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Need help determining.....

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...which of these building in Wingwinner's Factory Pak is which...(meaning, I don't want to have to go through placing each one to find the ONE I want)





kevin stein

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There wasn't a "Buildings List" Folder in your download? What you're looking for is in that folder.

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well, it don't ID the individual strutures (like Julhelm's factory objects), just lists them.


i do know the "m-17" thingy is the little 'airconditioning unit' with the 3 pipes



kevin steing

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Maybe I'm missing something as the sample area matches up with the image names... but okay.

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ok, to clarify, this is what I'm looking for (again, using julhelm's as an example) Note that each item is labled.

in WW jpg, you can't tell what is what, since there's no positional offsets listed (along with no labling)


or, in another example, the stock 3W items ...in the other screenie. I think Polak did that one about 6-7 years ago.


the only way to determine, at this juncture, is to create an empty target area, insert 1 object at a time, screeshot it, label it and then assemble a 'montage' of the items. Too time consuming



kevin stein

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One doesn't exist you'll have to create it yourself.

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If you can trust my memory :dntknw:


post-30257-034828400 1297793358.jpg



you'll figure it out after a few tries :grin:

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thanks PB!!! And yes, I trust your memory!



kevin stein

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