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Just installed CFS3 on my old 'puter..Woot!

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I have to say despite the aging graphics, the game is a hoot. Plus it's got the most incongruous collection of aircraft, A Dornier 335? It is one of my Axis favorites, despite that it didn't see any action in the ET. Of course I crashed it bigtime trying to land somewhere near Cambridge, I got lost and decided to make a landing on a road. I was fine until I decided to make a turn before I hurt some trees.

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You landed on a road? Near Cambridge??? In a Dornier 335?????

Man, it's time you received OFF!!!


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I have to say despite the aging graphics, the game is a hoot. Plus it's got the most incongruous collection of aircraft, A Dornier 335? It is one of my Axis favorites, despite that it didn't see any action in the ET. Of course I crashed it bigtime trying to land somewhere near Cambridge, I got lost and decided to make a landing on a road. I was fine until I decided to make a turn before I hurt some trees.


I believe that's what we call "pulling a Hess." grin.gif

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Hey what can I say Olham, you like Albatrosses, I like Dorniers. :dntknw: Yeah the in-game map is a little hard to find, I'm used to the "M" key for SDOE- Fighter Squadron or the F4 key in TargetWare 0.64, to bring up a map. Couldn't for the life of me find where i was supposed to land.


Pulling a "Hess"? I'm sorry to be obtuse, but is this more Enigma speak? I'm ordering OFF. I just wanted to see what CFS3 was about, and work out how well it will work on my better machine. I am pretty impressed my old Athlon 800 mHZ game machine runs this at better than slide show frame rates. I'm getting about 17 to 24 FPS and this with flocks of attacking Spitties weaving around me.

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Don't worry - I can understand almost any excitement for aircraft, and the big Dornier Do 335 was a special craft.

It came - lucky for the bomber crews - too late to see service. The concept of one tractor and one pusher engine

was pretty unique, and the craft was very fast. Here is one which got tested by the British at Farnborough.

Photo courtesy of HWL Images.


Dornier has restored this craft for the American Smithsonian Institute some years ago, and it was exhibited in

Germany for a while, before it travelled back to New York.



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Pulling a Hess must refer to Rudolph Hess' landing his airplane in England for a supposed "peace offering" to England before the outbreak of WWII. I don't know if he crash landed or not, but he was interred for the duration of the war and held in prison as a war criminal.


Can anyone enlighten me as to why Hess was held as a war criminal in prison for the rest of his life since he left Germany before the war and never returned?

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Thank you, Olham. I had forgot that the Soviet Union objected to his release on humanitarian grounds even though the other Allied powers had sought his release.


I also had the date of his flight confused. I thought it was before the war, but it was early in the Spring of 1941, before the invasion of the Soviet Union. He wasn't found guilty of war crimes, but for "conspiracy to make aggressive war," along with one other count.


Apparently, he sought to convince Churchill to make peace with Germany in exchange for an agreement to look aside when the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union. It's interesting to speculate what might have happened if Churchill had taken up the offer (assuming the offer was authentic), but by then Churchill knew that the Nazis couldn't be trusted.

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A man like Hitler would have been unreliable for the British.

Hess may have really meant that; he was supposed to be a less hard Nazi - but then the whole ideology is better down the drain!

I still have nice memories for travelling England, as a free man in a free country - not as a member of an occupying force.

Under that lot, I wouldn't have been able to breathe properly.

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Pulling a Hess must refer to Rudolph Hess' landing his airplane in England for a supposed "peace offering" to England before the outbreak of WWII. I don't know if he crash landed or not, but he was interred for the duration of the war and held in prison as a war criminal.


Can anyone enlighten me as to why Hess was held as a war criminal in prison for the rest of his life since he left Germany before the war and never returned?


Bingo. My apologies for being a tad too obtuse with my historical references. grin.gif

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Well this is nice, I've started a British B25 shipping attack campaign and on my second mission the weather broke out wet and thundery and all the effects, including rain and lightning are running on my machine without a lot of slowdown. I'm pretty happy about this.


I realize that OFF will be more resource hungry but this is a good sign that if CFS3 runs on my old machine with a baseline setting of 4, that I'd expect that OFF would run on my newer machine.


This is so atmospheric it's phenomenal.

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