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TextureList won't load !?

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Hi my TE crashes when i try to load the WOE texture list, im currently following the tutorial here and im at Part 3. I have to load the texture list but TE crashes everytime, i did the tga to bmp conversion and all that but.....im using WOE with NATO Fighters 4 that has the 4 seasoned Germany. Could that be ?

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Okay i found out that i have to load the TextureList from the TE folder and not the oane from the Terrains folder....and this time it doesn't crashes.....but it seems that nothing happens...when i click on "view texture file" it's all white....

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Moved to the proper Forum


REMINDER: Do NOT post question in the Knowledge Base ... it's for ANWERS only; question go here, in the regular forums

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I finally made it, but maaan that was a headache! I didn't extract the tiles from GermanyCE because they were already extracted in Germany folder......but i didn't notice the tiles were 512 x 512....


Oh and sorry i didn't know that !

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OK now i really have a problem !! Why is it that instead of water i get green fields when autotexturing ? Yes i converted the necessary TGA's into bmp's and yes they are all 256x256. So what then ?

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Green tiles everywhere may be from incorrect numbering or labeling in Texturelist. TE defaults to I think the first tile type defined, not sure. You could poast your Texturelist you are using now. There is a sneaky little numbering snare, in that...


Given [TextureTypeList]'s TypeNameXYZ=tilename, where XYZ is an integer, XYZ = ( 1 + TextureType= ) = ( 1 + TransitionTo=).


Like in my terrain: Sea's TypeName XYZ is [001], but Sea's Textype = 0 and TransTo = 0.


If you miss the shift of 1, its all wrong.




OK now i really have a problem !! Why is it that...


I know, it gets worse and worse.


Until one day, it all works.


And you start to think, its not so bad, because you forget how hard it was to learn, which is why I'm not sure how to help now.


Here is my TE Learning thread back in 2005 where Deuces pushed me screaming and kicking into figuring all this out.


~ http://combatace.com/topic/8781-terrain-editor-and-hfd

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Green tiles everywhere may be from incorrect numbering or labeling in Texturelist. TE defaults to I think the first tile type defined, not sure. You could poast your Texturelist you are using now. There is a sneaky little numbering snare, in that...


Given [TextureTypeList]'s TypeNameXYZ=tilename, where XYZ is an integer, XYZ = ( 1 + TextureType= ) = ( 1 + TransitionTo=).


Like in my terrain: Sea's TypeName XYZ is [001], but Sea's Textype = 0 and TransTo = 0.


If you miss the shift of 1, its all wrong.





The Texturelist that i am using is the one that comes with the TE so i suppose everyone has it. It's not that the green tile are everywhere, but they appear instead of water ! Everything on land is OK. And thanks for the answer :)

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This screenshot will hopefully make things more clear...




I really want to develop this terrain more, but right now i can't move on because of this....

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looks like it's time to start hand tileing the transitions, eh???


btw, have you tried the function pointed to in the screenie below???



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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yes i tried the "transition texture" function and it makes everything look better but still no water tiles.....the "black sea" is made of green tiles.....




Edited by Rapadelic

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uh, those mystery green tiles look different than the other tiles. What are they called, and are they different from the others, and what is the sequential relationship between the water and mystery green set ups in the Texturlist?


TE comes with a Texturelist file? I never knew that. No, I don't have it.


When viewing the heightmap in TE, is the water blue?




My guess is the water is not properly set up, so TE defaults to the next tile type, which would be the mystery green stuff if my guess is right. Its just a guess though, assuming this "TE" Texturlist is flawed somehow, or something. Keep at it, you will get there.

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OKAY I FOUND THE PROBLEM !!!! I can't belive this is not mentioned in the Knowlege Base. When you convert the TGA's to BMP , REMOVE THE ALPHA LAYER !!! When i first did the conversion, i simply converted the TGA's and that's all. But it seems TE doesn't recognise them. I re-converted the TGA's this time removing the alpha layer and now it all works as it should. The Black Sea has water. I dunno if this is normal to do , but it works for me.....

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photoshop (at least the 2 verions I have) does that automatically. IE: 'save as...bmp' and it removes the alpha channel


Lex -- that's the GermnayCE tileset. The "A" series tiles is a dead give-away (the snowy mountains)



kevin stein

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Just a quick question.......is it normal when you autotexture the terrain to have city tiles placed randomly on the map just like other tiles ? I tried setting to 0 the Random Factor and it still shows up. I'm thinking to put a minimum altitude, this way city tiles never show up when autotexturing.....what do you think ?

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Could someone explain to me what is the function of the River List ? Does it have the same function as City List ? This subject is not really covered so much in KB. Can't i just lay river tiles why do i have to make a river list or even name them ?

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don't do a damn thing ... just like the 'roads' function. Ignore it; you'll have to link them by hand (see the downloads section for pre-painted alignment lined tiles)



kevin stein

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don't do a damn thing ... just like the 'roads' function. Ignore it; you'll have to link them by hand (see the downloads section for pre-painted alignment lined tiles)



kevin stein


Thanks Wrench.


Can someoane tell me how to fix this ? Right now i'm doing the Danube River the second biggest river in Europe si i can't just use a normal river tile, it's way too small. So i exported the heightmap bmp, and basically painted the river on the map and then used it with TE. I have to say that the result is pretty good except that in SOME places i get this :



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Adjust Sea Level (which WILL cause some very interestering effects --keep a backup of the HFD, as you're gonna need it)



kevin stein

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Adjust Sea Level (which WILL cause some very interestering effects --keep a backup of the HFD, as you're gonna need it)



kevin stein


Thanks, i tried that and i noticed some improvement, but there the problem remains in some places. Should i adjust Sea Level again ? Or it's just a one time function?

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missing tiles

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missing tiles


But i can assure you i have all the tiles i need.....all 123 tiles.....

Besides adjusting sea level is there anything else i can do for the humping water ? I have a feeling it all comes down to manual tiling...:mda:

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then I'd start checking placements ... because I can assure you, you're missing the GC75A or GC75B on those corners.


And, like I said a few posts back, you WILL be doing s**tloads of manual tiling ... trust me, there ain't no one around here that knows that better than I



kevin stein

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then I'd start checking placements ... because I can assure you, you're missing the GC75A or GC75B on those corners.



Evidence :grin:



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