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Bombing without CCIP Sight

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I've been playing WOE for 2-Years now just playing single missions with modern jets since i read that the campaigns are pretty boring, so i'm use to dropping bombs with the CCIP. But i'm thinking of trying the campaigns so i started practicing with some of the older 60s jets with no real hud. Now i find it difficult hitting my target while dropping bombs. Is there a way use some kind of Targeting sight on these old Cockpits?

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For starters, the campaigns can be anything but boring depending on which you are doing. Want a truly insane challenge? Do a tour or two in WOV Gold. Second, fly DiD and see how long you can fly with one pilot.


As for bombing? Get the Range mod and practice. Soon you'll be instinctivly rolling your aircraft into a 45 degree dive with ease and making textbook drops. Since you'll have no CCIP, stick and rudder work will be needed to get the job done.

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