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Base Areas in Germany Terrain

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I've had WOV for about a year now and I've decided to make a campaign for it. I'm going to use the Germany terrain for it (http://combatace.com...rmany-for-sfp1/). My problem is, I can't find the information on the base areas for the forces and the names of the air bases for the units. Can anyone help me? The knowledge base isn't clear on how to do this.

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you can choose the base area as you want. Base area is the area which must conquered by the enemy to win the campaign. It has nothing to do with a capital.

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have you looked in the terrains' _targets.ini? Or the planning maps?? Planning Maps show all the airbases.


Also, if I;ve read the opening statement right, you ONLY have WoV? Without WoE (and the associated GErmanyCE terrain) ... well.... that's gonna cause some serious difficulties.



kevin stein

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Thanks for the help. I couldn't find the targets file and the planning map, but now I found them. This is my first campaign so its just going to be for me, so I work around any issues.

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