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Weapon Editor DON'T WORK

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Hello everyone,


I'm new to the forum (registered today) but also to the Game WOE (1 week i play at it).

My problems is that I want to add a new aircraft, but when it cames to use the weapon editor application, this don't open/start. I double click it again and again and nothing.

I have the game installed on Win XP and even on Win 7. The game has the oct2008 patch and NF1,2,3 and 4.

I tried to give the application the compatibility with older windows versions, but only when i choose win 98 this finaly starts, but when i click OPEN (to choose the ini file) the app closes by itself.


Please help...



Edited by sensationwhite

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I had the same problem but the solution is simple: do not unzip the weapon editor,open it from inside the . rar

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I had the same problem but the solution is simple: do not unzip the weapon editor,open it from inside the . rar



you can also set the compatibility mode and it will work fine

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I had the same problem but the solution is simple: do not unzip the weapon editor,open it from inside the . rar


I tried this now, but don't work...i ve downloaded the file (btw it's a zip, but should not make any difference) from the third wire website and no luck...




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you can also set the compatibility mode and it will work fine


if you look to the first post, I said that i also choose the compatibility mode and still no luck. It "works" only if i put the app compatibility with win 98. but if i press open,save,import... buttons, the app closes...


...any other ideas guys?

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you tried with Weapon Data Editor v02.20.08 here (199 KB) and did not work?

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you tried with Weapon Data Editor v02.20.08 here (199 KB) and did not work?


Budy, thanx... yes i tried that one the first time and than with the 042406. Both downloaded "freshly" from Third website. but they were zip... and didn't work... i extract, added to rar... and it's fine...

So, thank's a lot! however, i never thought that from rar to zip would make this difference... Thanks a lot mate!



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you can also just place the unzipped Weapons Editor INTO a folder on you desktop, and run the app from there.


works perfectly in Winge7 for me



kevin stein

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