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Airfields of Jagdgeschwader 1 "Richthofen"

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In late June 1917, Jagdgeschwader I was formed, and named "Richthofen" after it's most

successful nominated leader. It consisted of Jasta 4, 6, 10 and 11.

A pity this map didn't also reach down to the field of Jasta 11 and Jasta 4 at Marckebeke,

which was south of the Jasta 6 field at Bisseghem - just across the river Lys.

Right of the name "Bisseghem" on the map are the grey letters "Ch au", which must stand

for "Chateau". Richthofen's headquarter was at the Chateau at Marckebeke.

Below left, we see some blue handdrawn barracks, which I believe are the north-easter

edge of the aerodrome.

A bridge was built across the river Lys, to ensure good contact between the Jastas.

Jasta 10 was based at Heule.


Note the number of Hospitals at Courtrai.

Also the modifications and extensions of the railway lines, for better supply.



Edited by Olham

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And this is how it looks overlaid on the present day. As you can see, it's still an aerodrome... but a little bigger!



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Oh, a wonderful addition, Dej - so that is your Google Earth overlay project?

How far have you got? And is it pubicly available already?

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I have the bulk of Central Powers and Entente aerodromes in, and I'm working on the US ones. It's the map overlays that take time and I'm sourcing more trench maps than are at McMasters. So, no, it's not publicly available yet but I was planning to release an interim version in the summer... if I can put in the time what with a new house and new job.


You'll notice that where the hangers along the roadside in the trench map were are private houses now. I'd love to ask the owners if they ever turn up anything interesting when digging over their gardens.

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You'll notice that where the hangers along the roadside in the trench map were are private houses now.

I'd love to ask the owners if they ever turn up anything interesting when digging over their gardens.

Yes, I had similar thoughts about former airfields. But then, all the easy to recognise parts must have been colected by now.

You may find bolts, screws and minor parts still, but nothing too exciting, I assume.

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Nice job both of you gentlemen,




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Now I have made a new overlay from the field map, and erased all bright areas.

Also I have made a larger Google Maps satelite picture from Chateau de Béthune.

I hope I got the correct building - there is a smaller Chateau-like building slightly

higher and further east.



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Thank you for your help, Shredward.

Using another field map, I got the final overlay together for the airfields of Jastas 4, 6, 10 and 11.



Edited by Olham

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Olham, I took your photo and marked the location of Chateau de Bethune and site of many JG1 photos:




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Great; thank you, JFM.

I have just today received the book "In the Footsteps of the Red Baron".

It contains all his other airfields - something I always wanted to see.

Now I have a good traveller's guide.

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