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None of my aircraft have drop tanks?

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Hi all,


I installed Gunny's ordinance mods for SF2 but have a huge problem. None of my aircraft whether stock, or modded, can carry drop tanks! :blink: Another thing is when I select a modded aircraft for strike mission, or whatever, the reccomended loadout isn't there. All the stations are empty and I have to populate them my self. Not sure whats going on, I really like all the extra weapons I can have, but I do need droptanks!



Edited by Dave

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for 3rd Party tanks and missles and bombs and etc, you may have to edit the items main ini, adding the lod pointer and shadow lines





ObjectFullName=F-86F Drop Tank
















as to WHY nothing shows up, that's usually an install fault. Here's a test: rename the /Weapons folder to /xWeapons folder, and see if all the stock stuff comes back.


Another thing to double/triple check are the AttachtmentType= line in the each and every one of the data inis for the aircraft in question.



kevin stein

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Thank you! I renamed the folder and I had the stock weapons, then deleted the folder and reinstalled the weapon mod and it works perfectly now!


Thank you!



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