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Aproppiate Fog Values

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Hi everyone!


I have a problem cause i see the fog too "dense" for a Israel -Arabs war scenario... in fact, on a bright sunny desertic day... i allways have a short visibility range...

i have MeshSize= 14, and in graphic options, selected "very far" view distance. When flying, i can see the mounains far away... but they are completely "white" by the fog...

its like the fog "starts too close" from the plane, and then it becames dense, and dense...

i have this fog values:










I have no idea about how to handle fog values... x(


Please, Can anyone tell me aproppiate fog values for the Israel War desertic scenario????

Thank you very much.

post-60505-088140900 1295626247.jpg


post-60505-044299400 1295626266.jpg


Here you can see what im talking about... it looks like summer in London... xD

Please help!


Good Hunting!

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Looks ok to me. Im not sure I am tracking on what you are saying.

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You'd be surprised. In my experience 30 mi visibility is a pretty clear day as far as aviation is concerned, and I think your screenshots look about right.


*edit* - I just did a google search for "Israel Arial Photos", and I saw quite a bit of haze. So again, I think what you have looks about right.

Edited by malibu43

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Hummmm... maybe im used to really shining sun cause im andalussian xD.... and maybe the spanish sun is brighter than Israel one... hahahaha... but i still thinking that i should see longuer and brighter on a sunny day in a desertic scenario... xD

Anyway... thanks a lot for your answers xD

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