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I wanted to try getting the F-103 and the Spinners skinned Lightening into the same flight, but one will not carry the weapons

of the other, so I tried to tweak them.


If the requested jet in single can only carry a certain type, they aren't available for the other.


Ex. AIM-4 doesn't go on the Lightening, nor does the AIM-9 go on the ThunderWarrior.


So I rem'd out the StationSpecificCode on the F-103 by "// " on the line that read AIM-4, now nothing is available.


Do I tried increasing the weight, then diameter, and finally length. Still a no go.


Is there some other place that needs to be changed to allow an AIM-9B in 1965 for the TW?

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leave eerything alone, swap the aircraft on the Loadout Screen, reload weapons by hand on that screen, go fly



kevin stein

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That is how I usually do it, but the weapons available when you load the F-103 leaves empty drop downs when you choose the

F-112B as a wing-doggie.


If you Choose the F-103B on the single mission screen, accept, and choose 1-2 as an F-103, you got nothing again.


See what I mean?

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I don't know if ANY air to air missile will fit into the F-103s bays other than the AIM-4s.


It would be easier to adapt the Lighting to carry the AIM-4s.


Make sure for the Lightings to use the SpecificStationCode (best way is to duplicate the missile weapon stations to carry the AIM-4s).



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Of course, a 50/50 bet on which one to tweak, and I blow it.


Cool, I'll try the F-112B Lightening and negate my prior attempts...

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Just to put this one to bed, I did end up adding the StationSpecificCode=Aim-4 on the Lightening, and got the fully armed

mixed flight I was looking for;


post-310-071566800 1297709472.png


I would have preferred AIM-9's on the F-103, because the AIM-4 sucks mightily, but this works!

Edited by Spectre_USA

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