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Idk what im doin wrong

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I have wings over europe. And the game was running properly, now im having problems with the game? As i chose the germany enviroment and i start playin then when i down i press escape, and it crashes the game is their anything i can do to fix this problem and please verify thanks???....

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Aside of your main install dude, try installing in a second place of you hard drive. This second install, don't apply any mod into it.


Then do whatever you want on your main install and, whenever you have a problem, check the second install. If it works, then it means you made something wrong on your main install. :good:




Then you just need to copypaste from the second to your main to get it back working.

Edited by Nix

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What patch level and operating system are you running? This sounds like the old pre 08 patch level bug on Vista,

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