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OT FSX Deluxe Install Issue

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Hi have had FSX Deluxe installed on my old computer witn XP32 Pro SP3 and it ran without any hickups. Asus P5Q Deluxe board, quad core 2.4 -775 chip and 3gb of ram,9800gt 512mb vid card.Coolermaster 500watt PS.


Built a new computer and use Windows 7 64bit Pro SP1. Asus sabreTooth X58 board with the drivers that came with the board, I-7 950 @ 3.07 1366 chip, 6gb ram, 460 1gb vid card stock drivers from the enclosed cd version and Corsair 650watt PS.


Cannot get FSX Deluxe to install more than 30-33% of the way. The install hangs and I recieve the blue screen of death. The error code on the blue screen dissapears before I can get the error code.


Have searched Google all afternoon, most common solution was to copy all the DVD files to a folder on the desktop and run setup from there. Still progress is the same and result is the same.


The total files from the DVD's are 8.16gb. After 4 attempts of installing FSX in default Programs files 86x the FSX folder is sitting at 6.72gb.


Do I keep trying to install over what is there and hope to christ it installs fully??


New as a freshly hatched chick to Windows7 and not liking it one bit.


Ran dxdiag and it tells me everything is working, however I don't know how to attach it to this so maybe anyone else could look at it and tell me what the issue is maybe. Just figured out the attach thingy sorry.


I don't belong to any FSX forums and I see that quite a few of the members here use FSX as well so thought here maybe a good place to start. Haven't tried to install OFF on this computer yet because of issues as this.


On a side note all other programs and games have installed fine and work as they are supposed to, ie. Black Ops, Modern Warfare 1 and 2. Silent Hunter 3, IL2 1946.


Any help would be appreciated. Thank You.


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Not sure what is wrong as I have FSX installed to a windows 7, but there is one thing you could try.

Install to another location than "C:\Program files" Some people have reported problems installing and running games in the program directory.


There are a few titles that I am having problems with in Win7. What I have done is use hot swap drive bays to swap out 2 hard drives. One with XP and one with win7.


To me win7 is no better than vista for getting programs to run. Others have had more luck though.


Sorry I can not be of more help.



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I only installed FSX twice, both under Win XP, a rig similar to your previous one. Never used Win 7, so I'm no help either but I can suggest that you try your luck over at AVSIM forum, some guys over there are really into it.

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I have it running fine on W7 64bit....The Blue Screen worries me somewhat.


You can make the blue screen stay...so you can read the error however, and I suggest you do so.


To do this in W7 open Control Panel..click on System... on the left side of the screen you will see 'Advanced System Settings, ... click on that...and the 'System Properties' box will appear.


select the 'Advanced' tab at the top (if it's not already selected)


Third one down says 'Startup and recovery'.... click on the settings tab next to it


Untick the 'Automatically restart box


Try reinstalling FSX again..and when it hangs...you will be able to read the Blue Screen information.


Post back here with the results, and we'll try to help get you sorted :good:

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Hi TSmoke,


Widowmaker has offered up some good advice there. Allow me add a bit more hopefully "good" advice as well.


I saw a similar situation to your's a while back on a brand new system. Turned out to be a bad memory stick. The OS install went flawlessly, so did the installation of a couple of "smaller" apps. Every time we tried installing a larger program, BOOM! Bluescreen. Because the system was new, I pulled two of the 3 RAM sticks out just to see what would happen. Sure enough, another blue screen while trying to install the same app. Swapped the single "suspect" RAM module out with one of the other two and the app installed without a hitch, which made it easy enough to figure out which stick was bad, although we did do further tests with the bad stick just to make sure. It occurred to me that perhaps the OS install and smaller apps weren't affected due to the system never really going into "high memory" use under those conditions. Bottom line is, it may be worth your while to start checking your RAM. Physical removal of two sticks and running on one would be the ticket. If the system craps out again, simply swap to one of the other two sticks, wash, rinse and repeat until you've eliminated RAM as the possible culprit.


Also......looking at your DXDIAG, it appears that you have two optical drives present. Have you tried both of these devices as opposed to just the one? If not, might be an idea to give the other one a whirl.


One other often overlooked detail.....make SURE you disable any and all anti-virus/spyware utilities when attempting the install. I doubt that has anything to do with the problem you're seeing, but it sure as heck won't hurt anything.


If none of this helps, hopefully someone here is good at deciphering blue-screen error messages (because I'm certainly not). However, with any luck it won't be that nasty IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL stuff......which can literally be like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack.


BTW.....please try to be patient with Win7. It takes a bit of getting used to, but once you've overcome some of it's minor annoyances, it's a rock solid, feature-rich, and very reliable OS. Just to clarify, you can ask anyone here and they'll tell you I'm the furthest thing from being a Mickeysoft fanboi.






Edited by Parky

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Have to agree with Parky...This has 'dodgy' RAM written all over it!

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OK thanks guys will give your suggestions a whirl. Reset the automatically start thingy so I can get the wonderful blue screen to stay and write down the code.


Now that the RAM was mentioned on my other computer there was one time that the same thing happened and now that Parky refreshed my memory I had to do the exact same thing. Swap out one stick of RAM at a time to find the crappy one. Will give this a shot, at least the RAM has warranty.


Yes I did try installing from the second DVD drive as well same result.


Thanks for your help fellas.

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OK I pulled all of my RAM out installed one stick and rebooted 3 times per stick. They all booted up individually and in different slots. So that kinda ruled out the RAM issue.


Killed all anti-virus crap and spyware junk.


Managed to get through disk 1 and then it started on disk 2 ran for approx. 2 mins and stalled out, but no error messages or the dreaded blue screen.


Unistalled what managed to install did the registry clean thing to get rid of all traces of FSX.


Retied the install and holy crap it actually installed fully and it even runs. Bloody Microsoft can't they ever get anything right??


Anyways guys thanks for your help and ideas, it did help and is much appreciated.

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As long as it works......that's the main thing.


Glad you got it sorted.





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