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Weather and full DID

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Been playing QC full DID Histocial Weather clouds on full. The conditions made my hair stanup a few times., Ran into 3 Stutters B-1 and between going in and out of rainstrom cloulds it was all I could do to line up 1 time before they disappeared back into the clouds .


Used and Albatross D-5 and chased 2 RE 8s in bad weather and Heavy white clouds got a good line up then spun in ( almost to the ground) I didn't watch the speed falling off indicating I was pointed straight up. This OFF game can be a bit dodgy at times. Great Fun


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So true, Carrick - except for "game" - it is not a game..

Edited by Olham

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I say it's a game: "An activity providing entertainment or amusement; a pastime." Certainly is that. It's a simulator, too: "Consisting of a machine on the ground that simulates the conditions of flying a plane." Nothing wrong with a simulator being amusing and providing entertainment! The flight simulators I used in flight school were neither; they were a lot of hard work and I hated the GD things.

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Guest British_eh

Hi there,


Yes the weather was crap, or rather "dud" days. These accounted for probably 30 % or all flying days no matter the season. Bletchley has done a nice bit for the 1915 weather in the SUb Topic OFF Survival In the Air Series.


If it was raining, it was a "dud" certainly for the Germans, and for the Allies, unless a Push or Offensive was on.





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