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Iran-Iraq War Campaign Issue with SP1

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Hello all,


I am running Iran-Iraq War campaign in SP1 on XP.


The problem is that only in campaign, not single missions, the terrain is completely blank and untextured. See photos below. Also check the IR folder in the terrain folder. It has no tiles at all!


I downloaded Iran-Iraq War Terrain by Wrench but it crashes the campaign. Wrench says the package is designed for SP2 and not SP1.


Anybody can help resolve this issue in SP1?


Thank you.





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A quick fix should be to Copy and Paste the Desert.cat file from your Desert folder to the IR folder.

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or to be using the cat pointer line....

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or to be using the cat pointer line....


Thank you guys for your help but nothing worked until I improvised something today and it actually worked! :)


Although the "Iran-Iraq Terrain" package by Wrench is designed for SP2, I simply copied all files from my old IR folder into the new IR folder by Wrench and overwrote all similar files and Viola! Now, I have terrain in my SP1 campains as well, although it looks kinda weird and not accurate but sill better than blank.


See photo below.



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I simply copied all files from my old IR folder into the new IR folder by Wrench and overwrote all similar files


so, you went and overwrote weeks and weeks of work, on the terrain itself and the targets ini -which is 95% realworld- with the old, inaccurate targets ini and whatever else from the original? Just to play a campaign that's outdated?



This gives me lots to think on

Edited by Wrench

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so, you went and overwrote weeks and weeks of work, on the terrain itself and the targets ini -which is 95% realworld- with the old, inaccurate targets ini and whatever else from the original? Just to play a campaign that's outdated?



This gives me lots to think on


I had to do it, not for only playing a campaign, but for a project that I'm working on. Hopefully, when I install SP2 on my PC, I will use your correct and updated terrain package.

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