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"The Great War in the Air" is back up on You Tube

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Greetings All,


For those who might remember it, and for those who don't, "The Great War in the Air" video series is back up on You Tube as of this morning. I was not aware that this was the work of Rainbase, (aka Jan Goldstein), a long-time contributing member over at The Aerodrome. If you've never watched this video you owe it to yourselves to set some time aside and do so. It is very, very informative.


The Great War in the Air







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Ah, thanks Lou. I remember coming across these videos some time back but lost track of them since. This will make for some good watching today.

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This link used to be the INDEX when it was on Utube, maybe again, Who Knows http://www.raindesert.com/great_war/great_war_index.htm



I actually purchased the two DVD boxed set from Jan awhile back - viewed on a PC is great, but on a large TV some of the shots get a bit pixilated (probably increased in size from the originals) - still a very good buy though.

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