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TextureList won't load !?

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just because the tiles are in the terrain folder, dosn't mean they're placed/located in TFD (in my terrains, there's sometime a few extra tiles I've made, that aren't used)


Here's an idea ... go back into the TE, and hand place the corner tiles in the locations where they're supposed to go, and recheck that location in game. Then, triple check the data ini, and make sure they're listed in it



kevin stein

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OK i have an interesting update regarding those white tiles mentioned above. Wrench said in his tutorials that after every save in TE i have to copy the backup terrain_data and replace the one that TE makes (hope i got it right) Thing is i forgot about that step, and unsurprisingly my water was white. But what does that have to do with those white tiles ? Well it seems that, after replacing the terrain_data, not only my water is blue now but ALL those white tiles disappear now !! What's the connection ? Have no idea. BUT, i have learned that every time i solve a problem i should expect a new one to appear :yes: So basically, my cities are now empty, meaning that those small buildings that normally appear over city tiles are now gone. Doooh....:rolleyes:

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missing the associated TOD files (which includes not only the buildings, but the trees as well)



kevin stein

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missing the associated TOD files (which includes not only the buildings, but the trees as well)



kevin stein


Yes, i have partially resolved this one , by simply copying all the files from GermanyCE (i'm using WOE + NF4). I say partially because even though my cities have buildings again, the texturing is a little weird, like windows on the rooftop. Basically, im using the same terrain_data and terrain_types and the same files from the Germany terrain,for compatibility of course, otherwise i'm missing things on the map, .....it seems this texturing prob is connected with 2 textures, namely CE_City1 and CE_City_outskirts.....hmmmm.....

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there is no such stock tile as "outskirts". that one's Stary's.


the texturing is a little weird, like windows on the rooftop


wrong terobjects_buildings.bmp



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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So what should i do? I mean if i delete those 2 textures, the buildings disappear but if i keep them i'll have buildings with the entrance door on the roof or something like that. I don't have this prob when playing on Germany map, so there must be something that i'm missing :help:

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you need to use stary's TODs (and associated terobject bmps and tgas) from his Enhanced GermanyCE set (as this is the tileset seemingly being used -even if the screenie above says different- rather than taking the easy way, and just learning from a stock setup -like everyone else has! Start with stock, then as experience is gained begin adding/creating/whatever new tiles)


What you need to do, is open the STOCK GermanyCE_Data.ini, and stary's enhanced GermanyCE_Data.ini, and go line by line in the tile descriptors, and see what the differences are. They'll be quite obvious. The major one, being the difference between 123 vs 142 tiles


If you're going to use star's tiles/tods, you MUST use his data ini (and by inference, texturelist.ini, and a TFD created FROM the enhanced tileset).

Edited by Wrench

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Problem solved :laugh: Can you tell me wich method is best for placind ground objects ? The one with DEBUG mode you explained in other thread or the one where you place object inside TE via Edit Texture Map List ? Im getting closer to that chapter and im unsure as how to proceed.... :unsure:

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Also, when should i start placing roads and rivers? Before setting "Transition Tiles" or after ? Is there a problem if i start placing them with transition tiles already set ? Thanks in advance.

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Oh boy, i'm about to have a seizure! Good thing i have a backup. Why is it that Transition Texture f***s up all my manual tiling ? Chunks of road are missing for example! :helpme:



Edited by Rapadelic

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get rid of those 3-ways around the cities ... that was the missing tile was shown above. Retile the city edges with the GC 25/50/75. Try to stay away as much as possible from the screwy RGC/RCG tiles. They suck. Also, you city isn't linked to the road network, you'll need teh GC-RoadS for those.

Linking roads is a f***ing NIGHTMARE!!!! ... wait till the New Korea comes out, and you'll see. The entire penninsula is linked by a massive road network ... from the Sea of Japan (and IN Japan too,) to the Chinese and Russian borders, and points in-between.

Remember, too, there are NO R-series road tiles (although, easy enough to make)


and, you might want to consider doing this (look at the screenie) to all tiles in the TE folder. Yes, I AM a fracking genius!!! (why do you think mine come out aligned perfectly, everytime?)

Edited by Wrench

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get rid of those 3-ways around the cities ... that was the missing tile was shown above. Retile the city edges with the GC 25/50/75. Try to stay away as much as possible from the screwy RGC/RCG tiles. They suck. Also, you city isn't linked to the road network, you'll need teh GC-RoadS for those.

Linking roads is a f***ing NIGHTMARE!!!! ... wait till the New Korea comes out, and you'll see. The entire penninsula is linked by a massive road network ... from the Sea of Japan (and IN Japan too,) to the Chinese and Russian borders, and points in-between.

Remember, too, there are NO R-series road tiles (although, easy enough to make)


and, you might want to consider doing this (look at the screenie) to all tiles in the TE folder. Yes, I AM a fracking genius!!! (why do you think mine come out aligned perfectly, everytime?)


1- You mean the 3 way roads? The intersection ?

2- You can also manually place transition tiles? If so, what happends when i click Transition Tiles ? As far as i've seen, a transition tile "links" 2 different tiles in order to make them appear seamless, so a transition tile sits somwhere in between those 2 tiles. So how im supposed to place one ?

3- Why is linking roads a nightamare ? I mean i saw that roads have intersection so linking them is pretty easy i think.......actually linking rivers is pretty nasty since i don't see any river-intersection tiles....

4- LAST ONE :yes: What exactly did you do in your screenshot ? Is it the same thing you did to the road tiles ? Painting them to be more visible ?

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You can also manually place transition tiles?

as I said at the very beginning -- you're GOING to be hand-placing s**tloads of tiles. The autotile feature is only good for the basic shape -and even then gets it wrong more than half the time. So, get used to working one tile at a time --that's how it gets done


Painting them to be more visible ?


yup. paint the transition edges with contrasting colors of a bright nature


the 3-ways I'm speaking of are the transition TILES you have at the city -- city to grass to farm (C/R/G -- don't know why the texture types calls a "G" tile farm, and an "R" tile grass ???. Yet another oddity)

Look at the city in my screenie above -- city/grass on all the transitions


as for roads .. each tile MUST be linked by hand, using the various ones given

in the screenies below, are the Kobe/Osaka region of Japan (that's lake biwa in the corner), and Pyongyank NK. Like I said, the roads run all over...from Kobe all the way to Shimonoseki at the extream s/w end of honshu. The NK roads run evrywhere....and there's lots in the PRC that won't get seen until the post-KW version is released. too much detail to list


also, on the G-RIVS tile, you'll be throwing bridges across the river to link the road on oppsite sides of the river



Edited by Wrench

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Hmmm today i did a little experiment. I noticed that all the road tiles are considered R Grass in the texturelist. Out of curiosity, i replaced R Grass with G Field on all the road tiles. When i clicked Transition Texture.......most of my road network is almost intact now ! There are still potholes here and there, but compared with my last screenshot, it's waaay better. Any idea why ? Btw, i tried uploading a new screenshot to compare it woth my last one but it sais that i've used 2.37 mb of my 2 mb upload qutoa. What's up with that ? Actually if i remember, yesterday my upload quota was just 1 mb.....Anyway, what do you think ?

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Update. Right now im pretty much done with the terrain work. Roads done, rivers done, cities done, airfields done, manual tiling done. Now target placement. :boredom:

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Okay i think i need a little help from Wrench here. Im using some objects from Israel2 terrain but im having difficulties locating the texture for the following objects :








Usually textures are named just like the LOD for easy recognition but in this case it seems its different. So cand you please tell me the textures associated with those LOD's ? Thanks in advance.

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Usually textures are named just like the LOD for easy recognition


NEVER assume that with terrain objects (or groundobjects for that matter). You'll find its pretty much never the case.


Easy way to find what texture goes with which lod: open the LOD with a hex editor (use XVI32 - and it's easy and even better -its free!!!), "Search" for bmp and tga. Copy/Paste said textures into you new terrain.


It's how wel all do it, and we don't always keep the items stored seperatly

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Is there a Dam groundobject ? Since im now doing target placement i would really need a Dam so i can recreate the Iron Gates dam on the Danube. Besides realism it would also provide for a nice bombing target for the Red side :grin: Is there anywhere such a thing ? Thanks

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There's a lots of dam(n) groundobjects!!!!


sorry, couldn't resist!!! :rofl:


actually, the correct terminology would be 'terrain object', as you'd put it INTO the terrain folder, just like any other building.



kevin stein

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actually, the correct terminology would be 'terrain object', as you'd put it INTO the terrain folder, just like any other building.



kevin stein


Sorry :grin: So is there a dam terrain object ? I promise it'll blow up nicely :grin:

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So i take it that nobody cand lend me a dam ? In that case switch to pland B, but i still need your help though.....

Plan B means, modelling the dam myself, but the problem is i don't have 3DSmax, so i will do the modelling in Blender.When im done i can export the model to .3DS or COLLADA (dae), but someone has to import the model in max and convert it to LOD.

So Wrench can you lend a hand on this one ?

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not a 3d guy.



and to be totally honest, dams/resivours are completly impossible to make "look" like they should, due to the internal heightfield of the terrrain (so are waterfalls, unless you count rivers that point straight down)


been aaaalllllllllllllll through that with the Hwachon and Chosin resiviours in KAW (to say nothing of the Missiouri, Mississippi, Chicago and various and sundry rivers in the MidWestUSA)



kevin stein

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Well actually i was thinking laying the dam over water just like you do with bridges.....and since the water level is 0 all the pieces would be on the same level....well it's a shame i have to let go to this target area....and i was also thinking of making The Palace of the Parliament, wich is the second biggest administrative building in the world after the Pentagon....it would have been a nice landmark :yes:

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Wrench, i just downloaded your Terrain Flags looking for 2 flags for use on my terrain. I found one, the NATO flag, but i could also use a Romanian flag wich isn't in the pack. Could you please do one when you have time ? Obviously i'll give u credit for it :grin:

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I noticed a strage behavior while doing some test missions. It seems some objects only appear when they shoot at me. like for example some SAM's are invisible until they either detect me or shoot at me. Same thing for warships. Know anything about this ?

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