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Dear all,


i've SF1 Oct08 installed and downloaded some add-on fighters (MiG-21M, MiG-21Cz from column5, Mirage Factory's MiG-29, A-10 from column5, etc).

Some of them show white rectangulars where HUD or other switches are to see:


post-65780-054359500 1297522987.jpg

post-65780-005101600 1297522996.jpg


I've wrote to the developer of the MiG21M, he answered everything seems to be OK.

Some other planes (F-16Blk15 from column5) work properly.


Can anybody advise me, how to fix this? Maybe a re-install? ;-)

Thanks in advance,


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Go into cockpit folder.

Find a graphic called ***pitch.tga or something like it.

Bring up in a graphics program.(Photoshop,paintshop,etc.)

Resize to 640x640 or 1024x1024.

Then try it.

In the mod aircraft,sometimes the HUD tga's and bmp's need to be resized.

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everything what I did is it:


post-65780-004450100 1297792755.jpg


The cocpit of MiG-21M wasn't changed.

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everything what I did is it:




The cocpit of MiG-21M wasn't changed.


It's not that simple, one needs to save it as a 32-bit tga, in order to have the proper transparency. Paint.net does so as the default setting.

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