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Where is WingtipVortexEmitter?

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Hello everyone, I have noticed that there is no effect entity in .ini for this specific effect known as WingtipVortexEmitter. I have looked into PARTICLESYSTEM.ini and used search (ctrl + F) for this exactly entity "WingtipVortexEmitte", and there was no match. I looked everywhere in SF2 for WingtipVortexEmitte and yet is not able to find it. So I am wondering if any of you know where I can find WingtipVortexEmitte? The reason why I am asking is because since it is my great goal to improve effects all related to aircraft from afterburner to pressure wave vortex, especially wingtip vortex, I have been learning about how afterburner works and now I am studying different pressure wave vortex but got stuck at WingtipVortexEmitte part since I am not able to find that entity.


If anyone know where I can find WingtipVortexEmitte, please let me know.





Eagle out...

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If anyone know where I can find WingtipVortexEmitte, please let me know.





Eagle out...


Wipe your glasses and look again.....It's not only in the particlesystem.ini, it's the very first entry in that file. :grin:

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DOH!!! How embarrassing!!!! I can't believe I actually missed that! thank you for pointing that to me... I still really can't believe I missed that... *tucks my head into my shirt in embarrassment*





Eagle out...

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