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sf2 weapons editor question

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So I installed the sf2 weapons editor, opened it, pointed it at the sf2 folder in the "my documents" folder. Then I made a test M-117 GPS (just for giggles). For some reason it only shows up in the loadout options for add-on aircraft, not stock. The M-117 should be showing up in the F-100, et al but it doesnt.


Yes, I used search.



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I'm pretty sure by making a M-117 guided by GPS, you turned it from a BOMB into a EOGB.


Did the F-100 carry EOGBs?



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Yes they can. They can be found on the Aircraft's DATA.INI files. The Aircraft data and loadout files in SF2 are similar to SF1 other than the addition of the USERLIST.INI file, which make beginner modders from SF1 to easily transition to modding SF2.

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thanks, do they need to be extracted as in SF1 and does the same extractor work?



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thanks Wrench! just found the article...Google is an amazing thing, sorry for being vacuous.



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