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3 questions about ECM

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Hi. How do you put an internal ECM ? I wrote this in the aircraft's data file but in the game the plane still doesn't have an internal ECM :









I wrote it in the Countermeasures section just below the already written Flares & Chaffs so what am i missing ?


Second question , what is the difference in gameplay terms between a deceptive jammer and a Noise jammer ?


And last question, i noticed that jammer strenght is rated from 1 to 100. So what would the strenght be for a modern day fighter ?



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Did you add SystemName[xxx]=ECM to the appropriate Component section?



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Did you add SystemName[xxx]=ECM to the appropriate Component section?




Uhmmm....i don't think so.....what am i suppose to add ? and where is the component section ? In the Aircraft_DATA ?

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Read through the data.ini...you will figure it out.



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Well i think i know what you're talking about. Thing is....i compared with other planes with integrated ECM and all they have at the Component section is something like this :













There is no mention of ECM here even though this plane hase an integrated ECM's.


as for the other 2 questions.....know anything ?



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Hey thanks , i did it :) . Now that i have the ECM, if someone knows the answer to the other 2 questions....it would be really cool !



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question 3 : i am using ,to modern figthers like the f-22 and su-35BM ,an JammerStrength=90-95, in this case the "lock" from a enemy become more hard. but its my opinion, you can use others values.

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I don't know how ECM is handled in the sim but noise versus deception goes like this :-


1) A noise jammer just outputs....noise. It's a brute force method, and the ground radar will eventually 'burn through' the jamming if you get close enough because it's got more power


2) Deceptive jamming uses clever ways to spoof enemy radars so that they mess with the range indication. Makes them think you are somewhere that you aren't

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I don't know how ECM is handled in the sim but noise versus deception goes like this :-


1) A noise jammer just outputs....noise. It's a brute force method, and the ground radar will eventually 'burn through' the jamming if you get close enough because it's got more power


2) Deceptive jamming uses clever ways to spoof enemy radars so that they mess with the range indication. Makes them think you are somewhere that you aren't


So basically in gameplay terms the effect is always the same. OK got it !! Thanks

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