (the only exception I've found are the F-104s, and one or 2 of the Migs). 99.9% of the skin mapping has been change; compatability is as near Zero as makes no real difference.



kevin stein

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