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Guest lttradiumlevans

Troubles in SF2

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Guest lttradiumlevans

Hi everybody,


I experience, from the beginning of my SF2 usaing, one main trouble. I haven't found any solution yet on this problem, so, I wanted to post it there.


Everytime I want to go to loadout screen, I may be able to switch weapons, but, if I stay too long on the screen, or if I change two or three time the weapon, or the color scheme, I experience a crash of SF2 (series, not WOI/WOV/WOE). This crash is really anoying, because I cannot enjoy the game fully.


My computer is equiped with a Dual Core (1.60ghz)/2048RAM DDR2/Geforce 8400GS 1024RAM.


is it not enough?


I already installed the latest patch, but, nothing works...


Thank you for your help.



Edited by lttradiumlevans

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Have you posted this at the Thirdwire forum?


Have you updated your drivers? DirectX?


Just something off the top of my head to look at.



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was there a WinDoze error message associated with the CTD, or just stright down to the desktop??? Error messages are important!



kevin stein

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Guest lttradiumlevans

Nothing special... Only usual Windows crash message, like "strike fighter 2 is going to close". I am going to try St0rm solution. Thank you for your help!

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Guest lttradiumlevans

Thank you, finally, it works with geforce drivers updating!


Thank you for your help!

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