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Hello everyone,


I have used search engine and went through both SF1 and SF2 'Knowledge Base' and noticed there is no information about effect editing. But if it is still in there and I am not aware of where it, please let me know. Do any of you know where I can find great tutorial on modding effects? I have been tweaking and trying to make afterburner for aircraft longer, more intense in light, but I ended up messing up afterburner length in Effect .ini dancing, so I am wondering if any of you know where I can find good information about editing .ini for effects. I am excited about learning how effects work so I can start improving SF2 in my own paces and sharing these with this community when they are ready in future.





Chaoic out...

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You'd have to go a place like http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/ and learn stuff like that there.


And a lot of it is taking the base files and using a paint program (GIMP, Photoshop, etc.)

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Thank you EricJ, I bookmarked that link. and one more thing, is there any of place I can learn about .ini dancing with effects too? I am not able to find .ini effect editing tutor in knowledge base in both SF1 and SF2. What happened to to them? I will continue seeking for these information and hope I will find them.



Eagle out...

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I'd get with Stary or lindr2 and ask them as I don't do effects.

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