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Pictures from bootcamp :)

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friends from my Squad joking around

yes, it's not allowed to aim weapon at a person :blink:



me and a friend, i'm on the left...







too much? ahh? :D

YES>...to Much... ;)


people from all of the platoon (i think it's platoon for u guys :unsure: )





in one of our gathering with my squad a friend did acrobatics...


whooohooo :lol:

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Reminds of of a song by Megadeth called "High Speed Dirt"


Here's some lyrics:


Do it if you dare

Leaping from the sky

Hurling thru the air

Exhilarating high

See the earth below

Soon to make a crater

Blue sky, black death

I’m off to meet my maker



Energy of the gods, adrenalin surge

Won’t stop til I hit the ground, I’m on my way for sure

Up here in the air, this will never hurt

I’m on my way to impact, taste the high speed dirt



SOrry...I can't stop laughing....




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Those are some badass pics. Looks like you guys have a bit of fun at basic.

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at least some is :)



we had alot of fun...



Edited by Nesher

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That's a quiant little park... far from the stereotypical image of nothing but desert and the like. And Nesher, are you the one on the far left of those platoon pictures? the one jumping on peoples backs? :lol:

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yes, it's me :D

i have more pics of the platoon but when i'm not jumping at anyone ;)

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