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Question about Aces

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Just wondered something.


If a personalised plane was damaged, or not serviceable for some reason..Did pilots with personal aircraft fly a standard one?..or if no plane, no flying?

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Leutnant Viktor Schobinger from Jasta 12 had a special "bottle shape" design on his Albatros D.V.

The fuselage was black, and on both sides was this light blue "bottle shape" (see OFF skins).

About him I know, that he had the same design on his replacement craft, as you can see in this picture -

the two closest craft were his.

From JFM's book about MvR (I think it was) I read, that at least the ace pilots all had a replacement craft.

But if they all had their own, individual markings on those too, I can't say.

I bet, many of them had.



Edited by Olham

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I imagine it also depended on the general supply situation, ie. were there any extra planes available. If it was a busy time and all aircraft were constantly needed, it makes sense that some pilots had to stay on ground when their planes were under repair.

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I get the impression that "personal" planes weren't always flown solely by their "owners". Like if the "owner" wasn't on the mission and somebody else's plane was sick, the other guy might fly the "personalized" plane. IIRC, one of the Jasta 11 aces was killed flying another ace's "personal" plane (I forget who). Kinda like Patrocles wearing Achilles' armor. This argues for at least these aces not having multiple planes of their own.

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