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To migbuster and everyone else

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id like to thank migbuster for his help on infoormation and the rest of u not lets get down to the chase i have wings Over Europe Wings Over Isreal WIngs Over Vietnam i guess thats all the wings series and first eagles gold which flight sim would be good to get on the third wire store


I meant now not tot sorry guys forgive me

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I know it's an awful lot to ask, but would it be possible to use a little punctuation every now and then?


Also, there IS a spell-check feature, even in the Fast Reply window (look in the upper right corner, for the ABC with the blue checkmark).

It'd help an awful lot..


If I've translated the original question correctly....


plane vanilla Strike Fighters, cause a LOT of terrains NEED (read: REQUIRE!!!) the Desert.cat



kevin stein

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I didnt know they had a plane vanilla Strike Fighters ima get it



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