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OT...pulling my hair out

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Been getting into some more modern combat sims....SF2V with the gold mod is great fun...really enjoy it.... I remember F22 total air war and before that F117 by microprose and before that Falcon by spectrum holobyte and finally Gunship....all these old games I really enjoyed....I could actually get somewhere and could spend awhile on a mission getting immersed...



Now Lock on Flaming Cliffs 2 is a lesson in frustration....I take off....I fly my Navs...I turn on radar I go to BVR...I fiddle with radar until I finally get a blip...I desperately try to lock on..I lock on...I wait for range to decrease...I hear a message that the other plane has already fired his missile...I fire mine....my missiles are made by imbeciles...his are made by deathstar industries...I try and do evasive manuovers...hit the flare and chaff key as often as possible...then whack...either dead or need to eject..so I go to enemy view and he is still happily flying around...I re spawn...I turn on my radar I hear he has fired a missile...I'm dead again....over and over again....the actual combat last a couple of minutes...so I try heat seekrs only mission...before I get the shoot message the Mig has fired off one already so it's repeat and rinse...


All this is I'm sure realistic....but where is the fun?? My aim120's dont seem to be fire and forget...more like fire and they forget.....older sims you fired a couple of those and 9 times out of 10 the enemy was down and out...also I get a lock on...I fire my aim120....but I can't unlock to lock up another as I know you can lock multiple air targets...I hit the unlock key to no avail...


All in all this is why I prefer WW1 and WW2...up close and personnel...and it's about flying skill...rather than some kind of tech wizard....the older modern sims where fun...as they hwere a little more simplistic....I know FC2 isn't anything like DCS but I can't get to grips in how I'm supposed to be flying in combat at BVR....to get my missiles to actauly work...

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I remember in the other great mostly forgotten sim F16 Combat Pilot it was similar but there were several techniques to avoid missiles, IIRC turning 90 degrees to the missile and rolling so it was above you then pulling hard towards it as it closed (timing was everything) and firing chaff or flares etc at the same moment. When you occassionally got close to see the other guys canopy it was a brief glimps, cannons were almost never used.

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Well...I gave up on LOck On FC2.....instead I downloaded FreeFalcon 5.....lots of stability issues but there are work arounds...though more complicated you do actaully get to fly around and kill things...excellent free game....

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Well...I gave up on LOck On FC2.....instead I downloaded FreeFalcon 5.....lots of stability issues but there are work arounds...though more complicated you do actaully get to fly around and kill things...excellent free game....


Yeah... LOMAC is fun, if you're a trained fighter pilot..I found it frustrating and too difficult too...it's supposed to be fun...this sim just wasnt for me

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