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Ok guys be gentle with me here, I've made another hangar & in max itself everything looks fine to me but in game its tilted over to one side, I've tried 2 or 3 variations of it but I always end up with the same problem, strange as all the others turned out ok.


Have I done summat stupidly wrong & its staring me in the face.......... :dntknw:





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Have you done a Reset XForm? (Save the file first!)


Then, once you're done, make sure to do a proper Transform with the pivot point.


Also, if this is a multiple mesh model, unlink all the parts first, then Reset XForm each part, then Transform the pivots, THEN relink the parts.



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Blimey m8....all way above my head, But I'll look into it.....thanks.

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Well Harold, I owe you one m8, I had'nt got a clue what you were on about but with the help of the 3ds help files I did everything you said and all is now good. :clapping:



Many thanks m8.

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"Reset pivot" and "Reset XForm" can do wonders. :D


But there's nothing worse than modeling an aircraft, exporting it to the sim and noticing that it's backwards because the root node hasn't been oriented correctly. :lol:




- Edit:

Nice shelter, btw.



I still have models for grass walls in various lengths, Warsaw Pact style hardened shelters (open/closed), concrete blast deflector walls in various lengths and GDR style ramp lights in 3DS Max 9 formats that got used in a never released Trollenhagen airbase scenery in FSX.


If anyone wants them for SFP1/2 use, gimme a shout.

Edited by Heretic

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Another technique I use is to create a new mesh (usually a box) and set the pivot for it how I need it.

Then I attach the object I want to the box I have just made. (It takes on the pivot from the box)

Finally, I delete the verticies or faces for the box leaving only the object I want with the correct pivot.


Long winded but works for me when Reset Pivot or Reset XForm don't.



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